[참고문헌·참고자료: 과달라하라]

[참고문헌·참고자료: 과달라하라]

참고 문헌

김희순·이호상, 2010, “라틴 아메리카의 국제항공네트워크 성장과 공간적 상호작용의 변화”, 『한국도시지리학회지』, 제13권 제1호, pp.61〜77.
Gonzalez de la Rocha, M., 1995, “Restructración social en dos metropolitanas: un análisis de grupos domésticos en Guadalajara y Monterrey”, Estudios Sociológicos, 38, pp.261〜281.
INEGI, 2011, ⅩⅢ, Panorama de las Religiones en México, Ags., México.
Logan, K., 1979, “Migration, Housing, and Integration: The Urban Context of Guadalajara, Mexico”, Urban Anthropology, 8(2), pp.131〜148.
SEDESOL-CONAPO-INEGI, 2012, Delimitación de las Zonas Metropolitanas de México, 2010, D.F., México.
van Young, E., 2006, Hacienda and Market in Eighteenth Century Mexico: the Rural Economy of the Guadalajara Region, 1675-1820(2nd edition), Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD.

참고 자료

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