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★영어 해석 좀 해주세요 ★급해요 내공있음

작성일 2005.05.01댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

좀 길어도 번역기 사용 안하고 해주시면 고맙겠습니다 ^ㅂ^

Can machines be as intelligentas human beings?
There is a lot of discussion these days about artificial-in telligence machines and their relation to human intelligence. People in many different occupations are involved in  this discussion. They want to know how artificial intelligence will improvw their lives. They also want to know if "intelligent" machines can be harmful to them. They would like to know what scientists predict for  their future.

Some computer scien tisrs are daveloping machines that can be programmed to think and act in some ways like human beings. As inventors work on their project, they are learning more about a computer's capabilities in relation to a human's. One team of experts in California is developing an artificial-intelligence research machine. It will offer services and advice like a thoughtful assistant. Imagine a zoology student in a colloge. She is using this computer to outline a report on certain animals. Her computer notices some key words such as lions, tigers, and bears. It will then ask the student a question: "would you like me to do some research on lions, tigers, and bears?" If the answer is yes, the machine will communicate with another research service for related material. It wil be able to tell the student which facts are more important than others for her paticular report. It might even tell the student which facts it thinks are interesting and which ones are boring. With such a "smart" machine at her fin-gertrips, this student will not be late in handing in her report to her zoology instructor

 A "smart" machine such as this one would bo capable of helping people in a variety oh professions. For example, it could work tirelessly to help a doctor identify a person's illness. It might summarize a reporter's news story, help a lawyer fight a court case, ang even make up a quiz for an English teacher. Someday doctors, reporters, lawyers, and teachers might want to consult an artificial-intelligence psychologist for advice on their personal problems.

What happens when scientists take a "smart" machine and make it move? They get a robot. Robots are capable of performing a series oh motions without stopping. Robot arms are used today in many facotries, but without a "head" they aren't really "intelligent." However, some new robots are quite extraordinary.

When a team of scientists working in Antarctica wanted to explore the vol-cano Mount Erebus, they designed Dante to do the job. Dante is a robot. It is over nine feet long, over five feet wide, and weighs almost one thousand prounds. It looks like a giant spider with eight legs that can move in all directions at a speed of six and a half feet a minute. In the center of its body is a pole holding six video cameras, three looking forward and three looking back to give a 360°view of an area

The scientists gave Dante instructions in how to climb down a steep slope. They taught it how to step over rocks and how to avoid dangerous objects in its path. They figured that it would take Dante twenty-four hours to complete its journey seven hundred feet down to the lake of lava at the bottom of the vol-cano. Once at the bottom, Dante would take temperature readings, measure the composition of the gases, and collect samples of minerals. It would send pictures back up to the control team. When its explorations were over, Dante would clim back up to safety

Filled with the knowledge of how to do every thing, Dante seemed ready for its job. Placed at the edge of the volcano, it started down. But after trveling only a few feet, Dante stopped dead. The cable aonnecting it to its controllers had broken. Even the smartest, most extraordinary robots, like people, can become disabled.

Dante's controllers were disappointed with their experiment, but they didn't give up. They say that they can learn from their failures, and as they get smarter, so will Dante. An improved Dante can then provide them with information never before available about the gases and minerals in side a volcano. The gases and minerals in Mount Erebus may be responsible for the hole in the ozone layer that developes over Antarctica each year. The hole allows increased rays from the sun that can cause cancer. The scientists say that Dante is an important new tool that can help solve some of our environmental problems. They also say that someday more advanced descendants of Dante will be sent to explore the planet Mars.

Some robots of the future may also do ordinary jobs. There may be robot gas-station attendants that can fill a thak without the driver leaving the car. Robot dressmakers will construct a dress to exact measurement while the woman is having a cup of coffee in the dress shop. Perhaps everyine will have a personmal robot for the home. Imagine what a robot will do for you!

Can science and technology take us too far by programming intelligence into machines? Some people think there is a danger in this. They say that these machines will take over jobs and leave many people unemployed. Scientists think differently. They say that artificial-intelligence will free people from difficult, dangerous, or boring work. Then people can use their abilities and time for more creative occupations. Some people see another kind of danger. They are afraid that intelligent machines or robots will become smarter than humans and turn into evil monsters. Scientists answer this fear simply : People will always be in control of "smart" machines. The prediction is for a good working relationship between human beings and their tireless helpers.

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