이상한 메일해석부탁 빨리여

이상한 메일해석부탁 빨리여

작성일 2008.09.04댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

전에 이분한테 편지가왔는데

단어찾다가 이분이 보낸거랑 비슷한내용 의 편지를 지식인에서 찾았거든요..

좀 이상해서 답장안보냈는데 또왔어요 이번엔 무슨 뜻인줄 몰라서 씹기도 뭐하네요...

해석해주시구.. 좀이상한지 어떤지좀 갈켜주세여

해석도 해주셔야대여~! 저두 알수 있게


From Jennifer B. Marisa,
Hello Dear,
Good day to you and compliments of the day, I am sure that you will be surprise to receive this letter from a complete strenger like me hence my apology. I am contacting you due to the situation i am into. I am Miss Jennifer B. Marisa, daugther of late Chief & Mrs.Johnson Brown marisa  of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire(Ivory Coast). My mother died when i am little age and i am the only child. I lived with my father in Abidjan city known as the economic capital of Cote D'Ivoire the largest Cocoa producing nation in Africa where my father had his Agricultural business. My father is a wealthy cocoa and gold marchant but unfortunately he was killed  recently by his local business associate during their business meeting in a hotel here. The death of my father was planned by his wicked brother because he was greedy that my father could use his wealths to cheat him in the family matters.
After my father's burial, the wicked uncle tookover my father's properties as he believed that am too young to drag the properties with him. I reported him to some people but they could not do anything than to support him because he shared them some money to support him, there is no justice therefore i decided to leave the properties for him and run away because he put more pressure on me and he wants me dead for him to be satisfied. I am presently hiding somewhere around the country where he can not see me, meanwhile i want to relocate to your country for my life sake and in order to further with my education.
My purpose of contacting you is that i want you to help me to transfer the sum of five Million two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (USD5, 200,000.00) which my father left in a suspense account with a bank here in the country with my name as the next of kin as his only child. My father got the money from his agricultural business in my country. He told me about the money before he died, and he advised me to invest it in foreign country for my future. I am the only person that knows about the money in my family. There are some condition and agreement which my father signed with the bank during the deposit, for that reason, the bank director want me to appoint my guardian to the bank to claim the money otherwise the bank will hold the money until i reach 25 years old as one the agreement. 
Now that my wicked uncle is after my life and i don't want him to know about this money so i decided not to choose any person in my country for guardianship. This is why i contact you for you to be my gaurdian towards the transfer of this money and investments in your country. I want you to be my help for me to appoint you to the bank as my guardian so that the bank will transfer the money into your account over there and immediately after the transfer i will get my visa ticket to meet you over there and stay there to further with my education while you invest the money for me into lucrative investments like real estate or hotel business. 
I will be glad to give you 15% of the total money as reward for your assistance and as far as we are in good relation we can share the profits of the investments. This transfer can be completed within 7-days as the banker told me. I assure you this project is risk-free. Please reply to my email address immediately for further details, 
Jennifer B. Marisa.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

이거 해석해볼 필요도 없이 사기글입니다. 돈벌게 해주겠다 해놓고 사기치는 수법인데 이런거 많이 들어옵니다. 석유로 돈벌어보자는 등 자기 아버지가 전대통령이었는데 어쩌구 저쩌구



중간 일정 부분만 해석해드리자면


My purpose of contacting you is that i want you to help me to transfer the sum of five Million two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (USD5, 200,000.00) which my father left in a suspense account with a bank here in the country with my name as the next of kin as his only child.


너에게 연락한 이유는 나에게 유언으로 남기신 5억 2천만 달러를 전송하는걸 도와달라고 하기 위해서야.



다 씹으시면 됩니다.

메일로 이런 이상한게 왔는데 해석

메일로 이런 이상한게 왔는데 해석부탁드립니다 안녕하세요. 지식in더담입니다. -------------------------------------------------- 인증해야 한다는데요. 같은 메일을 사용하고 있는...

이상한 메일 해석 내공만땅 !!!!!!!!!!!!!...

이상한 메일이왔습니다 해석좀 그리고 신기한개 매일을 수신자에게 쓰면 저한태 대돌아온다는 ;; 그것도즉시!! 무섭다능 ;; 메일이파일처리가되서 이거해석점 그림올리는...

영어 메일 해석 부탁드립니다.

제가 계정을 삭제해달라고 메일을 보내고 3일뒤에... 이상으로 계정 삭제 문의에 대한 답변을... 언제든지 문의해 주세요. 감사합니다. 채택 부탁합니다.

메일이왔는데 해석좀,,

... 몇일전에 메일이왔엇네요 제가 대충은해석해... 메일빨리 보내주진못할꺼야] 부탁드립니다 일부 수정을 하다보니 이상한 답변이...

중국어 메일 해석 부탁드립니다.(빨리...

중국어 메일 번역 좀 부탁드릴게요. 내공이 없어 내공도 못걸었습니다. ㅜㅡ 부탁좀 드릴게요. 아래는 메일 내용입니다. 부탁요~ 哈哈 哥哥 看到你给我的电子邮件...

이 일본어 메일 빨리 해석해주세요...

둘다해석해주시구요 위에꺼는 제가 보낸 메일중 일부인데요 아래꺼는 상대방이 저한테 보낸 메일입니다. 이해를 할수가없네요. 의미를;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 의역가능 해석부탁해요...

이상한 메일 해석

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