영어로 번역 부탁드립니다.

영어로 번역 부탁드립니다.

작성일 2024.04.26댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어로 번역 부탁드립니다.


존경하는 재판장님께,
저는 피고인의 아내입니다.
저는 2021년도에 그를 처음만나 2022년도에 한국에서 결혼을하고 음주운전 벌금형등 산전수전을 함께 겪었습니다. 그에게 다시는 같은실수를 반복하지 않는다는 약속을받았지만 면허를 재취득하고 얼마 가지못해 같은 죄목으로 조사를 받고있는 그를 직면했습니다.
그는 축산물 유통업에 종사하고있고 술자리가 매우 잦았던것은 사실이오나 첫번째 음주전과 이후에는 항상 Taxi나 Driver를 호출하여 집으로 귀가하였습니다.
그가 같은 실수를 반복한날, 그는 매우 만취상태였고 분명 driver를 호출하여 집으로 가는것을 요청 했지만 그가 정신을 차렸을당시 그의 일터에 도착한것을 인지하고 (집까지 약 4-5km) Taxi를 호출해서 집으로 가려고 시도했으나 Taxi driver가 없어서 차를 몰았다는 얘기를 들었습니다. 저의 남편이지만 이것은 분명한 죄이며 그는 처벌을 받아야합니다.

하지만 저희 가족은 2023년에 첫째를 갖게 되었습니다.

저는 외국인이며 시어머니는 암투병 이후 소득이 없으시고 그가 곁에 없으면 저희 가족은 생계유지가 전혀 불가능합니다.

그가 짧은기간에 큰죄를 지은것은 사실입니다.
하지만 세번째는 절대 없을것입니다. 저또한 그를 확실하게 교육시킬것이며 그도 아이에게 부끄럽지 않은 아빠가 되고싶다고 도와달라고 하였습니다.

존경하는 재판장님, 저희 가족의 생계가 달려있는 문제입니다.
부디 선처를 부탁드리겠습니다.

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -



Honorable Judge,

I am the wife of the defendant. We first met in 2021 and got married in Korea in 2022, during which time we have experienced many challenges together, including a fine for drunk driving. I received his promise not to repeat the same mistake, but after regaining his license, he is once again under investigation for the same offense.

He works in the meat distribution industry, where social drinking is common. After his first DUI, he consistently used taxis or drivers to return home. On the day he repeated the mistake, he was highly intoxicated and had requested a driver to take him home, but upon regaining consciousness, he found himself at his workplace, about 4-5 km from our home. He tried to call a taxi to go home, but with no drivers available, he ended up driving himself. While I admit he is clearly at fault and deserves to be punished, our family situation must also be considered.

In 2023, we are expecting our first child.

I am a foreigner, and my mother-in-law, after battling cancer, has no income. Without him, our family cannot survive.

It is true that he has committed a grave offense in a short period, but there will not be a third time. I will ensure he is properly educated, and he too wants to become a father his child would not be ashamed of.

Honorable Judge, our family’s livelihood depends on this. I humbly ask for your leniency.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Petition Letter



Dear Honorable Judge,

I am the wife of the defendant.

I met him for the first time in 2021, and we got married in Korea in 2022. Since then, we have faced various challenges together, including fines for drunk driving. Although he promised never to repeat the same mistake, I was faced with the reality of him being investigated for the same offense after regaining his license.

He works in the livestock distribution industry, and while it is true that he used to frequently attend drinking gatherings, he always made sure to call a taxi or a designated driver to safely return home after his first DUI incident and thereafter.

On the day he made the same mistake again, he was heavily intoxicated. He clearly requested a ride home from a designated driver upon regaining consciousness. However, upon realizing that he had arrived at his workplace (approximately 4-5 km away from home) when he came to his senses, he attempted to call a taxi to go home but was unable to find one. Regrettably, he chose to drive. Although he is my husband, this is an undeniable offense, and he must face the consequences.

However, our family welcomed our first child in 2023.

I am a foreigner, and my mother-in-law has no income after battling cancer. Without him, our family cannot sustain itself.

It is true that he committed a serious offense in a short period of time. However, there will never be a third occurrence. I will ensure to educate him thoroughly, and he also expressed his desire to become a father that his child can be proud of.

Dear Honorable Judge, the livelihood of our family is at stake.

I humbly request your leniency.


[Your Name]

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