commercial aviation Qna 관련 답변 1 페이지

commercial aviation

commercial aviation has long had an extremely effective system 이 문장에서 has long had 문법 설명좀 해주세요 질문 commercial aviation has long had an extremely...

태그: 영어문법, 영어해석, 모의고사, 영어모의고사, 고2, had, has, 해석, 문법설명, 풀이

영어 문장 해석

... commercial aviation has long had an extremely effective system for encouraging pilots to submit reports of errors. 이문장에서 for encouraging pilots은 to submit의 대한...


영어해석 부탁드립니다.내공(30)있음.....

... Charles Lindbergh's feat put him in a posotion from which he could encourage the development of commercial aviation. 1. But we who live as minorities in multicultural...


문장분석 질문이요

... Charles Lindberg's feat put him in a position from which he could encourage the development of commercial aviation. 가운데..from......ㅠ 저거 뭔지 모르겠어요.....


영문 번역좀 해주세요 내공 55있는거...

... After World War I, he and his son Gaston anticipated the boom in commercial aviation and designed the Aviette a 28-kilo bag designed to carry "two suits, on overcoat...


베드로 1:1

... Maring Corps Harrier Jump Jet with great success, and is looking forward to pushing it out into the commercial aviation market. Even if NASA doesn't end up heading...


관계대명사 설명 부탁드립니다^^^!!!!!!...

Charles Lind bergh's feat put him in a position from which he could encourge the develpment of commercial aviation. from 이 문장에서 어떻게 나왔는지 설명해 주세요!!...


제발 해석 좀 해주세요~ (번역기는 사절)

... As in the early days of commercial aviation,space travel will initially be an option only for the wealthy. In the future, however, reasonably priced trips may offer...



... - frankly speaking : 솔직히 말해서 6.Germany had once taken the lead in the commercial aviation in Europe. -take the lead : 선도하다 7.I'll give you three days...


항공 지상직, 기장 질문!

... 만약 기장 쪽이 힘들거 같으면 지상직도 염두하고 있는데 지금 대학교에서 Specialization in Commercial Aviation Management라고 하는 항공 경영 전문직 쪽의 과를 듣고 있는데 이...


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