영어 수행평가 글 봐주세요

영어 수행평가 글 봐주세요

작성일 2024.04.03댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

어색한 표현이나 문법 오류 있는지 봐주세요!

1. My dream is to become a choreographer

2. A choreographer uploads a dance video on SNS and makes a choreography

3. The reason why I want to be a choreographer is because I am interested in dancing and good at making choreography

4. Now, I'm going to tell you what I have
to do to become a dancer

5. First at all. I'll go to Goyang Art High School

6. I want to study dance professionally in the dance department.

7. I want to join a dance team like LaChica and build a career

8. And when I reach my 30s, I will open a dance academy

9. So I want to teach children who
dream of becoming dancers like me

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1. "My dream is to become a choreographer." - 문제 없습니다.

2. "A choreographer uploads a dance video on SNS and makes a choreography." - "Makes a choreography"는 어색하게 들립니다. "Creates choreography"로 바꾸는 것이 자연스러울 것입니다.

3. "The reason why I want to be a choreographer is because I am interested in dancing and good at making choreography." - "The reason why" 대신에 "The reason"만 사용하는 것이 더 자연스러울 것입니다. 또한, "good at making choreography" 대신 "skilled in choreography"라고 표현하는 것이 더 자연스러울 것입니다.

4. "Now, I'm going to tell you what I have to do to become a dancer." - "First at all" 대신에 "First of all"이 올바른 표현입니다.

5. "First of all, I'll go to Goyang Art High School." - 올바른 표현입니다.

6. "I want to study dance professionally in the dance department." - 문제 없습니다.

7. "I want to join a dance team like LaChica and build a career." - 문제 없습니다.

8. "And when I reach my 30s, I will open a dance academy." - 문제 없습니다.

9. "So I want to teach children who dream of becoming dancers like me." - 문제 없습니다.

전반적으로 대부분의 문장이 자연스럽게 들리지만 몇 가지 향상할 부분이 있습니다.

영어 수행평가 글봐주세요ㅠㅠ

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