풀이랑 같이 알려주세요 45. not to mention; ~은 말할 것도 없고 46. To be frank with you; 솔직히 말하면
사진에 있는 문장 3개를 절은 구로 바꿔주시고 구는 절로 바꿔주세요 제발..급해요 답변주시면 바로 채택해드랴요.. 중1 학생입니다
I respect the creator, Enzo Mari, for his design ethics. He is a renowned Italian innovator and philosopher. He stated that design involves discovering what...
8번부터 10번까지 8. I borrowed some comic books which were released recently. 9. Do you know the reason why Joe was absent from school? 10 My aunt has a...
17번부터 23번까지 14. 1 15. 5 16. 4 17. that 18. which 19. what 20. 3 21. 3 22. 3 23. 4
14번부터 16번까지 8. which 9. when 10. who 11. 4 12. 2 13. 5 14. 1 15. 5 16. 4 17. that 18. which 19. what 20. 3 21. 3 22. 3 23. 4
태그: 영어문제질문, 영어문제, 영어문제급해요, 영어문제에자신있으신분
11번부터 13번까지 11. Look at that the little boy is climbing a tree. 12. I can't believe what my boyfriend said. 13. I had a dream in which I won the...
5번부터 7번까지 5번 whom 관계대명사 목적격 생략가능 6번 which 관계대명사 목적격 생략가능 7번 who is 주격관계대명사+be동사 생략가능