남자들 디씨하는사람 많나요? 인식이어

남자들 디씨하는사람 많나요? 인식이어

작성일 2023.11.09댓글 3건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

남자들 디씨하는사람 많나요? 인식이어떤지요

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

디씨를 한다는 기준은 모르겠디만 디씨발 농담정도는 꽤 많이 알고 키득키득합니다 디씨 가입해서 아예 활동하는건 전 못봤네요

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

디씨는 그나마클린한편임


게임정보알려고오는경우도많으니 인터넷방송이나

펨코나 이런데가 무지성여혐과 섹드립이심히죠

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Someone is studying drama with uploading review.

They are professional reviewer.

They gathered to watch TV drama and practice acting like TV stars.

They discussed what happened in the screen and they are talking what they feel about the characters.

Sometimes man watching TV tried to explain what's going on.

He worried about woman gets shocked and protect her.

It can be helpful because actor and actress also need that kind of reaction to keep go on.

They threatened woman to get reaction, then man tried to protect her. It is business that TV entertainment provided. Man gets authority and power when woman get scary. It make man feels good and he willing to pay for it.


When I watch Neflix drama Walking Dead, I tried to find the movie clip in YouTube at the same time. The story is about Zombies and lots of people died in the story. I have to clear what's going on and who died. It started with police officer got a shot and his wife is cheated with his friend while he was in the hospital.

- Hey, Rick. Why are you fight with your friend, Shane? Does he sleep with your wife?

- Unfortunately, yes. My wife pregnant my friend's baby. Her name is Judice.

- Seriously? What does your wife is talking about?

- She died. My son Carl shoot her before she turns to a zombie.

- Jesus. Does he hurt or die?

- No. But he lost his eye while we escaped from Alexandria. Peter's first son shoot him when Misson stepped him with her Japanese sword. We tried to escaped with disguise but suddenly Peter's second son got freaked out and eaten by Zomebie. Peter's wife also cried and eaten by Zombies. She was holding my son, Carl's one hand. I have to cut her wrist with hand-ax to protect Carl. Peter's first son pissed off and tried to shoot me. Mission stepped him and his gun shoot the Carl nearby instead of me.

- Where was Peter?

- He died. He killed Diana's husband who was architector. He Made the wall with shopping mall center. He tried to teach Noah about architecture with notes. But Noah got killed in revolving door by Zombies. Glenn tried to save him but failed. Glenn died, too. Negan killed Abraham and Glenn with baseball bats.

- Sounds like Diana got shocked too.

- Diana is dead. And her son Steve is dead, too. All their family has gone.

- How does that happened?

- Diana got bitten by Zombie. She left behind in the house with a gun. She said she will shoot herself before she turns. But she didn't make it. She cannot shoot herself and become a zombie. Her son Steve find her and ended her miserable life.

- Then, all Peter's family died and all Diana's family died in Alexandria?

- Yes. Negan and Sabier attacked us. Negan have many wives like Vampire bride of Van Helsing. His first wife was wife of other man. He took his wife and pressed iron on his face. It looks ugly like Notre dame de Paris. Carol doesn't know about that. She left Alexandria alone and nobody tell me that iron is so hot.

It makes character vivid in the fake Story and it is important to make TV drama. Because characters always have conflict all the time to show their emotions clearly. Relationships between character is very important.

남자들 디씨하는사람 많나요? 인식이어

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