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영어수행 롤모델로 피피티해야하는데 도와주세요..

작성일 2023.12.13댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

미미미누나 일타강사 이지영쌤처럼 자신이 원하는 걸 위해 열심히 노력하신 분 있을까요..?
영어시간 롤모델로 피피티를 만들어야 하는데 추천 좀 해주세여ㅠㅜ

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유명한 사람으로는 스티브 잡스, 스티븐 호킹, 에디슨, 헬렌켈러, 마틴 루터 킹, 스티비윈더, 김연아, 유재석 등이 있지만 조금 식상한 면이 있습니다. 그외 다른 분들은 링크 참조하세요.

말씀하신 미미미누와 이지영쌤은 젊은 층이 더 많이 아는 인물들입니다.

그 중간정도 인지도를 가지고 있으면서 실패를 딛고 마침내 성공한 분들을 찾아보세요.

곽튜브나 빠니보틀 정도가 어떨까 싶습니다. 이분들도 좀 알려져서 신선한 느낌은 좀 덜한 감이 있긴 합니다.

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장애를 극복한 유명인들도 많기 때문에 그들을 선택하는 것도 좋습니다.

아래는 평생 평등과 정의를 위해 싸웠던 Martin Luther King Jr.에 대한 PPT발표를 할 때 ChatGPT가 추천하는 목차입니다.

Here's a brief index for a PowerPoint presentation about Martin Luther King Jr:

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: "Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Equality and Justice"

  • Subtitle: "Remembering the Dream"

  • Your Name and Date

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Brief overview of Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Importance of his contributions to civil rights.

Slide 3: Early Life

  • Date and place of birth.

  • Family background.

  • Early education and influences.

Slide 4: Education

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s academic journey.

  • Influential mentors and experiences.

Slide 5: Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Overview of the event.

  • MLK's role and leadership.

  • Impact on the Civil Rights Movement.

Slide 6: I Have a Dream Speech

  • Context and significance.

  • Key themes and memorable quotes.

  • Impact on the Civil Rights Movement.

Slide 7: Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • MLK's involvement.

  • Importance of the legislation.

Slide 8: Nobel Peace Prize

  • Year awarded.

  • MLK's contributions to peace and justice.

Slide 9: Legacy

  • MLK's impact on society.

  • Continued relevance of his message.

Slide 10: Assassination and Aftermath

  • Events leading to his assassination.

  • Immediate aftermath and societal impact.

Slide 11: MLK Day

  • Establishment of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

  • Significance and observance.

Slide 12: Quotes

  • Selection of powerful MLK quotes.

Slide 13: Influence on Future Generations

  • MLK's influence on subsequent civil rights leaders.

  • Continued relevance in the fight for equality.

Slide 14: Conclusion

  • Summary of key points.

  • Emphasis on the lasting impact of Martin Luther King Jr.

Slide 15: Q&A

  • Invite questions and discussion from the audience.

Remember to use visuals, such as images, quotes, and graphs, to make your presentation engaging and informative. Also, keep your text concise, and use bullet points to highlight key information on each slide.

다음은 간단한 위 목차에 대한 간단한 대본입니다. 좀 더 쉬운 어휘로 바꾼 버전입니다.

**Slide 1: Title Slide**

Hello, everyone! Today, we're going to learn about a really important person, Martin Luther King Jr. Our talk is called "Martin Luther King Jr.: Making Things Fair – Remembering the Dream." I'm [Your Name], and I'm excited to share his incredible story with you.


**Slide 2: Introduction**

Let's start by talking about who Martin Luther King Jr. was. He was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He's famous for working really hard to make sure everyone gets treated fairly. Imagine him as a superhero for fairness!


**Slide 3: Early Life**

When Martin Luther King Jr. was a kid, he had a nice family. They taught him about being kind and fair to everyone. These lessons stuck with him and shaped the great person he became.


**Slide 4: Education**

MLK liked learning. He went to school and had teachers who helped him understand important things. School was like his training ground for making the world a better place.


**Slide 5: Montgomery Bus Boycott**

A big moment in MLK's life was when he helped change unfair bus rules in Montgomery. People weren't treated equally on buses, so MLK decided to do something about it. This made a lot of people notice him as a leader.

  1. Rosa Parks' Brave Action: In 1955, Rosa Parks, a Black woman, wouldn't give up her bus seat for a white person in Montgomery, Alabama. She got arrested for standing up against unfair rules.

  2. MLK Joins the Fight: Martin Luther King Jr., a preacher, heard about Rosa Parks and wanted to do something. He saw it as a chance to speak out against the unfair bus rules.

  3. Boycott Begins: MLK and others asked Black people in Montgomery to stop using the buses. They walked or found other ways to get around. This was called a boycott.

  4. People Unite: For a long time, Black communities in Montgomery stuck together and didn't use the buses. They wanted the unfair rules to change.

  5. Victory in Court: In 1956, the highest court in the land said that the bus rules were wrong and had to change. This was a big win for the civil rights movement, showing that peaceful actions could make a difference. The boycott helped Martin Luther King Jr. become a leader in the fight for equal rights.


**Slide 6: I Have a Dream Speech**

One day, MLK gave a super famous speech called "I Have a Dream." In this speech, he talked about wanting a world where everyone is friends, no matter how they look. It was like a dream for a better, fairer world.

The "I Have a Dream" speech is super popular because Martin Luther King Jr. talked about a future where everyone gets along, no matter their skin color. Here's why people love it:

  1. Dreaming of a Better Future: MLK shared his dream of a world where everyone is treated the same. It's like imagining a world where people are friends, no matter how they look.

  2. Working Together: He said it's important for everyone to work together to make things fair. MLK wanted people to join forces peacefully to stop unfair treatment.

  3. Strong and Emotional Words: MLK used really powerful words that stayed in people's minds. Phrases like "I have a dream" and "Let freedom ring" became famous and touched people's hearts.

  4. Peaceful Ways to Make Change: MLK talked about using peaceful ways, not fighting, to make the world better. This idea inspired many people who wanted to change things without being mean.

  5. It's for Everyone: Even though MLK was talking about the civil rights movement in the U.S., his dream of fairness and equality is something everyone can relate to. His words still inspire people all around the world.


**Slide 7: Civil Rights Act of 1964**

The Civil Rights Act is super important because it's a law that helps make sure everyone is treated fairly, no matter their skin color. Here's why it's a big deal:

  1. No More Segregation: The Civil Rights Act, passed in 1964, said that places like schools, restaurants, and buses can't separate people based on their skin color. It ended the unfair practice of segregation.

  2. Equal Voting Rights: The law also made sure that everyone has the right to vote, no matter their race. This was a big step in giving everyone a fair say in how the country is run.

  3. Fair Employment: The Civil Rights Act said that employers can't treat people differently because of their skin color. It made it illegal to discriminate against someone when hiring or working just because of how they look.

  4. One Law for Everyone: Before this law, there were different rules for different people based on their skin color. The Civil Rights Act made it clear that everyone should follow the same rules, and everyone should be treated equally.

  5. Equality for All: Overall, the Civil Rights Act is like a rulebook for fairness. It helps make sure that everyone, no matter their background, has the same rights and opportunities. It was a huge step in creating a more equal and just society.

MLK didn't stop at dreaming. He worked hard, and in 1964, a very important law called the Civil Rights Act was made. This law said that everyone, no matter their skin color, should be treated the same. MLK's dream was turning into reality!


**Slide 8: Nobel Peace Prize**

Martin Luther King Jr. got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 because he worked really hard to make sure everyone is treated fairly, no matter their skin color. The people who give out the prize liked that he used peaceful ways to fight for equal rights and spoke up against unfair treatment. The prize was like a big award saying, "Good job, keep making the world a better and fairer place!"

It's like a gold star for making the world a more peaceful and fair place. People from all over the world clapped for him.


**Slide 9: Legacy**

  1. Equality for Everyone: He worked really hard for fair treatment of all people, no matter their skin color. He wanted everyone to be treated equally.

  2. Peaceful Protests: MLK believed in solving problems peacefully. He showed that you can make a big difference without fighting or being mean.

  3. Important Laws: Because of his efforts, some important laws were made in the United States to make sure everyone gets fair treatment, like the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

  4. Big Dreams for the Future: MLK had a dream of a world where people of all colors live together peacefully. His dream still inspires us to make the world a better place.

Even though MLK isn't with us anymore, his good actions are still felt. His legacy, or the good things he did, is like a ripple effect, spreading kindness and fairness through time. We can still learn a lot from him.


**Slide 10: Assassination and Aftermath**

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. He was shot and killed by James Earl Ray while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. This tragic event had a profound impact on the Civil Rights Movement and the United States as a whole. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy continues to inspire people around the world, and the circumstances of his death are a somber part of that history.

Sadly, MLK's life ended sooner than we would have liked. But instead of his good work stopping, it made people even more determined to keep making the world fair. MLK became a hero whose ideas lived on.


**Slide 11: MLK Day**

To celebrate MLK, we have a special day called Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It's not just a holiday; it's a day to think about what MLK did and how we can do good things for others, just like he did.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is on the third Monday of January every year. It's a special day in the United States to honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and the good things he did. People often use this day to do something nice for others or to think about how they can make the world a better and fairer place.


**Slide 12: Quotes**

Let's hear some of the things MLK said. His words were like magic because they inspired people to be kind, fair, and dream of a better world. These quotes are like special messages that stay with us.

1. "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'"

2. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

3. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

4. "The time is always right to do what is right."

5. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."


**Slide 13: Influence on Future Generations**

MLK's kindness didn't stop with him. Other people, even after he was gone, felt inspired by him. They wanted to be heroes for fairness too. MLK's good ideas kept spreading to new generations.


**Slide 14: Conclusion**

In the end, Martin Luther King Jr.'s story is not just in books; it's like a shining light that shows us how to make the world better. Let's remember his dream and think about how we can also do good things.


**Slide 15: Q&A**

Thank you for listening! If you have any questions or thoughts about MLK, I'm here. Let's talk about this amazing person and how we can keep his dream alive.

롤모델 영작 쓰기 도와주세요!!!

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