중학교1학년 수준에 맞는 영어동화나 소설이요^^

중학교1학년 수준에 맞는 영어동화나 소설이요^^

작성일 2011.08.10댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요


학뇨방학숙제로 A4용지 1~2장수준의 영어동화나 소설을 찿아서 단어를 적어야되요^^

근데 사이트를 뒤져보니까 3개쯤합쳐야 겨우 1장 채우더라고요..;;

지식인 찿아보니 막2005년 이 가장최신ㅠㅠ





선생님이 추천해준곳






이런곳들은 글들이 너무 짧더라고요...


좀더 긴글 찾아서 써주시던가,사이트를 알려주세요..^^


아!!번역도 해주세요..그 동화 내용을..

너무 많은 걸바라나요??ㅎㅎ

해주시면 채택은 해드릴께요^^*








profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Robinson Crusoe

Young Robinson Crusoe told his parents that he wished more than anything else to go to sea. His father bitterly opposed the idea, and warned his son that "if I did take this foolish step, God would not bless me - and I would have leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his counsel, when there might be none to assist in my recovery." These words proved prophetic.

The youthful Crusoe set out on his first voyage, with little knowledge about the knowledge of a sailor's life. In telling later about the tremendous storm in which his ship was caught, he remarked, "It was my advantage, in one respect, that I did not know what they meant by 'founder,' till I inquired." So ill and afraid was he during this first harrowing crisis, that he vowed never again to leave solid ground if he was blessed enough to escape drowning. But once safe on shore he found his old longing resurfacing, and Robinson took sail aboard another ship Alas, the ill-fated vessel was captured by Turkish pirates. Crusoe managed to avoid capture and made off in a small craft. Together, he and a young companion navigated along the coast of Africa, where they were pursued by both wild beasts and natives. A Portuguese ship finally rescued them and they sailed for Brazil.

In the new land Crusoe established a prosperous sugar plantation. But again a feeling of lonely dissatisfaction overcame him: "I lived just like a man cast away upon some desolate island, that had nobody there but himself."

Then came an offer from some planters for Crusoe to act as a trader on a slave ship bound for Africa. But this voyage also met disaster: fierce hurricanes wrecked the ship, drowning everyone aboard except Robinson, who was finally tossed up on a desolate beach.A subsequent storm washed the ship's wreckage close to shore and Crusoe constructed a raft to haul most of its supplies to land, where he stored them in a makeshift tent. After a few days, he climbed a hill and discovered that he was on what he discovered to be an uninhabited island. On his thirteenth day there, still another storm pushed the ship wreck back out to sea, where it sank, leaving him with no reminder of civilization.

Crusoe soon discovered that goats inhabited the island, and began domesticating some of them to provide himself with meat, milk, butter and cheese. Near the entrance of the cave where he stored his provisions taken from the ship, he painstakingly built a well-fortified home. After crafting a table, a chair and some shelves, Crusoe also began keeping a calendar and a journal.

Over the next few months, an earthquake and a hurricane damaged his supply cave, and though he still spent most

of his time at his coastal home, in case a ship

should happen by, he decided to erect an additional inland shelter.

Later, during a brief but raging fever, the adventurer was confronted by a terrifying apparition, who announced, "Seeing all these things have not brought thee to repentance, now thou shalt die!" Remembering the advice of his father, Crusoe commenced to pray and to read from the Bible. In a strangely inverted search, he began to seek deliverance from his sins rather than from his adverse situation.

In a small valley on the island, Crusoe found an abundance of wild grapes, lemons, limes and other fruits and vegetables. From the grapes he made raisins, which became a favorite staple food. In his wanderings he also caught a parrot, whom he taught to speak. With a few grains of rice and barley from the bottom of one of the ship's sacks, the sailor planted what would become large fields of grain. For several years he experimented with making bread and weaving baskets.

One of Crusoe's biggest frustrations was the lack of bottles or jars in which to cook or store food. Over time, he succeeded in making clay containers and even fired some pots that were solid enough to hold liquids. After four years on the island, he was a changed man: "I looked now upon the [civilized] world as a thing remote, which I had nothing to do with, no expectation from, and indeed no desires about.. ."

Crusoe dedicated his entire fifth year as a castaway to building and inventing. He constructed a "summer home" on the far side of the island; he fabricated for himself a suit made from, skins, as well as an umbrella; he fashioned a small canoe in which he traveled around the island. And so the years passed in solitude.

One day, in his fifteenth year on the island, Crusoe spied a human footprint in the sand. When he finally summoned the courage to measure it summoned his own foot he found the strangeprint to be much larger...... Fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself," he declared. Still, for safety, he built a second wall around his home and fit it with six muskets.

Once, while exploring, Crusoe came upon a beach spread with human bones. He quickly abandoned the area, and for the next two years he stayed close to home, never fired a gun, and avoided making fires.

Twenty-four years had passed when one night Crusoc heard gun fire. And in the morning he spied a ship's hull impaled on the rocks. Then he saw something that sent shivers down his spine - about 30 cannibals on the beach, enjoying a gruesome feast. Robinson shot at them, killing some and driving the others away. He rescued one of their native prisoners and named his new companion Friday, for the day upon which he was delivered. Friday proved to be strong, loyal and intelligent, though Crusoe still had cause to worry - Friday was also a bit cannibalistic. Crusoe began introducing Friday to his mode of living, especially hoping to turn him to Christianity. Friday managed to learn English quite well,

and was pleased to answer his benefactor's questions concerning the surrounding islands and their inhabitants. Crusoe discovered that his island must be near Trinidad.

One day in the course of their conversation, Friday told Robinson about seventeen white men who were held prisoner on his home island, survivors of a shipwreck. If Crusoe rescued them, they i-night be the key to his return to the civilized world. But before the two men could finish constructing a canoe to reach the captives, another group of cannibals arrived. This time Crusoe and Friday were able to save two of their prisoners from the cooking pot; a Spaniard, and another islander - who turned out to be Friday's fa ther.

After assuring Crusoe that the other Spanish and Portuguese prisoners would willingly follow the English castaway in an escape attempt, the Spaniard returned to the island with Friday's father to explain the plan and have the men sign an oath of allegiance.

While they were gone, an English ship anchored near the island and eleven men came ashore, three of them - the ship's captain, his mate, and a passenger - as prisoners of mutineers. Crusoe and Friday killed the most belligerent of them, and the others turned themselves over to Crusoe, swearing loyalty. With control of the ship, Crusoe prepared to return to England. Some of the mutineers, however, chose to remain on the island rather than return to England and hang.

Though Crusoc hated to leave the island before the return of the Spaniard and Friday's father, he sailed with the ship and arrived in England on June 11, 1687, thirty-five years after his earlier visit. Finding two sisters and two children of a brother still living, he decided to sail on to Lisbon to learn what had become of his Brazilian plantation. Friday, "in all these ramblings [proved] a most faithful servant oil all occasions."

Surprisingly, Crusoe's holdings had been well-managed by his friends - in fact, they had earned him a small fortune. He generously gave portions of his profit to charity as well as to his family and others.

In Lisbon, Crusoe, apprehensive about traveling back to England by sea, organized a party of men to travel overland as far as tile Channel. After many difficult adventures in the Pyrenees, and, as usual, with a great deal of luck, the company reached England.

Finally home, the wanderer married and had two sons and a daughter. But alas, Crusoc's wife died and he was compelled to join one of his nephews on a voyage to the East Indies. Miraculously, this ship sailed safely. Crusoe revisited his island, where he found that tile Spaniards and the English mutineers had taken native wives. After hearing a full account of what had happened since his departure, he left supplies, furnished the islanders with a carpenter and a smith, and divided the island among them.

The ship then sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and on to China. On an overland trip through Siberia and on back to England, Crusoe had many more encounters. Ultimately, Robinson Crusoe, after a total of 54 years abroad, returned home, an old, weathered man, and lived out his remaining days in peace, never to take to the sea again.


죄송합니다 번역은 시간이 오래걸려서;;;

혹시 전곡중이가요?

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

The Lion King


Everything in the animal kingdom had its place in the circle of life. When the Lion King, Mufasa, and his queen, Sarabi, had a cub named Simba, Mufasa knew that one day Simba would be king. Everyone bowed in respect as Rafiki the baboon introduced the young prince to all the animals.




Only one lion -- Mufasa's brother, Scar -- refused to attend the ceremony. He was not happy that Simba would be next in line for Mufasa's throne.
But Simba grew into a happy, healthy cub. One day he proudly told his uncle, "Someday I'm going to rule the whole kingdom! Everything except that shadowy place.



I'm not allowed to go there."
"You're absolutely right, Simba," his uncle agreed slyly. "Only the bravest lions can go to the elephant graveyard." Scar deliberately tempted his adventurous nephew. Simba immediately raced home and convinced his friend Nala to explore the elephant graveyard. It was



creepier than they ever imagined.
Zazu, Mufasa's advisor, caught up with the cubs and warned them it was dangerous, too. But Simba only laughed at Zazu. Then he heard someone laughing back. He turned to see three enemy hyenas ready for lunch. "He's a king fit for a meal," laughed one. The nasty hyenas



chased the cubs right into a trap. Suddenly there was a tremendous roar. Mufasa arrived and frightened the hyenas away.
Simba was very proud of his father. "We'll always be together, right?" he asked later that evening. "Look up at the stars, Simba," said Mufasa. "Those are the great kings of the past looking



down on us. Remember those kings will always be there to guide you. So will I."
Although Scar was very angry with the hyenas for letting Simba escape, he made a bargain with them. If they helped him become king, they could have the run of the Pride Lands. And Scar had a plan.
Later Scar brought Simba to a gorge and promised



him a wonderful surprise if he would wait on a certain rock. Then he signaled the hyenas.
The surprise was a stampeding herd of wildebeest! The earth trembled as the wildebeests headed right into the gorge and straight toward Simba. Simba held onto a tree branch but was slipping fast. In an instant Mufasa appeared and grabbed his son. He got Simba



to safety, but then he slipped off the ledge and fell into the thundering stampede. When everything was quiet once more, Simba found his father lying lifeless at the foot of a cliff. Simba had not seen Scar push Mufasa to his death. Simba believed it was all his fault. "Run away, Simba," Scar advised the young cub. "Run away and never return." Scar watched as the young cub ran away, chased by


the hyenas. Then Scar returned to Pride Rock and announced to the lions that he would be their new king. Simba ended up in the desert where he collapsed from heat and exhaustion. Luckily two curious creatures found him -- a meerkat called Timon and a warthog named Pumbaa.




Simba's new friends took him home to the jungle where they introduced him to Timon's idea of hakuna matata -- "no worries."
Simba tried to put the past behind him, but it was difficult. One day a young lioness appeared looking for



help. It was Nala. She told Simba the sad story of what had happened since Scar had taken over the Pride Lands.
But Simba could not face going back -- at least not until Rafiki appeared and led him to a vision of his father. "You are my son and the one true king. You must take your place in the circle of life," Mufasa explained.



So Simba returned to the Pride Lands with his friends by his side. There was a great battle. Finally, Scar cornered Simba and confessed what he had done many years ago. "You didn't kill your father," Scar said evilly. "I did." At last Simba found the strength to fight back. He flipped the evil lion right over the edge of the rock into the jaws of the waiting hyenas.


When the fighting was over, Simba took his rightful place as king and restored the Pride Lands to a place of peace. And when Simba and Nala's little cub was born, a brand-new circle of life began.

네 라이언킹입니다.

이정도면 a4용지 한장은 쉽게 채울듯 하네요 답변확정必요!


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