

작성일 2007.04.22댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration to help you reset your Steam password.

Please enter the following code into the 'Verification Code' field of the 'Forgotten Password' dialog. (Enter the code exactly as written. You can use copy/paste operations to enter the code):


Please also enter the *answer* to the following question into the 'Secret Answer' field of the same dialog:

What is the name of your pet?

IMPORTANT: Please do not reply to this message to attempt to reset your password -- that won't work. You must enter the above information into the Steam application.


The Steam Support Team
To contact us, email [email protected]

This notification has been sent to the e-mail address you provided when you created your Steam account. For information on Valve's privacy policy, please visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm

입니다..게임 비번을 잊어버려서.. 찾기했는데 메일 이 왔는데 영어라서요....ㅠㅠ


이안에 인증코드 비밀질문답변이 있는데.. 모르겠네요..ㅠ

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

'Forgotten Password' 항목의 'Verification Code' 에서

 p8WyP2QU를 입력하시고 엔터를 누르세요.


그리고 다음 질문에 답하십시오 :

What is the name of your pet?(당신의 애완동물의 이름은 무엇입니까?)



그 밑의 잡다한 글들은 별 내용이 아니구요.

아마도 애완동물 이름 정확하게 넣으시면 비밀번호 변경 탭이 뜰 것 같네요.



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