2009년 고2 10월 외국어 듣기 해석좀해주세요~!!!!!!!

2009년 고2 10월 외국어 듣기 해석좀해주세요~!!!!!!!

작성일 2010.09.06댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

1. [출제의도] 그림 이해하기

M: I hear that students from our sister school in China are visiting our school next week.

W: Yep. So we’re going to prepare a banner to welcome them.

M: Great. Are we going to hang it across the main gate?

W: Yes. But I haven’t decided yet on what language to use on the banner.

M: Wouldn’t it be better to write in English on it? Then we can use it again for other guests from foreign countries.

W: Good point. Will that be with the dark letters on the white background?

M: Well, why don’t we have it the other way around? I mean, white letters on the dark background.

W: That would be great. Accepted. Now, are we all set?

M: Wait! We missed the single most important thing. Our school name at the bottom!

W: Oh, thank you. I almost forgot it.


2. [출제의도] 심정 추론하기

W: Oh, dear! Where has my cell phone gone?

M: You were talking with your mom over the phone in the coffee shop, weren't you?

W: I was. Then I must have left it behind there.

M: Are you expecting an important call from someone?

W: You know, I had a job interview the other day. I’m supposed to receive a call from the company this afternoon.

M: Don’t worry about it; they will probably email you.

W: Anyway, somebody might have picked up my cell phone. Why don’t you call my number?

M: OK. [key tone] [Cell phone rings.] Hey, where is that sound coming from? Oh, it’s coming from your bag!

W: Thank God! You're right. Here it is! [Kissing the phone]

M: How could you be so forgetful?


3. [출제의도] 지칭 추론하기

M: This is one of the communication devices that have been invented for the disabled in our society. Those who are not able to see can read and write with the help of this. It consists of various combinations of raised dots in cells. According to the arrangement of dots, each cell represents a letter, number or punctuation mark. It has been adapted to write many different languages. This has been used mostly in books for the blind. But nowadays you often see this on elevator buttons or cell phone keypads, too. Future applications of this will be able to contribute to the safety and convenience of the visually impaired people.


4. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: Honey, breakfast is ready!

M: Wait. Where’s my shirt?

W: I put it in the closet after ironing it yesterday.

M: Got it. Thanks. Well, how about going to see a movie this evening?

W: Not today. I have to work overtime. By the way, we ran out of milk and eggs. Will you stop by a supermarket on the way back home?

M: No problem. And, do you want me to pick you up when you leave the office?

W: Thanks, but don’t bother. I’ll be OK.

M: All right. Is there anything more I can help you with?

W: Nothing. Just don’t forget to pick up the groceries, please.

M: I won't.


5. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: Are you purchasing this box of apples now?

M: Yes. How much is it?

W: It’s $46.

M: OK. Do you provide delivery service? I’d like to have it sent to my brother’s place.

W: Yes. We charge three dollars for the delivery. But it’s free if your order is $50 or more.

M: Then I’ll add some more to make it over $50. Hmm, let me see. How much is this bunch of bananas?

W: Five dollars, sir.

M: All right. I’ll take that, too.

W: Can I have the delivery address?

M: Wait a minute. Let me check it.



6. [출제의도] 대화의 목적 추론하기

W: While eating, did you enjoy your lunch? And did you ever happen to think of all the efforts made by farmers to get that food to your table? Many

people are involved in providing us with nutritious meals. Take “rice” for example. It represents all the sweat shed by farmers working in the field. In this sense, it is not wise to put more food on your trays than you can finish, letting all the leftovers go directly to the trash can. More often than not, our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. And also, please think twice before you place leftovers on the tray back in the sink. Thank you for your cooperation.


7. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

[Phone rings.]

W: Hello, this is Su-young.

M: Hi, Su-young. This is Alex. I need your help quick.

W: Sure. What is it?

M: I lost my wallet. I guess I dropped it on the bus.

W: Oh, my! So, what can I do for you?

M: My credit card was in the wallet. I need to report it to the card company. But, you know, my Korean is not that good.

W: I see. You want me to call the company for you, right?

M: Yes. Will you?

W: No problem. Just let me know your full name and passport number just in case. By the way, do you have enough money to get by for the time being?

M: Yes, I have some. Thanks for asking anyway. I’ll text you my information in a minute.



8. [출제의도] 대화자의 관계 추론하기

W: Oh, Mr. Johnson, is everything going well?

M: Yes, but I wonder if I can make a small change now.

W: Is there anything wrong?

M: Everything you've planned is fine except for my wedding invitations. I'd like to choose a different design for them.

W: Oh, I’m sorry it’s too late to do that.

M: What? Do you mean they've already been printed?

W: I'm afraid so, but I will check with the printing company.

M: Alright. One more question. Is it possible to make a minor change to the reception? Because yesterday some of my coworkers suggested that they would sing for me and my bride.

W: It shouldn't be a problem. I'm happy to help you. And please don’t forget to pay your bill next time I see you.

M: You got it. Thanks for your help.



9. [출제의도] 대화 장소 추론하기

M: Wow, this place is packed with job hunters.

There is no room to stand.

W: Yeah, all these people look eager to get employed. Just like us.

M: Oh, if I’m picked, I’ll feel like walking on a cloud!

W: Absolutely. But, it’s a relief that many companies are planning to hire more staff this year.

M: I hope there are places for us as well.

W: I bet there are. So, which company’s booth will you drop by first?

M: Since my major is car engineering, I’ll visit an automaker's.

W: OK. Then, give me a call when you finish your interviews. I’ll look around at law firms.

M: Got it! Let’s go for it!



10. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: You look so upset. What happened?

M: Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.

W: Come on. I think you need to let it out. Just talk to me.

M: All right. This morning I took my car to a repair shop to have them check the air-conditioning. But they only gave it a brief check and charged me $210!

W: That’s ridiculous! If I were you, I’d be mad, too. Did you talk to the manager about it?

M: Yes, I did. But he was rude, saying that I didn’t know anything about cars.

W: Sounds like you got treated improperly! Maybe you should file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.

M: Good idea. I’ll do it right now.


11. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: I’m looking for a small apartment renting at around $500 and I hope it’s close to the subway station.

M: Well, there are five residences meeting your requirements. The one on 5th Avenue is the closest.

W: Hmm, but it’s pretty old. I want a newer one that's less than ten years old.

M: Then, how about the one on 6th Avenue? It’s only three years old.

W: But it’s not fully-furnished. I need one equipped with everything.

M: Hmm, take a look at the other three places left. They’re all furnished, and you’ll also enjoy their beautiful lake views.

W: Oh, that’s lovely. [pause] Oh, wait! These two places don’t allow pets. Actually, I have a cat.

M: Then, this is the only one you can choose.

W: Well, it’s relatively far from the subway, but I guess I have no other choice.



12. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

M: During three days of our rock festival, we will provide many spaces for camping. You can set up your tent anywhere you want in the campsite. But please only take up the area that you need. Camping tickets are $10 per person and only three-day festival ticket holders are able to purchase them. Camping sites will be patrolled by security teams. However, we will not take any responsibility for the loss of valuables. Please note that cooking is strictly prohibited and you are not allowed to bring in any outside alcoholic drinks. Your cooperation will be appreciated.



13. [출제의도] 상황과 적절한 대화 찾기

① M: Where do you want this to go?

W: Well, place it against the wall on the right.

② M: This couch is the last one in stock. It is a good bargain.

W: It’s nice. But I don’t think it fits in my small living room.

③ M: I don’t know where to put up all these picture frames.

W: Hmm, just hang them right above the couch.

④ M: Let me have the remote control. Time to watch my favorite TV show.

W: Being a couch potato again, lying down all day?

⑤ M: This new sofa is uncomfortable, hard as a rock!

W: Just send it back to the store and exchange it for a softer one.




14. [출제의도] 대화 완성하기

M: Hello, Professor Brown? This is Lee, Sun-Shin, the principal of Hankuk High School.

W: Hi, Principal Lee. How have you been? Long time no hear.

M: Same as usual. Actually, I’ve got a favor to ask you. I wonder if you can give a special lecture to our students.

W: Oh, it’ll be an honor to do that. On what day?

M: On Tuesday, Oct. 20th. Are you available on that day?

W: Fortunately, I have no class on Tuesdays. What do you want me to speak about?

M: “How to enjoy studying foreign languages” would be a perfect topic. Please base it on your own experiences.

W: Very good. I’ll prepare for it.

M: Thank you. Please be here by 1 p.m.

W: ______________________________________




15. [출제의도] 대화 완성하기

W: You look down. You seem to have something on your mind.

M: Would you just leave me alone? It’s no big deal.

W: Come on, just tell me what it is. I might be a help to you.

M: [Sigh] I’ve found my dream girl, but I have no courage to ask her out and I can’t even catch her attention.

W: Ha-ha... You’re suffering from one-sided love.

M: Don’t laugh that way. I’m serious.

W: Okay, okay. Well, buddy, you tend to be shy and nervous when you’re with unfamiliar people, especially with girls.

M: Exactly. That’s how I am. Anyway, how do you get along well with others? You look comfortable with strangers.

W: Well, I think I was born like that.

M: _______________________________________



16. [출제의도] 대화 완성하기

W: Harry, how was your trip to India?

M: Everything was perfect except for one thing.

W: Oh, what was it?

M: I visited an exotic antique shop to buy some souvenirs.

W: Sounds cool. But what was the trouble?

M: They were really beautiful. I mean they were too beautiful. I didn’t realize I had spent almost all my money there.

W: Oh, no! Why didn’t you return some of them?

M: I tried but I couldn’t get a refund because the items were on sale.

W: So what did you do then?

M: I had to ask my mother to wire me some money. It was very embarrassing.

W: And I guess sending money abroad was not an easy job for your mom.

M: You're right. She said it wasn’t. I realized that I should be more careful with money.

W: _____________________________________



17. [출제의도] 상황에 맞는 표현 추론하기

W: Scott is on the subway, exhausted from a long day at school. It is full and he manages to take the last vacant seat. A few stations farther on, a senior citizen with a cane gets on the train. She is having a hard time balancing herself in the crowded subway. Scott has many more stops to go. He wants to get some sleep, while staying seated through the stops. But nobody seems to care about the elderly lady. So, he finally decides to give up his seat for her. In this situation, what would Scott most likely say to the woman?

#2009년 고2 3월 모의고사 #2009년 고2 6월 모의고사 #2009년 고2 11월 모의고사 #2009년 고2 9월 모의고사 #2009년 고2 6월 #2009년 고2 11월 #2009년 고2 영어듣기평가 1회 #2009년 고2 3월 모의고사 답지 #2009년 10월 고2 모의고사 #2009년 5월 고2 모의고사

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1. [출제의도] 그림 이해하기

M: I hear that students from our sister school in China are visiting our school next week.

내가 들은 바로는 중국에 있는 우리 언니(동생)학교에서 온 학생들이 다음주에 우리 학교 방문한대

W: Yep. So we’re going to prepare a banner to welcome them.

맞아, 그래서 우리 조만간 환영하는 문구 담은 플래카드 준비할거야

M: Great. Are we going to hang it across the main gate?

와 좋아, 우리 그거 정문에다가 달아놓는거야?

W: Yes. But I haven’t decided yet on what language to use on the banner.

어 맞아, 그런데 아직 어느 나라말로 해야할 지는 정해지지 않았어

M: Wouldn’t it be better to write in English on it? Then we can use it again for other guests from foreign countries.

그거 영어로 쓰는게 낫지 않을까? 그럼 다음에 다른 외국인 학생들 초청할 때 또 써먹을 수 있자나

W: Good point. Will that be with the dark letters on the white background?

와 좋은 생각인데, 그거 검은 글씨에 밝은 바탕으로 될까?

M: Well, why don’t we have it the other way around? I mean, white letters on the dark background.

음, 그거 말고 다른건 어떨까? 내말은,,하얀 글씨에 검은 배경으로 말이야

W: That would be great. Accepted. Now, are we all set?

그것도 좋지, 좋아, 이제 다들 준비 됐어/?

M: Wait! We missed the single most important thing. Our school name at the bottom!

잠깐만, 우리 엄청 중요한 한가지를 빠뜨렸어, 바닥에 우리 학교 이름을 말야!

W: Oh, thank you. I almost forgot it.

 아 고마워, 깜빡할 뻔 했네


2. [출제의도] 심정 추론하기

W: Oh, dear! Where has my cell phone gone?

와, 내 핸폰 어디로 갔찌?

M: You were talking with your mom over the phone in the coffee shop, weren't you?

너 엄마랑 커피숍에서 엄마랑 통화했자나, 그렇지 않아?

W: I was. Then I must have left it behind there.

맞아, 그럼 아마도 거기에 놓고 왔나바

M: Are you expecting an important call from someone?

너 중요한 전화 기다리는 거 있어?

W: You know, I had a job interview the other day. I’m supposed to receive a call from the company this afternoon.

너도 알다시피, 나 구직 면접이 있어서,, 나  면접에 관한 전화 오늘 오후쯤에 받기로 되어 있거든

M: Don’t worry about it; they will probably email you.

걱정하지마, 아마도 이 메일로 보낼거야

W: Anyway, somebody might have picked up my cell phone. Why don’t you call my number?

어찌됐건, 누군가가 내 핸폰 가져갔나봐, 내 전화로 한번 걸어봐

M: OK. [key tone] [Cell phone rings.] Hey, where is that sound coming from? Oh, it’s coming from your bag!

그래, [통화소리][핸폰울린다] 야, 이 소리 어디서 나는거지? 야 그거 니 가방속에서 나자나~!

W: Thank God! You're right. Here it is! [Kissing the phone]

와 고마워, 니말이 맞구나 여기 있네![핸폰에 뽀뽀하며]

M: How could you be so forgetful?

어떻게 그걸 까먹을 수가 있냐?


3. [출제의도] 지칭 추론하기

M: This is one of the communication devices that have been invented for the disabled in our society. Those who are not able to see can read and write with the help of this. It consists of various combinations of raised dots in cells. According to the arrangement of dots, each cell represents a letter, number or punctuation mark. It has been adapted to write many different languages. This has been used mostly in books for the blind. But nowadays you often see this on elevator buttons or cell phone keypads, too. Future applications of this will be able to contribute to the safety and convenience of the visually impaired people.

이것은 우리 사회의 장애우들을 위해 발명된 의사소통 도구 입니다. 앞을 볼 수 없지만 읽거나 쓸 수 있는 사람이 아마도 도움을 받으리라 생각됩니다. 그것은 여러 점의 조합으로 구성되어 있습니다. 점의 배열에 따르면, 각각의 점하는 글씨를 나타냅니다. 많은 구멍 표시가 말이죠. 그것은 많은 다른 언어를 쓰기위해 적응되어 왔습니다. 이것은 대체로 맹인이 책을 읽을 때 쓰입니다. 하지만 요즘에는 아마도 엘리베이터 버튼이나 핸폰 키패드애서 종종 볼 수 있습니다. 미래의 이 응용들이 맹인들을 더욱더 편리하고 안전하게 만들어 줄 것입니다.



4. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: Honey, breakfast is ready!

자기야, 아침 다 됐어

M: Wait. Where’s my shirt?

잠깐만, 내 셔츠 어딨지?

W: I put it in the closet after ironing it yesterday.

어제 다림질 하고 옷장에 넣어뒀는데

M: Got it. Thanks. Well, how about going to see a movie this evening?

오 고마워, 그리고 오늘 저녁에 영화 보러 갈까?

W: Not today. I have to work overtime. By the way, we ran out of milk and eggs. Will you stop by a supermarket on the way back home?

오늘은 안돼, 오늘 야근해야돼, 그런데 우리 우유랑 계란 다 떨어졌어, 집에 돌아 올때 수퍼좀 들렀다 오면 안돼?

M: No problem. And, do you want me to pick you up when you leave the office?

문제 없지, 그리고 당신 회사 끝날때 데리러 갈까?

W: Thanks, but don’t bother. I’ll be OK.

고마워 난 괜찮아, 귀찮다면 안해도 돼,

M: All right. Is there anything more I can help you with?

좋아, 또 뭐 더 해줄거 없어?

W: Nothing. Just don’t forget to pick up the groceries, please.

없어, 단지 올때 식료품점 들렀다 오는것만 까먹지 마

M: I won't.

그래 안까먹어,,


5. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: Are you purchasing this box of apples now?

이 사과 한 박스 사나요?

M: Yes. How much is it?

네 얼만가요

W: It’s $46.


M: OK. Do you provide delivery service? I’d like to have it sent to my brother’s place.

그래요, 배달돼요? 제 동생집에서 받고 싶은데

W: Yes. We charge three dollars for the delivery. But it’s free if your order is $50 or more.

네, 배달은 3달러 더 내셔야대여, 그런데 50달러 이상 사시면 무료배송입니다.

M: Then I’ll add some more to make it over $50. Hmm, let me see. How much is this bunch of bananas?

그러면 50달러 넘게 좀 더 사죠, 음 보자, 이 바나나 한 송이 얼마죠?

W: Five dollars, sir.

5달러입니다 손님

M: All right. I’ll take that, too.

좋아요, 그걸로 할게요

W: Can I have the delivery address?

주소좀 알 수 있을까요?

M: Wait a minute. Let me check it.

잠시만요, 볼게요



6. [출제의도] 대화의 목적 추론하기

W: While eating, did you enjoy your lunch?

먹고 있을때, 점심 맛있게 드셨습니까?

And did you ever happen to think of all the efforts made by farmers to get that food to your table?

그리고 당신이 이 음식을 먹기 위해서 농부들이 땀흘린걸 한번이라도 생각해 본적 있습니까?

Many people are involved in providing us with nutritious meals.

많은 사람들이 우리한테 영양가 있는 음식을 제공하고 있습니다.

Take “rice” for example. It represents all the sweat shed by farmers working in the field.

예를들어, 밥먹을때, 그것은 농부들이 논에서 일하고 흘린 땀을 의미합니다.

 In this sense, it is not wise to put more food on your trays than you can finish, letting all the leftovers go directly to the trash can.

이런의미로, 당신이 먹을 수 있는 양보다 더 많은 것을 접시에 담는 것은 현명한 일이 아닙니다. 남는 것은 모두 쓰레기통으로 가기 때문입니다.

More often than not, our eyes are bigger than our stomachs.

그것보다 더 빈번하게, 우리의 눈은 위보다 더 큽니다.

And also, please think twice before you place leftovers on the tray back in the sink. Thank you for your cooperation.

그리고 당신이 남은음식을 쓰레기통에 버리기 전에 한번만 더 생각하길 바랍니다.


7. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

[Phone rings.]

W: Hello, this is Su-young.

안녕, 나 수영이야

M: Hi, Su-young. This is Alex. I need your help quick.

안녕수영아, 난 알렉스야 니 도움이 지금 너무 급해

W: Sure. What is it?

그래 뭔대?

M: I lost my wallet. I guess I dropped it on the bus.

나 지갑을 잃어버렸어, 아마 버스에 놓고 내렸나봐

W: Oh, my! So, what can I do for you?

진짜? 내가 어떻게 할까?

M: My credit card was in the wallet. I need to report it to the card company. But, you know, my Korean is not that good.

내 신용카드가 거기있었는데 카드회사에 전화해야돼, 그런데 너도 알다시피 나 한국말을 잘 못하자나,,

W: I see. You want me to call the company for you, right?

아 그래, 내가 카드회사에 전화해주면 되는거구나? 맞지?

M: Yes. Will you?

그래 해줄수 있어?

W: No problem. Just let me know your full name and passport number just in case. By the way, do you have enough money to get by for the time being?

당연하지, 네 여권번호랑 풀네임좀 알려줘 그나저나 생활할 돈은 좀 있어?

M: Yes, I have some. Thanks for asking anyway. I’ll text you my information in a minute.

어 좀 있어, 물어봐줘서 고마워, 내가 일분안에 문자로 정보들 보내줄게



8. [출제의도] 대화자의 관계 추론하기

W: Oh, Mr. Johnson, is everything going well?

오 존슨씨 잘 지냅니까?

M: Yes, but I wonder if I can make a small change now.

네 근데 어떻게 좀 작은 변화라도 시킬 수 없나 해서요

W: Is there anything wrong?

무슨 문제 있으세요?

M: Everything you've planned is fine except for my wedding invitations. I'd like to choose a different design for them.

모든 것이 당신이 계획해주신대로 잘 돌아가요, 결혼 초청장만 빼구요, 그것들 다른 디자인으로 하고 싶어요

W: Oh, I’m sorry it’s too late to do that.

아 그런데 이미 너무 늦어버렸네요

M: What? Do you mean they've already been printed?

네? 그말은 이미 프린트 돼서 나왔다구요??

W: I'm afraid so, but I will check with the printing company.

네 ..하지만 다시 인쇄하는거 회사에 한번 문의해 볼게요

M: Alright. One more question. Is it possible to make a minor change to the reception? Because yesterday some of my coworkers suggested that they would sing for me and my bride.

좋아요, 그리고 한 가지 더, 그리고 피로연에 작은 수정좀 할 수 있나요? 왜냐면 어제 제 동료들이 제 신부를 위해서 축가를 부르기로 말했었거든요

W: It shouldn't be a problem. I'm happy to help you. And please don’t forget to pay your bill next time I see you.

뭐 거야 문제없죠, 문제 없이 도와드리죠, 그리고 다음번엔 비용들 내는거 잊지 마세요~ 담에 봬요

M: You got it. Thanks for your help.

알겠어여~도와줘서 고마워요



9. [출제의도] 대화 장소 추론하기

M: Wow, this place is packed with job hunters.

와우 여기 잡헌터들 엄청 많네

There is no room to stand.

서있을 공간이 없네

W: Yeah, all these people look eager to get employed. Just like us.

그래, 이사람들 다 취직할려고 애쓰는 모습이 얼굴에 써있다. 우리처럼 말야

M: Oh, if I’m picked, I’ll feel like walking on a cloud!

내가 만약 취직한다면 구름위를 걷는 기분일거야

W: Absolutely. But, it’s a relief that many companies are planning to hire more staff this year.

맞아! 그런데 회사들이 이번해에 많은 구직자들 고용했으면 하는 소망이 있네

M: I hope there are places for us as well.

거기에 물론 우리도 있고!

W: I bet there are. So, which company’s booth will you drop by first?

내가 장담하지, 그래서 어디 회사부스 첫번째로 들러볼까?

M: Since my major is car engineering, I’ll visit an automaker's.

내 전공이 자동차 학과니깐 자동차 회사부터!

W: OK. Then, give me a call when you finish your interviews. I’ll look around at law firms.

그래 그럼 면접 끝나면 전화줘, 난 로펌쪽 둘러보고 있을 테니깐

M: Got it! Let’s go for it!

그래 알겠어 가자~




10. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: You look so upset. What happened?

실망한 표정인데 무슨일 있니?

M: Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.

아냐, 말안하는게 나, 물어보지마

W: Come on. I think you need to let it out. Just talk to me.

말해봐, 말해야 될거 같은데, 말해봐

M: All right. This morning I took my car to a repair shop to have them check the air-conditioning. But they only gave it a brief check and charged me $210!

좋아, 오늘아침에 차 에어컨 고치러 정비소 갔는데 간단한 정비해놓고서 210달러나 물지 뭐야

W: That’s ridiculous! If I were you, I’d be mad, too. Did you talk to the manager about it?

진짜? 어처구니가 없네, 내가 너라면 미쳐버렸을거야 매니저한테 얘기해봤어?

M: Yes, I did. But he was rude, saying that I didn’t know anything about cars.

어 그랬지, 근데 그 양반도 무례하더라고, 내가 차에대해서 아무것도 모른다면서

W: Sounds like you got treated improperly! Maybe you should file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.너 진짜 완전 손님대접못 받았네, 너 그 사건 소비자 보호원에 고발해버려

M: Good idea. I’ll do it right now.

좋은 생각이야 바로 해봐야지


11. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

W: I’m looking for a small apartment renting at around $500 and I hope it’s close to the subway station.

500달러에 지하철 가까운 작은 아파트를 빌리고 싶은데요

M: Well, there are five residences meeting your requirements. The one on 5th Avenue is the closest.

네, 당신의 요구사항에 맞는 5개가 있네요 하나는 애비뉴 5번가에 가까운거에요

W: Hmm, but it’s pretty old. I want a newer one that's less than ten years old.

음, 근데 좀 낡았네요, 전 10년이 안된 새걸 원하거든요

M: Then, how about the one on 6th Avenue? It’s only three years old.

그러면 애비뉴 6번가에 있는건 어때요 그건 3년밖에 안됐어요

W: But it’s not fully-furnished. I need one equipped with everything.

그런데 그건 제대로 갖춰지지 않은 거자나요, 전 모든 기능, 가구 다 갖춘 걸로 원해요

M: Hmm, take a look at the other three places left. They’re all furnished, and you’ll also enjoy their beautiful lake views.

음, 그럼 남은 3개를 살펴보시죠, 그것들은 다 풀로 갖춰지고 아름다운 호수 전경을 즐길수 잇을거에요

W: Oh, that’s lovely. [pause] Oh, wait! These two places don’t allow pets. Actually, I have a cat.

오 좋아요, [잠시] 잠깐만요, 이 두개는 애완동물 못키우네요? 사실 저 고양이 키우거든요

M: Then, this is the only one you can choose.

그러면 이 방 하나 남았네요

W: Well, it’s relatively far from the subway, but I guess I have no other choice.

음, 그건 상대적으로 지하철에서 넘 머네요, 그런데 뭐 더이상 선택할 게 없는거 같네요



12. [출제의도] 세부 내용 이해하기

M: During three days of our rock festival, we will provide many spaces for camping.

3일동안의 락 콘서트 동안, 저흰 많은 캠핑장소를 제공할 예정입니다.

You can set up your tent anywhere you want in the campsite.

당신은 텐트를 캠핑장소, 당신이 원하는 어느 곳에나 칠 수 있습니다.

But please only take up the area that you need.Camping tickets are $10 per person and only three-day festival ticket holders are able to purchase them.

캠핑비용은 한사람당10달러고 3일락콘서트 티켓을 구매한 분들만 이용하실 수 있습니다.

 Camping sites will be patrolled by security teams.

캠핑장소는 안전요원이 패트롤을 돌 것입니다.

However, we will not take any responsibility for the loss of valuables.

그런데, 저희는 어느 귀중품의 분실을 책임지지는 않습니다.

 Please note that cooking is strictly prohibited and you are not allowed to bring in any outside alcoholic drinks. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

 그리고 요리는 강력하게 금지되고 있으며 어떠한 알콜류는 반입금지입니다. 협조에 감사드립니다.


13. [출제의도] 상황과 적절한 대화 찾기

① M: Where do you want this to go?

이거 어디에 놓고 싶어요?

W: Well, place it against the wall on the right.

글쎄, 오른쪽에 벽에 마주해서 놔주세요

② M: This couch is the last one in stock. It is a good bargain.

이 소파는 저희가 가지고 있는 마지막 재고입니다. 아주 싼거죠

W: It’s nice. But I don’t think it fits in my small living room.

좋네요, 근데 우리집 거실에 맞지는 않을거 같네요

③ M: I don’t know where to put up all these picture frames.

이 그림프레임들을 어디에다 놔야할지 모르겠네요

W: Hmm, just hang them right above the couch.

음, 그것들은 그냥 소파 위에다 걸으세요

④ M: Let me have the remote control. Time to watch my favorite TV show.

리모컨좀 줘바, 내 가장 좋아하는 티비쇼 할 시간이여

W: Being a couch potato again, lying down all day?

또 하루종일 소파에 앉아서 티비만 볼래?

⑤ M: This new sofa is uncomfortable, hard as a rock!

이 새로운 소파는 불편해, 바위처럼 너무 딱딱해!

W: Just send it back to the store and exchange it for a softer one.

그거 가게 다시 가서 그거 보다 부드러운 걸로 바꿔와




14. [출제의도] 대화 완성하기

M: Hello, Professor Brown? This is Lee, Sun-Shin, the principal of Hankuk High School.

안녕하세요 브라운 교수님입니까? 저는 한국고등학교의 교장, 이순신이라고 합니다.

W: Hi, Principal Lee. How have you been? Long time no hear.

어허 안녕하세요 교장님, 어떻게 별고 없으셨는지요, 오랜만이군요.

M: Same as usual. Actually, I’ve got a favor to ask you. I wonder if you can give a special lecture to our students.

뭐 똑같지요, 사실 부탁할것이 하나있어서요, 저희 학교학생들에게 특별 강연을 부탁드리고 싶은데,,

W: Oh, it’ll be an honor to do that. On what day?

어허 그거 영광이죠, 언제입니까?

M: On Tuesday, Oct. 20th. Are you available on that day?

10월 20일 되는 화요일입니다. 그날 시간이 되시는 지요?

W: Fortunately, I have no class on Tuesdays. What do you want me to speak about?

네 운좋게도 화요일엔 수업이 없네요, 어떤 주제로 말하길 원하십니까?

M: “How to enjoy studying foreign languages” would be a perfect topic. Please base it on your own experiences.

"어떻게 외국어 공부를 즐기냐" 가 가장 좋은 주제가 될 거 같네요, 경험을 토대로 말씀해주셔요

W: Very good. I’ll prepare for it.

네 좋아요, 준비해볼게요

M: Thank you. Please be here by 1 p.m.

고맙습니다. 여기에 오후1시까지 와주세요

W: ______________________________________




15. [출제의도] 대화 완성하기

W: You look down. You seem to have something on your mind.

너 안좋아 보여, 뭔가가 있어보이는데

M: Would you just leave me alone? It’s no big deal.

혼자좀 놔둘래? 별거 없어

W: Come on, just tell me what it is. I might be a help to you.

왜그래, 말해봐 먼대? 도와줄수 있을지 몰라

M: [Sigh] I’ve found my dream girl, but I have no courage to ask her out and I can’t even catch her attention.

[한숨쉬며]나 이상형을 찾았어, 그런데 그녀한테 말해볼 용기가 없어, 게다가 관심을 끌지도 못해

W: Ha-ha... You’re suffering from one-sided love.

하하,, 너 짝사랑에 힘들구나

M: Don’t laugh that way. I’m serious.

그런식으로 비웃지마, 난 진지하다고

W: Okay, okay. Well, buddy, you tend to be shy and nervous when you’re with unfamiliar people, especially with girls.

좋아. 좋아, 친구야 넌 항상 보면 낯선사람들 특히 여자애들이랑 있으면 수줍어 하고 긴장타는거 같더라

M: Exactly. That’s how I am. Anyway, how do you get along well with others? You look comfortable with strangers.

맞아, 내가 그렇지,, 어쩃든 다른사람들이랑 어떻게 하면 잘 지내냐? 넌 낯선사람들이 편한거 같던데

W: Well, I think I was born like that.

음, 난 그냥 그렇게 태어난 것 같아

M: _______________________________________



16. [출제의도] 대화 완성하기

W: Harry, how was your trip to India?

해리, 인도여행은 어떗어?

M: Everything was perfect except for one thing.

하나 빼고는 다 좋았어

W: Oh, what was it?

오 먼데?

M: I visited an exotic antique shop to buy some souvenirs.

이국적인 골동품가게를 가서 기념품을 좀 샀어

W: Sounds cool. But what was the trouble?

좋아, 그런데 ?

M: They were really beautiful. I mean they were too beautiful. I didn’t realize I had spent almost all my money there.

그것들은 참 아름다웠어, 정말 아름다웠어, 내 돈을 거기서 거의다 써버린걸 알지도 못한채로,,

W: Oh, no! Why didn’t you return some of them?

오 안대 근데 왜 그것들 환불안했어?

M: I tried but I couldn’t get a refund because the items were on sale.

할려고 했는데 그거 세일중이라,

W: So what did you do then?

그럼 어떻게 했는데

M: I had to ask my mother to wire me some money. It was very embarrassing.

엄마한테 전화해서 돈 좀 부쳐달라고 할 수 밖에 없었어, 당황스러웠지

W: And I guess sending money abroad was not an easy job for your mom.

아마도 돈을 해외로 부치는 일은 너희 어머니에게 쉬운일은 아녀 보이는데,,

M: You're right. She said it wasn’t. I realized that I should be more careful with money.

니 말이 맞아, 엄마가 그랬거든, 그래서 돈 참 조심히 써야겠다고 깨달았지,

W: _____________________________________



17. [출제의도] 상황에 맞는 표현 추론하기

W: Scott is on the subway, exhausted from a long day at school.

스캇이 지하철이 있어요, 학교에서 지친상태로 말이죠.

It is full and he manages to take the last vacant seat.

거긴 자리가 꽉차있엇는데 그는 어떻게 마지막 좌석에 앉을 수 있엇죠

A few stations farther on, a senior citizen with a cane gets on the train.

더 저쪽의 몇 개의 지하철역, 지팡이를 든  한 노인이 지하철에 탔죠.

She is having a hard time balancing herself in the crowded subway.

그 노인은 많은 탑승객들 사이에서 흔들거리는 몸을 주체하기 힘들었어요

 Scott has many more stops to go. He wants to get some sleep, while staying seated through the stops.

스캇은 가야할 정거장이 많이 남았었어요, 그는 앉은 자리에서 잠을 자고 싶었죠

 But nobody seems to care about the elderly lady.

하지만 그 누구도 늙은 할머니를 신경쓰지 않는 듯했어요

So, he finally decides to give up his seat for her. In this situation, what would Scott most likely say to the woman?

그래서 스캇은 결국 그 자리를 노부인에게 양보하기로 마음먹었어요,

이런 상황에서 스캇은 노인에게 무엇이라 말했을까요?








문장이 너무 많아 시간이 오래걸렸습니다.

도움되셨다면 답변확정부탁요.

가르쳐주세요~ (고2문과) ★내공드림★

... 내려가면 해석할 엄두도 안나요 ㅠ.ㅠ 그래서... 자세히좀 가르쳐 주세요~~~ 참고로 전 문법도 거의 모릅니다... 공부법 - 듣기 외국어 영역 공부법에 대한 이야기를 ...

외국어영역고민 ... 학습법과 공부법좀...

... 2009년에는 수능을 치는데 .. 제가 고1때부터 중1.2.3 기초를 했습니다. (과외도 했지만 ....) 그리고 지금은 외국어 영역 해석은 어느정도 가능해서.... 수능기본편부터 합니다......

고2인데 심각 합니다...도와주세요

... 도와주세요 구체적인 답변 부탁 드립니다.. 점수는 언어... 수리:40~50(외국어도 비슷하구요,외국어 듣기:만땅도... 까지만해도 외국어 진짜 못했는데, 고2 10월달부터 열심히...

고2외국어 (영어) 영역(B)형...

... 모의대학수학능력시험문제지 고2외국어 (영어) 영역(B)형 예비모의고사 답. 좀알려주세요 급해요... [소재] bonobo 원숭이 [정답] ④ [해석] 여: bonobo에 대해 들어본...

외국어성적올리는 방법ㅠㅠ

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