영어 수행평가 첨삭좀 해주세요ㅠㅠ

영어 수행평가 첨삭좀 해주세요ㅠㅠ

작성일 2017.06.22댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

문장이 너무 많지만 첨삭해주시면 감사하겠습니다 낼 수행이라 부탁드려요.. 문법적으로 틀린부분만 고쳐주세요

#영어 수행평가 #영어 수행평가 자료집 #영어 수행평가 종류 #영어 수행평가 평가기준 #영어 수행평가 양식 #영어 수행평가 주제 #영어 수행평가 채점기준표 #영어 수행평가 사례 #고등학교 영어 수행평가 예시 #중학교 영어 수행평가

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

When you are playing soccer, every strikers want to score three goals, namely hat-trick.

Like these strikers, I have three goals that I want to achieve.

So I decided tp become a good striker like Ronaldo for my goals.

First of all, I will become a hotelier regardless of my college major.

I've been thinking that the systematic preparation of the events at the hotel is wonderful.

I want to be able to use various languages for service.

Secondly, I will participate on overseas volunteer work once a year.

I usually had advertisement of Unicef when I was watching TV.

Even in my country, I had regularly volunteered ar the children's racility and felt rewording after the volunteer work.

So I want to help nearby friends, not only someone in our country but also in abroad.

Lastly, I will live a healthy life.

For the sake of healthy life, I will not smoke.

I will also take a walk twice a week with my wife in the future.

수행평가 화이팅 해요!! 문장은 대체적으로 거의 좋았어요!!

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