영어 관계대명사에 대한 문제 좀 풀어주세요, 관대 너무 못해서 ,,-ㅅ- 몰...

영어 관계대명사에 대한 문제 좀 풀어주세요, 관대 너무 못해서 ,,-ㅅ- 몰...

작성일 2006.03.27댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

[1-15]다음 중 각 문장의 빈 칸을 채워 넣으세요. (한 단어 또는 두 단어)
{____의 수는 답과 아무 관계없음.-_ -}

1.Football is the sport ________ he is interested.

2.Who ______ has read Shakespeare's beautiful poems can forget their charm?

3.Choose ______ you think is suitable.

4.He spoke of the men and the things _______ he had seen.

5.She is the woman ______ I believe can help you.

6.She knows the town ______ I believe can help you.

7.This is the book _____ I have been looking

8._______ is done cannot be undone.

9.This is the village _________ I lived when young.

10.Thank you for _____ you have done to me.

11.The president of the company, ______ she introduced me last week, is extremely fond of modern music.

12. What is the name of the building _____ roof you can see?

13.He tired to break the door open, _____ he found impossible

14.I will do ______ I could to help you.

15.The earth _______ we live go round the sun.

[16-19] 주어진 두 문장을 관계대명사를 이용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.

16. Is that the boy? His mother is a pianist.

17.The man has gone to Paris. He was here yesterday.

19. The watch is very good. I bought it a day before yesterday.

20. Children have beautiful faces. They love music.

답과 함께 영어 초보가 이해갈정도의 1~2줄 설명 간단하게 써주시면 감사하겠습니다.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1.Football is the sport in which he is interested.

be interested in 흥미를 가지다.

2.Who that has read Shakespeare's beautiful poems can forget their charm?
원래 who가 되야하나 선행사가 who이기에 that으로

3.Choose what you think is suitable.
what=the thing which 선행사와 관계사 합친 것.

4.He spoke of the men and the things which he had seen.
선행사가 사람 사물 다 있을 경우

5.She is the woman who (I believe) can help you.

I believe는 삽입절이므로 목적격이 아니라 주격관계사가 와야함

6.She knows the town which ( I believe) can help you.

I believe는 삽입절이므로 목적격이 아니라 주격관계사가 와야함

7.This is the book for which I have been looking

look for

8.What is done cannot be undone.

what=the thing which 선행사와 관계사 합친 것.

9.This is the village in which I lived when young.

live in

10.Thank you for what you have done to me.

what=the thing which 선행사와 관계사 합친 것.

11.The president of the company, to whom she introduced me last week, is extremely fond of modern music.
introduced me to the man

12. What is the name of the building whose roof you can see?

the building's roof 소유격

13.He tried to break the door open, which he found impossible.

앞문장 전체가 선행사

14.I will do what I could to help you.
what=the thing which 선행사와 관계사 합친 것.

15.The earth in which we live go round the sun.
live in

[16-19] 주어진 두 문장을 관계대명사를 이용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.

16. Is that the boy whose mother is a pianist?

17.The man who was here yesterday has gone to Paris.

19. The watch which I bought a day before yesterday is very good.

20. Children who love music have beautiful faces.

중학교 영어 문법 질문입니다.

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