영어 글 문법 확인해주세요

영어 글 문법 확인해주세요

작성일 2024.05.07댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

1. 1, 2번 글 각 문장마다 영어 문법 확인해 주세요
2. 1, 2번 각 글마다 빈도부사, 동명사, 관계대명사, 감각동사 중 2개 이상 사용되었는지 확인해 주세요(사용된 문장 앞에 *로 표시)

  • 1번 글
  1. In the picture, there are many people at the beach.
  2. It is in the middle of the day.
  3. People rarely visit this place in winter, but they often visit place for swimming in summer.
  4. In the middle of picture, there is a cart bar which sells ice cream.
  5. I think selling food on the street is fun.
  6. In the foreground of the picture, there is a boy who is building a sandcastle.
  7. He looks very happy building it.
  8. If the sandcastle crumbles, he will be sad.
  • 2번 글
  1. In the picture, there are many people at the square.
  2. At the square, some people are sitting on the bench.
  3. In the middle of the picture, there is a train which goes through the center.
  4. People sometimes take a train when they go to work.
  5. There are some people who are crossing the railroad.
  6. I think crossing the railroad is dangerous.
  7. In the right side of the picture, there is a pumpkin.
  8. I think that it is Halloween holiday.

* 어느 한 그림을 묘사한 글

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⭐️답변이 도움되셨다면 답변확정하기 부탁드립니다.

⭐️질문의 대한 답변:

1번 글: *In the picture, there are many people at the beach. It is in the middle of the day. People rarely visit this place in winter, but they often visit *the place for swimming in summer. In the middle of *the picture, there is a cart bar which sells ice cream. I think *that selling food on the street is fun. In the foreground of *the picture, there is a boy who is building a sandcastle. He looks very happy building it. If the sandcastle crumbles, he will be sad.

2번 글: *In the picture, there are many people at the square. At the square, some people are sitting on the bench. In the middle of *the picture, there is a train which goes through the center. People sometimes take a train when they go to work. There are some people who are crossing the railroad. I think *that crossing the railroad is dangerous. In the right side of *the picture, there is a pumpkin. I think *that it is Halloween holiday.

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