ritual Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지


... this ritual is that it has been reformed into a spell and will create a demonic... this ritual is that 이 의식에 대해 내가 만든 유일한 차이점/조정은 it...

태그: 번역, 번역부탁드립니다, 영어번역, 영어해석, 영어번역도와주세요

영어 문법좀 봐주세요 ㅠㅠ

... Jongmyo ritual and ritual music. In particular, Jongmyo Jeryeak is highly... Jongmyo Ritual and Ritual Music." -> "Jongmyo Shrine is also valuable as a...


영어 어법 수정

... The living person, who was his lover, eats the dead person as a form of funerary ritual.... The living person, who was his lover, eats the dead person as a form of funeral ritual. 책에서...

태그: 문제풀이

영어문법 질문입니다만

... certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them... providing people responded in certain ritual ways..."와 같이 사용할 수 있습니다.



... the ritual in other than this its best to work out your... the ritual Say the words "I bless thee oh creature of salt enrich bless and ground this ritual so mote it be...

태그: 번역, 번역부탁드립니다, 번역기금지, 번역해주세요, 번역도와주세요

B as well as A 질문

not just as a sport but also as a ritual 이면 as a ritual as well as as a sport가... B as well as A 질문 not just as a sport but also as a ritual 이면 as a...

태그: 영어

영독해 연습 문법

... a ritual that probably helps to create more pleasant people. helps 동사의 주어를 찾아주세요 안녕하세요 주어는 "ritual"입니다....

태그: 영독해, 영어문법

이 문장 3형식인가요?

The ritual involves men tugging against women.이 문장에서 involve는 목적어로... The ritual involves men tugging against women.이 문장에서 involve는 목적어로 동명사를...

태그: 문제풀이

영독해 끊어 읽기or 문법

... a ritual that it or not, hepls to create more pleasant people 끊어 읽기... a ritual that, whether or not, helps to create more pleasant people. 즐거운...

태그: 문법, 영독해, 끊어읽기

영문법 질문 급해요!!!

So some scientists even think that we should not to use the word “ritual” to... So some scientists even think that we should not to use the word “ritual” to describe...

태그: 영문, 영문법, 영문법질문

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