pendemic Qna 관련 답변 15 페이지


영어 두 문장 중에 단어 몇개가 이해가...

... COVID-19 pandemic. 여기서 a week 하고 second school year가... COVID-19 pandemic. 여기서 a week 하고 second school year가 무슨뜻인가요? a week 는...

태그: 영어, 해석, 문제풀이


Today I will talk about my problems after the pandemic. First problem is that I... the pandemic. First problem is that I use the internet so much, so my eyes...


영어 형식 찾아주세여

... The 21-year-old festival was cancelled last year due to the pandemic but... The 21-year-old festival was cancelled last year due to the pandemic but...



... 요즘 같은 시대에 3백만 원은 무시 못할 금액이다 The economy with pandemic is inevitable in this day and age. 감염병과 함께 가는 경제는 요즘 같은...

태그: 영어번역

영어문장 한국어로 번역 부탁드려요

... Now, what has happened in this pandemic is that out of desperation, these parents... Now, what has happened in this pandemic is that out of desperation, these parents...

태그: 영어번역, 한국어번역, 번역, 영어

영어 감수 가능할까요? 어색한 부분이나...

... At present, by the instability of industry caused by the pandemic... At present, by the instability of industry caused by the pandemic situation and...


during 과거시제 질문

A new article suggests that misuse of aspirin might [cause/have caused] the high death rate during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic. 위 문제에서 답이 둘다 가능하지 않다는 의문이...


간단한 영어문장 질문

If the pandemic is going to last years, there have to be creative ways for people to... If the pandemic is going to last years, there have to be creative ways for people to...

태그: 영어문법

영어 문법 문제, 시제와 태

... The great truth that has emerged from the coronavirus pandemic is that no one... The great truth that has emerged from the coronavirus pandemic is that no one...

태그: 영문법, 영어문법, 영어문제, 영어해석, 영어시제, 문장구조, 영어동사, 능동태, 수동태, 영어질문

영어문법 질문드립니다.

... The pandemic has made teachers difficult to creat successful learning enviroments. : 그... The pandemic has made teachers difficult to creat successful learning enviroments. : 그 유행병은...


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