수영어 문장 파파고 돌렸는데 틀린 부분 고쳐주세요!ㅠㅠ

수영어 문장 파파고 돌렸는데 틀린 부분 고쳐주세요!ㅠㅠ

작성일 2024.04.08댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

England is the birthplace of black tea culture.

First, tea times are set several times a day in the United Kingdom. They drink tea about six times a day. Second, they eat cakes, biscuits, sandwiches, and toast with tea.

People in the UK often enjoy leisurely tea breaks, so life is full of leeway.

India, a former British colony, developed British tea culture. This culture, which was popularized by colonization, is not accurate.

I usually enjoy drinking tea. I wonder what kind of tea there will be in England. I want to go to England later and experience British tea culture firsthand.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -


파파고 돌린 문장 수정:

> England is the birthplace of black tea culture.First, tea times are set several times a day in the United Kingdom. They drink tea about six times a day. Second, they eat cakes, biscuits, sandwiches, and toast with tea.People in the UK often enjoy leisurely tea breaks, so life is full of leeway.India, a former British colony, developed British tea culture. This culture, which was popularized by colonization, is not accurate.I usually enjoy drinking tea. I wonder what kind of tea there will be in England. I want to go to England later and experience British tea culture firsthand.

수정된 문장:

> 영국은 블랙티 문화의 발상지입니다. 영국에서는 티 타임이 하루에 여러 번 정해져 있습니다. 하루에 약 6번 차를 마신답니다. 또한 티 타임에는 빵, 비스킷, 샌드위치, 토스트를 함께 먹습니다. 마신답니다. 영국에서는 차를 마시면서 여유롭게 시간을 보내는 경우가 많아서 삶에 여유가 있습니다. 과거 영국 식민지였던 인도에는 영국의 차 문화가 자리 잡게 되었어요. 식민화를 통해 전파된 이 문화는 그다지 본래의 의미를 담고 있지 않습니다. 저는 평소에 차를 마시는 것을 좋아합니다. 영국에 가면 어떤 차가 있는지 궁금하네요. 언젠가 영국에 가서 영국의 차 문화를 직접 경험해 보고 싶습니다.


profile_image 익명 작성일 -

England is the birthplace of black tea culture. First, tea times are set several times a day in the United Kingdom. They drink tea about six times a day. Second, they eat cakes, biscuits, sandwiches, and toast with tea. People in the UK often enjoy leisurely tea breaks, so life is full of leeway. India, a former British colony, developed British tea culture. This culture, which was popularized


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