영어 ppt, 진로랑 관련해서 만드는 법

영어 ppt, 진로랑 관련해서 만드는 법

작성일 2024.03.18댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

고3 학생인데요. 
영어 ppt발표가 내일 있어서요. 
내용을 좀 자세히 채우고 싶은데 어떻게 써야 할지 막막해서요.
영어 책이랑 제 진로를 엮으려고 하는데요. 
제 진로 학과가 언어학과인데 어떻게 엮어야 하는지 알려주세요!!

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언어학과라고 하셨는데 순수 언어학과인지 특정언어학과인지 불분명합니다.

순수한 언어학과가 국내에는 다섯군데밖에 없다고 합니다.

고려대학교 문과대학 언어학과

부산대학교 인문대학 언어정보학과

서울대학교 인문대학 언어학과

충남대학교 인문대학 언어학과

한국외국어대학교 인문대학 언어인지과학과

더구나 어떤 영어책인지 단서가 없어서 답변이 어렵습니다.

예를 들어 동물농장을 쓴 조지오웰의 '1984'를 읽고 언어학과 연관지어 볼 수 있습니다.

아래는 소설에 등장하는 신어(NewSpeak) 에 대한 나무위키의 설명입니다.

'언어가 사고를 지배한다'는 사상에 입각하여, 당은 영어를 바탕으로 신어(Newspeak, 新語)라는 사상통제용 언어를 새로 만들어 사람들이 당의 방침에 대한 어떠한 의문도 가지지 못하게 한다. 이전의 언어는 구어(oldspeak)[30]라고 하여 점차 사용 빈도 수를 줄이며 사어화시킨다.

이렇게 하는 궁극적인 목적은 당의 방침과 반대인 개념을 완전히 제거하여, 신어를 쓰는 사람들이 당의 방침을 본능으로 느끼도록(bellyfeel) 만들고, 궁극적으로 인간이 가질 수 있는 마지막 자유인 생각의 자유마저 앗아가는 것이다. 또한 신어는 보통의 다른 언어들과는 달리 시간이 지날수록 어휘 수가 줄어드는 언어이며, 이것 또한 어휘의 풍족성을 매우 낮추어서 사람들의 생각을 억압하거나 통제하려는 것이 목적이다.

이에 대한 적절한 예시로, 좋다(good)의 반대말은 나쁘다(bad)이지만, 신어에서는 좋다의 반대말로 나쁘다가 아닌 좋지 않다(ungood)가 사용된다. 영어에서 bad와 ungood의 의미 차이는 상당하다.

작가가 부록('신어의 원리')에서 신어의 개념과 변천과정을 설명하는 글을 일종의 연구 보고서 형식으로 해서 현대 영어로 분석하였는데, 시점이 과거형이다. 이 서술 방식을 통해 결국 신어는 (더 나아가 영사와 오세아니아는) 실패하였다는 암시를 드러내고 있다는 해석도 있다. 펭귄사 판의 토마스 핀천이 대표적이다. 다만 이 부록은 너무 학술적인 논문의 느낌이라 책의 재미를 해친다고 비판하는 사람들도 있는데, 실제로 미국에 출판될 때 미국 독서클럽에서는 소설 본문 중간중간 삽입된 엠마뉴엘 골드스타인의 '과두정치적 집단주의의 이론과 실제'와 이 부록을 빼야한다고 요청했다고 한다. 이에 조지 오웰은 책의 한 내용을 빼면 모든 것을 뒤집어야 한다고 극구 반대했다.

작가가 이 소설만을 위해 만든 인공언어에 가깝다 보니 작품 내부에서만 쓰이는 신조어들도 많다.(이중사고[Doublethink], 사상범[Crimethinker], 사상죄[Thoughtcrime] 등) 이 외에도 동사의 불규칙 형태나 중복된 의미를 가진 동사 등 영어의 불필요한 형태가 제거되었다.

위와 같이 1984에 나오는 Newspeak에 대해 언어학적 관점에서 특징을 찾고 다른 언어와 비교하고 언어의 영향력을 분석한다면 좋은 발표가 될 수 있습니다.

ChatGPT의 추천목차입니다.

1. Introduction

2. Overview of "1984" by George Orwell

3. Analysis of Newspeak: Language Control and Manipulation

4. Language and Power: The Role of Language in Totalitarian Regimes

5. Linguistic Perspective on Freedom of Expression

6. Linguistic Manipulation and Distortion of Reality

7. Conclusion: Implications for Linguistics and Personal Aspiration

8. Questions and Discussion

발표 대본입니다.


**1. Introduction:**

Good morning/afternoon everyone,

Today, I'm excited to explore the profound connections between the novel "1984" by George Orwell and the field of linguistics, particularly in the context of my aspiration to become a linguist.

**2. Overview of "1984" by George Orwell:**

"1984" is a dystopian novel set in a totalitarian society where the government, led by the Party and its leader Big Brother, exercises complete control over its citizens. The story follows the protagonist, Winston Smith, as he navigates life under constant surveillance and repression.

**3. Analysis of Newspeak: Language Control and Manipulation:**

One of the most striking aspects of "1984" is the introduction of Newspeak, a language engineered by the Party to eliminate freedom of thought and expression. Newspeak serves as a tool for linguistic control and manipulation, aiming to restrict the range of thought and eradicate rebellious ideas.

For example, Newspeak systematically eliminates words that could be used to convey rebellious or subversive ideas. Concepts such as "freedom," "revolution," and "equality" are stripped from the language, leaving citizens unable to articulate dissent against the Party's oppressive regime. By controlling language, the Party seeks to control the very thoughts and perceptions of its citizens.

Furthermore, Newspeak employs techniques such as doublethink and thoughtcrime to reinforce its linguistic control. Doublethink, the ability to hold contradictory beliefs simultaneously, is encouraged to ensure compliance with the Party's ever-changing doctrines. Thoughtcrime, on the other hand, criminalizes even the mere act of thinking rebellious thoughts, further cementing the Party's linguistic hegemony.

Through the analysis of Newspeak, we gain insights into the profound implications of linguistic control and manipulation. Orwell's portrayal of Newspeak serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of allowing language to be weaponized for political and ideological ends. As linguists, it prompts us to consider the ethical dimensions of language use and the importance of safeguarding linguistic diversity and freedom of expression.

**4. Language and Power: The Role of Language in Totalitarian Regimes:**

"1984" vividly illustrates the intimate relationship between language and power. The Party's manipulation of language reflects its broader agenda to maintain dominance and suppress dissent. Through linguistic control, the Party exerts authority over every aspect of society, reinforcing its totalitarian rule.

Language serves as a mechanism through which the Party asserts its dominance and suppresses dissent. By manipulating language, the Party distorts reality, rewrites history, and imposes its ideology upon society. Through slogans like "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength," the Party subverts the meaning of words, rendering them devoid of their original significance and instilling confusion and obedience among the populace.

The portrayal of language in "1984" underscores the centrality of linguistic manipulation in the exercise of authoritarian power. Orwell's depiction serves as a cautionary reminder of the dangers inherent in the monopolization of language by oppressive regimes. It prompts us to critically examine the ways in which language can be used as a means of domination and to advocate for the preservation of linguistic diversity and freedom of expression as fundamental rights in society.

**5. Linguistic Perspective on Freedom of Expression:**

Winston's yearning for freedom of expression highlights the intrinsic link between language and liberty. Linguistic analysis allows us to delve into how restrictions on language impact individuals' ability to articulate dissent and challenge authority.

Winston's clandestine acts of rebellion in "1984," such as writing in his secret diary and engaging in forbidden conversations with Julia, highlight the intrinsic link between language and freedom of expression. Despite the omnipresent threat of surveillance and punishment for engaging in "thoughtcrime," Winston's defiance through linguistic acts underscores the enduring power of language to defy oppression and assert individual agency. For instance, Winston's decision to express his innermost thoughts and feelings through writing reflects his refusal to be silenced by the Party's attempts to control language and suppress dissent.

**6. Linguistic Manipulation and Distortion of Reality:**

In "1984", language is used as a tool for manipulating reality and controlling information. By distorting language, the Party alters perceptions and perpetuates its regime of falsehoods and propaganda. This manipulation of language underscores the power dynamics at play in shaping society's understanding of truth and reality.

The Party's manipulation of language in "1984" extends beyond mere control of expression to the distortion of reality itself. By altering historical records and manipulating language, the Party creates a fictional narrative that serves its interests and perpetuates its rule. For example, the concept of "doublethink" encourages citizens to accept contradictory beliefs simultaneously, effectively blurring the line between truth and falsehood and eroding their capacity for critical thinking. Similarly, the rewriting of history to fit the Party's agenda demonstrates how linguistic manipulation can be used to reshape collective memory and shape perceptions of reality.

**7. Conclusion: Implications for Linguistics and Personal Aspiration:**

In conclusion, "1984" offers invaluable insights into the intricate dynamics of language and its profound impact on society. As I pursue a career in linguistics, studying works like "1984" allows me to deepen my understanding of language's role in shaping power structures, fostering critical thinking, and safeguarding freedom of expression.

**8. Questions and Discussion:**

Thank you for your attention. I welcome any questions or comments you may have, and I look forward to engaging in further discussion on the intersections between "1984" and linguistics.


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