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작성일 2008.02.26댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Career Overview: The Shadow Warrior

News Manager Keith Cross recently had the opportunity to speak with Adam Gershowitz, Associate Art Director on Warhammer Online about Shadow Warriors, elite warriors of the High Elves who walk the line between dark and light in their quest for vengeance against the enemies of Elfkind. Adam was also kind enough to send over specific information about the Shadow Warrior's specific abilities, strategic maneuvers, stances, and examples of what a few rounds of combat might look like.  


During the age when the Elven Kingdom of Ulthuan was split by civil war, and the soil of Nagarythe was spattered with the blood of brothers for Malekith’s treasons, an elite line of warriors was born: the Shadow Warriors.

In the time of relative peace between the first chaos invasion, and the war which sundered the Elves into the High Elves loyal to the Phoenix King, and the Dark Elves who followed Malekith the Witch King, these warriors called Malekith’s homeland of Nagarythe their home. They agreed with Malekith’s view that the Elven people were growing soft and complacent, and that the elves needed to stay strong and warlike to face the growing threat of Chaos and destruction, but they disagreed with his policy of murdering the Phoenix King based on flimsy accusations and transparent desires for the throne. Armed with the warlike mindset and methods of the Dark Elves, and the sense of justice and morals of the High Elves, they took up arms against Malekith’s corruption. Since that time they have become the harsh justice of the High Elves, fighting the dirty fights which make others balk, taking vengeance on the enemies of elfkind, and walking a line in the moral shadows between dark and light.

During the Age of Reckoning, the timeframe of Warhammer Online, the Shadow Warriors continue in their traditional role. I recently had the chance to talk to Adam Gershowitz, Associate Art Director for Combat and Careers on WAR about the Shadow Warrior, and their role in the game’s culture as well as their role in terms of game mechanics. He described the shadow warrior as “the brooding antihero type” and half joking as “Legolas if he were a 16 year old goth teen” in terms of the Shadow Warrior’s martial prowess with bow and blade, and his bleak world view. (Except at the end of a hard day of battle the Shadow Warrior would have a bit more than a light smudge of dirt on his cheek.)

Adam went on to describe how the other High Elves look upon the Shadow Warrior as “almost a necessary evil.” Despite their proven loyalty to the Phoenix King, they put other Elves off because of their affinity for vengeance, and because their “sense of justice outweighs their sense of morality”. They are respected but not entirely loved by their own kind. Their kin regard them “as powerful tools” in the wars against the ancient enemies of the Elves.

While the Elves have a love hate relationship with the Shadow Warriors, there are others who take a kinder view, a mysterious race called the play testers. Adam informed me that the Shadow Warrior is the current favorite among play testers. And why wouldn’t they be? Back-story alone is enough to put them on the A list. When Adam started talking about their role in the game from a game mechanic point of view, the reasons for their popularity became more apparent. The Shadow Warrior is designed to be deadly at all ranges. They are snipers, skirmishers, and toe to toe melee combatants all rolled into one.

The draw back of the Shadow Warrior is that they aren’t the best at what they do. Meaning that if a Shadow Warrior and a Bright Wizard were to stand side by side and hurl death at their foes from long range, the Bright Wizard do the most damage every time, well, almost every time, but we’ll get into that later (see Vengeance of Nagarythe). Assuming this hypothetical foe is a few degrees more intelligent than a lobotomized greenskin, they’ll close in on the Bright Wizard and hit them at close range where the Wizard is vulnerable. This is where the Shadow Warrior shines, as they are just as good at close range as they are at long. In fact, the shadow warrior is just as good at medium range and harassment (or run and gun) tactics, so the foe might not even make it across the field of battle to experience close range combat.

The Shadow Warrior is really designed for players who enjoy playing well rounded and versatile classes. They’re for players who don’t care about being the best at this or that, but enjoy the challenge of having a broad range of talents, and strategically applying the right combination for skills to diverse situations on the fly. Strategy is meant to be a big part of the Shadow Warrior’s appeal. A common mantra among MMO developers is ‘easy to get into, difficult to master’ and this was the philosophy in mind when they developed the Shadow Warrior.

In closing, I asked Adam if there were any other careers in WAR that shared the philosophies, either morally or in game design, of the Shadow Warrior. In terms of game design he mentioned the Squig Herder as an example of another career with diverse skills that requires players to change tactics and adapt quickly, and he pointed to the Witch Hunter as an example of someone who would use dark methods to defeat a darker foe. The most intriguing example was that of the Orcs. One could argue that Shadow Warriors can easily be regarded as evil for their rage and viciousness in battle, but they are not truly evil for their motives are just. While Orcs are regarded as evil for similar reasons, but their motives may not be truly evil, as Orcs fight mostly because they like fighting. Of course, this is Warhammer, so good and evil takes a back seat to order and destruction, where good and evil exist on both sides. I guess the moral of the story is: shades of grey are fun to play.


번역 부탁드립니다. 번역기 ㄴㄴ. 원래 한갠데 두개로 나눠서 올립니다 ㄱㄱ

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Career Overview: The Shadow Warrior

News Manager Keith Cross recently had the opportunity to speak with Adam Gershowitz, Associate Art Director on Warhammer Online about Shadow Warriors, elite warriors of the   who walk the line between dark and light in their quest for vengeance against the enemies of Elfkind. Adam was also kind enough to send over specific information about the Shadow Warrior's specific abilities, strategic maneuvers, stances, and examples of what a few rounds of combat might look like.  


직업의 개관:The Shadoe warrior

새로운 관리자인 Keith Cross가

Art Director 인Adam Gershowitz,와 담소를 나눌 기회가생겨 어둠과 빛 사이에서 적 Elfkind에 복수를 하는 High Elves인Shadoe Warrior에 관해 이야기를 하였다.(, 왤캐많어 ㅡ,ㅡ)

 [Adam 은 또한  Shadow Warrior's의 특별한 능력,전략,기동작전,발의 자세,전투의 몇가지 모습에 관해 방송해줄것을 부탁헀다]





During the age when the Elven Kingdom of Ulthuan was split by civil war, and the soil of Nagarythe was spattered with the blood of brothers for Malekith’s treasons, an elite line of warriors was born: the Shadow Warriors.


Elven Kingdom of Ulthuan이 시민전쟁에 의하여 쇠하여가고,  Nagarythe의 토양은 반역죄를 저지른 Malekith’s형제의 피로 튀겨지고(?)있는 사이에 한 우수한 전사가 탄생한다 :the Shadow Warriors.


In the time of relative peace between the first chaos invasion, and the war which sundered the Elves into the High Elves loyal to the Phoenix King, and the Dark Elves who followed Malekith the Witch King, these warriors called Malekith’s homeland of Nagarythe their home. They agreed with Malekith’s view that the Elven people were growing soft and complacent, and that the elves needed to stay strong and warlike to face the growing threat of Chaos and destruction, but they disagreed with his policy of murdering the Phoenix King based on flimsy accusations and transparent desires for the throne. Armed with the warlike mindset and methods of the Dark Elves, and the sense of justice and morals of the High Elves, they took up arms against Malekith’s corruption. Since that time they have become the harsh justice of the High Elves, fighting the dirty fights which make others balk, taking vengeance on the enemies of elfkind, and walking a line in the moral shadows between dark and light.



첫번째 혼란스런 전투 중에 비교적 평화스런 시간이 와  Phoenix King에게 충성을 맹세하는 High Elves 가  Elves 를 찢어죽이던 시대 그리고 Malekith the Witch King을 따르던 Dark Elves, 이들 전사들은Nagarythe의 Malekith’s에 고향이라고 불리워졌다.[뭐 ...해석이좀이상할수도 ]


그들은 Malekith’s 의 관점에 동의하였고


아 ㅡㅡ.........점점짜증이 ..;;;



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이 문장 마침표와 쉼표제대로구분되있는거맞습니까?


너무 쉼표가많아서 문장이 엄청애매하네요 ㅡ,ㅡ;;;


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