영어문장이 시제에 맞게 작성되었는지 확인해주세요!

영어문장이 시제에 맞게 작성되었는지 확인해주세요!

작성일 2024.05.12댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

1.The Euro has existed as the currency of most European countries since 1999.
2.Psychologists research the connection between income level and happiness these days.
3.They had cooked for only an hour by the time the guests arrived.
4.Career opportunities in biomedical engineering increase every year.
5.By next summer, I will have been playing soccer for 5 years.
6.Sam will come home shortly.
7.During the early 1900s, jazz first appeared in New Orleans.
8.We will wait for him when his plane arrives tonight.
9.Ben has been wearing that shirt since last Friday.
10.Naan, a type of Indian bread, tastes delicious because it is cooked over a fire.
11.It had been snowing for two days before it stopped.

제가 맞게 작성한다고 써봤는데 시제에 잘 맞게쓴건지 확인부탁드립니다. 감사합니다!

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

질문자님이 작성하신 영어 문장들은 대부분 시제를 잘 맞춰 작성하셨습니다. 각 문장에 대해 자세히 확인해 보겠습니다.

1. **The Euro has existed as the currency of most European countries since 1999.**

- 현재완료 시제 (has existed) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

2. **Psychologists research the connection between income level and happiness these days.**

- 현재 시제 (research) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

3. **They had cooked for only an hour by the time the guests arrived.**

- 과거완료 시제 (had cooked) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

4. **Career opportunities in biomedical engineering increase every year.**

- 현재 시제 (increase) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

5. **By next summer, I will have been playing soccer for 5 years.**

- 미래완료 진행형 (will have been playing) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

6. **Sam will come home shortly.**

- 미래 시제 (will come) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

7. **During the early 1900s, jazz first appeared in New Orleans.**

- 과거 시제 (appeared) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

8. **We will wait for him when his plane arrives tonight.**

- 미래 시제 (will wait)와 현재 시제 (arrives) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

9. **Ben has been wearing that shirt since last Friday.**

- 현재완료 진행형 (has been wearing) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

10. **Naan, a type of Indian bread, tastes delicious because it is cooked over a fire.**

- 현재 시제 (tastes)와 현재 시제 (is cooked) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

11. **It had been snowing for two days before it stopped.**

- 과거완료 진행형 (had been snowing) 적절히 사용됨.

- 맞습니다.

질문자님이 작성한 모든 문장들이 시제에 맞게 잘 작성되었습니다. 좋은 결과 있기를 바랍니다!

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