영어 문장 번역 (내공 1000)

영어 문장 번역 (내공 1000)

작성일 2021.03.24댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어 문장 번역 부탁드립니다, 이미 파파고로 돌려봤지만 문장이 말도 안되고 읽기도 힘들어서 번역 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 내용이 길어서 내공 많이 드립니다 ㅠㅠ (파파고는 이미 돌려봤으니 실력자님의 번역 부탁드립니다ㅠㅠ 알아들을 수 있다면 ok)

We used balance theory to understand the interplay between adolescents’ friendship and antipathy networks. Heider’s balance theory (1946, 1958) describes how relationships shape a person’s sentiment (e.g., athought, view, attitude, or feeling) about any ‘situation, event, idea,or a thing’ (Heider, 1946: 107). That is, the valence of a person’s tie to a second person (and how the second person ‘feels’ about some-thing) influences the focal person’s opinion or attitude about others. Hence, Heider (1946) assigned meaning to the influence of a second person to whom the focal person is tied.

The key assumption of balance theory is that people prefer balanced configurations over imbalanced ones (Doreian et al., 2005). For instance, having the same opinion about certain objects as those who you are friends with is in line with one’s expectations of what a friendship should look like. This leads to configurations that are congruent as they are perceived as comfortable and stable. In contrast, people tend to avoid configurations that are imbalanced as disagreeing with friends causes strain and tension, and hence, people will change their relationship, opinion or attitude.

Heider’s balance theory (1946, 1958) has been used to explain a wide range of socio-psychological phenomena (e.g., relative deprivation, political opinions, conflict management, job mobility, social comparison processes, leadership and group effectiveness, social behavior, communication; see Davis, 1963), showing that an individual’s positive (or negative) attitude about a situation or issue depends on the individual’s relationship with a friend and that friend’s positive (or negative) attitude toward the situation or issue. Although balance theory was rooted in (social) psychology, the main principles also have been applied to sociometric triplets of three individuals who share ties to one another. The best-known example of such a configurationis transitivity; the tendency to call a ‘friend of a friend as one’s own friend.’


Balance theory research has been divided into two main groups, cognitive balance theory to explain individuals’ cognitive reasoning, and structural balance theory to explain structurally determined social relationships. We place ourselves in the latter category but recognize that relationships are formed and maintained in the presence of cognitive functioning. We consider such processes by taking an actor-based social choice approach similar to that taken in recent structural balance research as outlined by Hummon and Doreian (2003), which takes the group dynamics of social balance processes into account. We assume that (1) actors have pre-existing knowledge, whether accurate or not, about each other’s tie choices and preferences,(2) actors have some awareness of the wider group structure, and (3) tie choices made by actors to achieve balance are based on what they know at the time they make a choice, and that their social knowledge changes as they learn about and react to their social environment (see for a discussion Hummon and Doreian, 2003).


Although the line of balance theory research, both structural and social, is long and extensive, the theory only infrequently has been explored in dynamic contexts. It is important to note here that a cross-sectional design is insufficient, because structural balance theory is a theory of change. It assumes an interrelation and interchangeability between positive and negative relationships. Moreover, empirical studies in which a ‘complete dynamic network’ approach was taken, and in which important alternative selection mechanisms (i.e., structural tendencies and selection homophily) were controlled for, are scarce. To enhance our knowledge of balance mechanisms, we examined multiple social networks (positively and negatively tied) simultaneously over time as well as their mutual dependence, while controlling for the roles ofthe individual(i.e., age, gender, and ethnicity) and behavioral dispositions (i.e., prosocial and antisocial behavior) of individuals in the formation and maintenance of relationships with others, using the stochastic actor-oriented model (SAOM). This allowed us to examine the main principles of balance theory, which are described below.

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We used balance theory to understand the interplay between adolescents’ friendship and antipathy networks. Heider’s balance theory (1946, 1958) describes how relationships shape a person’s sentiment (e.g., athought, view, attitude, or feeling) about any ‘situation, event, idea,or a thing’ (Heider, 1946: 107). That is, the valence of a person’s tie to a second person (and how the second person ‘feels’ about some-thing) influences the focal person’s opinion or attitude about others. Hence, Heider (1946) assigned meaning to the influence of a second person to whom the focal person is tied.

청소년들의 교우관계와 반감 네트워크 간의 상호작용을 이해하기 위해 우리는 균형이론을 사용했다. 하이더의 균형이론은 서로와의 상호관계가 어떻게 '상황, 사건, 사상, 또는 어떠한 것이든 그 대상에 대한 한 사람의 정서(예를 들면 생각, 관점, 태도, 느낌)를 형성하는지 설명한다. 그 내용인 즉, 한 사람이 또 다른 한 사람과 갖는 연결(그리고 그 다른 사람이 뭔가에 대해 어떻게 '느끼는가')의 균형이 그 중심인물이 갖는 그 두번째 사람에 대한 의견 또는 태도에 영향을 미친다는 것이다. 그런 이유로, 하이더는 중심인물과 연결된 두번째 사람의 영향력에 의미를 부여했다.

무슨 얘기인지 한참 봤는데요.. 문맥상 위 단락의 이전에 the focal person에 대한 이야기가 있는 것 같습니다. 그런것으로 생각하고 설명 하자면...

관계 A의 균형(서로에게 주고 받는 영향력의 균형)에 따라 중심인물의 2번에 대한 관계C 에 영향을 미친다. 그래서 학자는 관계C에서 2번이 중심인물에게 주는 영향력에 의미를 부여했다. (즉, 그것이 연구의 중심이 되겠지요. 아마 아래에 나오겠네요.)

The key assumption of balance theory is that people prefer balanced configurations over imbalanced ones (Doreian et al., 2005). For instance, having the same opinion about certain objects as those who you are friends with is in line with one’s expectations of what a friendship should look like. This leads to configurations that are congruent as they are perceived as comfortable and stable. In contrast, people tend to avoid configurations that are imbalanced as disagreeing with friends causes strain and tension, and hence, people will change their relationship, opinion or attitude.

균형이론의 주요 가정은 사람들이 불균형한 관계설정 보다는 균형잡힌 관계설정을 선호한다는 것이다. 예로써, 어떠한 주제에 대해 친구들과 같은 의견을 갖는 것은 친구사이라면 의례 그럴것이라는 사람들의 기대에 부합한다. 이러한 것이, 안락하고 안정적이라고 생각되는 정도로 균형이 맞아지는 관계설정의 조정이 이루어지게끔 한다. 그에 반해, 사람들은 친구들과 의견이 맞지 않는, 그래서 스트레스와 긴장을 유발시키는 등과 같은 불균형한 관계설정을 피하고자 한다. 그와 같은 이유로 사람들은 그 관계나 의견, 태도를 바꾸게 된다.

Heider’s balance theory (1946, 1958) has been used to explain a wide range of socio-psychological phenomena (e.g., relative deprivation, political opinions, conflict management, job mobility, social comparison processes, leadership and group effectiveness, social behavior, communication; see Davis, 1963), showing that an individual’s positive (or negative) attitude about a situation or issue depends on the individual’s relationship with a friend and that friend’s positive (or negative) attitude toward the situation or issue. Although balance theory was rooted in (social) psychology, the main principles also have been applied to sociometric triplets of three individuals who share ties to one another. The best-known example of such a configurationis transitivity; the tendency to call a ‘friend of a friend as one’s own friend.’

하이더의 균형이론은 개인이 갖는 상황이나 이슈에 대한 긍/부정적인 태도가 친구와의 관계 그리고 그 친구가 어떻게 그 상황이나 이슈를 긍적적 또는 부정적으로 대하는가에 의존적이라는 사실을 보여주며, 넓은 범위의 사회심리학적 현상에 대해 설명하는데 사용되어왔다.(예를들면, 관계 단절, 정치적 의견들, 갈등 조정, 직업 유동성, 사회적 경쟁 과정, 리더쉽과 집단 효과성, 사회적 행동, 의사소통) 비록 균형이론이 (사회)심리학의 기원일지라도, 그 주요 원리들 또한 서로에게 연결된 개인들로 이루어 사회적 세쌍동이에 적용되어 왔다. 이와 같은 관계설정의 예로 가장 잘 알려진 것이 전이성, 즉 친구의 친구를 자신의 친구라고 부르는 경향과 같은 것이다.

Balance theory research has been divided into two main groups, cognitive balance theory to explain individuals’ cognitive reasoning, and structural balance theory to explain structurally determined social relationships. We place ourselves in the latter category but recognize that relationships are formed and maintained in the presence of cognitive functioning. We consider such processes by taking an actor-based social choice approach similar to that taken in recent structural balance research as outlined by Hummon and Doreian (2003), which takes the group dynamics of social balance processes into account. We assume that (1) actors have pre-existing knowledge, whether accurate or not, about each other’s tie choices and preferences,(2) actors have some awareness of the wider group structure, and (3) tie choices made by actors to achieve balance are based on what they know at the time they make a choice, and that their social knowledge changes as they learn about and react to their social environment (see for a discussion Hummon and Doreian, 2003).

균형이론은 두 개의 주요 그룹, 개인의 인식적 추론을 설명하는 인지적 균형이론과 구조적으로 결정되는 사회관계를 설명하는 구조적 균형이론으로 나뉘어졌다. 우리는

하아... 어렵습니다. 의미에 맞도록 한국어를 만드는게... 어렵네요...........

일단 여기까지하고 나중에 추가할게요..

Although the line of balance theory research, both structural and social, is long and extensive, the theory only infrequently has been explored in dynamic contexts. It is important to note here that a cross-sectional design is insufficient, because structural balance theory is a theory of change. It assumes an interrelation and interchangeability between positive and negative relationships. Moreover, empirical studies in which a ‘complete dynamic network’ approach was taken, and in which important alternative selection mechanisms (i.e., structural tendencies and selection homophily) were controlled for, are scarce. To enhance our knowledge of balance mechanisms, we examined multiple social networks (positively and negatively tied) simultaneously over time as well as their mutual dependence, while controlling for the roles ofthe individual(i.e., age, gender, and ethnicity) and behavioral dispositions (i.e., prosocial and antisocial behavior) of individuals in the formation and maintenance of relationships with others, using the stochastic actor-oriented model (SAOM). This allowed us to examine the main principles of balance theory, which are described below.

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