

작성일 2013.05.28댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Chicago's Skyline


In 1871, Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern in a barn, starting a fire that just about destroyed Chicago. From the ashes of the Great Chicago Fire emerged that great modern innovation - the skyscraper.


Chicago needed to rebuild and could afford to do so. In the 1880s and 1890s, Chicago attracted engineers and architects from around America and Europe. These men, now known as the Chicago School, included William LeBaron Jenny, Louis Sullivan, John Root, and Frank Lloyd Wright

. The traditions they began have been developed over the years by others who worked in Chicago, for example, the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Bohe.





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Chicago's Skyline

시카고의 스카이라인(도시건물이 하늘과 맞닿은 윤곽선)


In 1871, Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern in a barn, starting a fire that just about destroyed Chicago.

1871년에, O'Leary 부인의 젖소가 헛간에 있는 초롱불을 걷어 찼고, 그래서 시카고 일원에 대한 화제를 일으켰던 것이다.

From the ashes of the Great Chicago Fire emerged that great modern innovation - the skyscraper.

대시카고 화재의 잿더미로부터 위대한 현대 혁신 - (즉) 마천루가 나타났던 것이다.


Chicago needed to rebuild and could afford to do so.

시카고는 재건축될 필요가 있었고 그리고 그렇게 할 여유가 있었다.

In the 1880s and 1890s, Chicago attracted engineers and architects from around America and Europe.

1880년대와 1890년대에, 시카고는 미국 각지와 유럽 도처로부터 공학기사들과 건축기사들을 불러들었다.

These men, now known as the Chicago School, included William LeBaron Jenny, Louis Sullivan, John Root, and Frank Lloyd Wright.

오늘날 시카고 학파로 알려진, 이 사람들은, William LeBaron Jenny, Louis Sullivan, John Root 와 Frank Lloyd Wright를 포함하고 있었다.


The traditions they began have been developed over the years by others who worked in Chicago, for example, the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Bohe.

그들이 시작했던 그 전통(형식)은, 시카고에서 일했던 다른 사람들, 예를 들면 독일 건축기사인 Ludwig Mies van der Bohe(와 같은) 사람들에 의해 여러 해에 걸쳐 발전되어져 왔다.




(도움이 되기 바랍니다.)


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