짥고 쉬운 영어 구연동화 알려주세요

짥고 쉬운 영어 구연동화 알려주세요

작성일 2007.08.15댓글 5건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

짥고 쉬운 영어구연동화 알려주세요

너무 긴거 말고요~ -_-

내공도 겁니다 제발 빨리~~

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King Midas and  his Gold Touch(마이다스 왕과 그의 황금손)


There was a king named Midas.

Everything he touched turned into yellow gold. So,Midas was so happy.

He was so hungry. He touched food , but he couldn't eat the food,

because the food turned into yellow gold.

His lovely little daughter turned into a gold statue.

King Midas was so sad.




Pinocchio was a liar.One day,the fairy said

"Where are the five gold pieces?"

"I lost them," he told the first lie.

Then, Pinocchio's nose grew long

"Where did you lost them ?"

"In the woods."

Pinocchio told second lie.

His long nose grew as he spoke more lies.

"Your long nose tells me you are lying."

Pinocchio was so shy.


The Lion and the Mouse


Once there,lion was in sleep.

One little mouse ran up down to lion's big strong body.

The lion caught  the little mouse.Then the mouse said,

"Oh , kind lion,please forgive me. Who knows? I may help you."

So,the lion let the mouse go free.

One day,the hunter caught the lion in the ropes.

The little mouse came by,

"You were very kind to me once, now I'll save your life."

The mouse bit the ropes with his sharp teeth,then the lion was saved.

"Thank you,little mouse!"

They were a good friends.


The Zig - Zag walk


One day a mother crap said to her son and daughter

"Why do you walk like a zig - zag ? Walk straight like the other animals!"

She was angry.Then, her son and daughter say

"We learned to walk from side - to - side from you!"


The frog and the Dried Pool


Two frogs were living in the same pool.

During a hot summer day, the pool dried up.

The two frogs were very very thisty.

They decided to look for another home.

Finally,they found a deep well with water.

One frog said,

"Let's go down and live in this well"

The another frog said,

"But how can we get out again?"


도움 되시실요^^

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제 경험으로는 백설공주가 제일 무난하고 딱 적당해요~

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아빠곰 엄마곰 애기곰네 집에

소녀가 놀러간거..




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 미운오리새끼  제일 읽으시기 무난합니다

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제발 빨리 답변해 주세요!!

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... 너문 쉬운 글자만 장황하게 설명하고 있습니다. 또한 불필용한(?) 고사성어만... [ 해석하는법.] 영어를 잘하시는 분들만 답변 해주세요...ㅠㅠ 저는 정말 중요합니다...ㅠ...

공부를 잘하는 법?

... 너문 쉬운 글자만 장황하게 설명하고 있습니다. 또한 불필용한(?) 고사성어만... [ 해석하는법.] 영어를 잘하시는 분들만 답변 해주세요...ㅠㅠ 저는 정말 중요합니다...ㅠ...


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공부 비법좀...

... 너문 쉬운 글자만 장황하게 설명하고 있습니다. 또한 불필용한(?) 고사성어만... [ 해석하는법.] 영어를 잘하시는 분들만 답변 해주세요...ㅠㅠ 저는 정말 중요합니다...ㅠ...