영어 시험문제 항의 하려고 하는데 도와주세요 ㅠ

영어 시험문제 항의 하려고 하는데 도와주세요 ㅠ

작성일 2024.04.25댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

No matter what your situation, whether you are an insider or an outsider, you need to become the voice that challenges yesterday's answers. Think about the characteristics that make outsiders valuable to an organization. They are the people who have the perspective to see problems that the insiders are too close to really notice. They are the ones who have the freedom to point out these problems and criticize them without risking their job or their career. Part of adopting an outsider mentality is forcing yourself to look around your organization with this disassociated,less emotional perspective. If you didn't know your coworkers and feel bonded to them by your shared experiences, what would you think of them? You may not have the job security or confidence to speak your mind to management, but you can make these "outsider" assessments of your organization on your own and use what you determine to advance your career.

내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오
1번.Outsiders are valueless to an organization.
2.Insiders are better at identifying organizational problems.
3.Speaking up to management is helpful for your career growth
4.No matter what your position, it's crucial to challenge old ideas.
5.Emotional bond to coworker Keeps us from speaking up our voice

제가 5번을 했는데 4번이 맞다는데 5번은 누가봐도 일치 하고 오히려 4번이 틀린 것 같거든요..?
어떻게 yesterday’s answers가 old ideas가 될 수 있죠? 앤써와 아이디어를 같다고 볼 수 없을 것 같은데.. 4번이 맞다고 해도 5번도 내용과 일치 하지 않나요?

#영어 시험문제 #중학교 영어 시험문제 #중1 영어 시험문제 #고등학교 영어 시험문제

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

yesterday's answers 는 비유적의미의 old ideas를 의미하니

4번이 일치하는 맞는 문장입니다.

5번은 마지막 전문장과 마지막 문장에 걸쳐져 있는 핵심과 반대를 이야기하고 있으니 불일치문장입니다.

일반편입 하려고하는데 도와주세요ㅠ...

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공부좀 하려고하는데 도와주세요

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