토익 LC part2 답 알려주세요!!!!!

토익 LC part2 답 알려주세요!!!!!

작성일 2024.02.17댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Part2 스크립트 입니다… 답지가 없어서 답이 무엇인지 알수없습니다…

내공 99

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7. Which shoes are on sale this weekend?

(B) The ones on this table.

8. Would you like to pay for the cake now or when it’s delivered?

(C) I’ll pay now.

9. Doesn’t Thomas usually work the evening shift?

(B) Someone from the day shift is out sick today.

10. Who came up with the idea for the new commercial?

(B) One of our marketing assistants.

11. Could we start the orientation meeting a bit later?

(A) Sure, at what time?

12. When are we getting our paychecks?

(C) This Friday.

13. Did we decide on the large catering order or the small one?

(C) We’re expecting a big group of people.

14. How do I sign up for the ten-kilometer race?

(B) You fill out a form online.

15. Didn’t I submit my references online?

(B) You did, last week.

16. What will the keynote speaker talk about at the conference?

(A) That information’s in the event program.

17. Where is the closest pharmacy?

(C) There’s one by the bus station.

18. Why are your travel expenses so high?

(C) Maria approved the budget.

19. Have you looked at the designs for the book cover?

(A) I’ve been in meetings all morning.

20. When are the new employees starting?

(B) They’ll be here tomorrow afternoon.

21. Should I go on the morning flight or wait until the afternoon?

(C) Take the morning flight.

22. I saw a stain on the carpet in room 29.

(C) It’s time to replace it anyway.

23. Why don’t we meet at the fitness center around seven thirty?

(B) Sounds good to me.

24. Could you fined me a hammer and some nails?

(A) I’ll call maintenance.

25. Who was in the break room last?

(A) I noticed that it was messy, too.

26. There’s a sale on electronics tomorrow.

(C) I have had this computer for a long time.

27. Why hasn’t production started yet?

(C) Because a machine is broken.

28. How do you want me to display the new products?

(B) Please arrange them according to color.

29. Where’s the instruction manual for the videoconferencing software?

(A) In the file cabinet.

30. This mirror would look good in the corner, don’t you think?

(A) You’re a better decorator than I am.

31. You’re creating a schedule for the Madrid convention, right?

(A) Yes, here’s the spreadsheet.

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