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영어 기본 문제 풀어주세요 급해요ㅜㅜ

작성일 2023.03.07댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

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Traveling back to the past / is impossible.

To finish this project on time / is very important.

What the research results showed / was very shocking.

Whether you'll succeed or not / depends on you effort.

That he repeats what he has just said / is really annoying.

How he survived in the wild / is yet unknown to the world.

Trying to do my best / seems to be the only thing I can do.

1. to be on a TV show

2. to travel alone at night

3. that this tree is about 1,000 years old

4. that he knew so much about the accident.

5. showing you the sights of Seoul