작성일 2019.03.30댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

CUNY 라과디아 cc를 입학예정인 학생입니다. cc든, college 든, assessment 시험을 봐야한다고 들었는데, 몇가지 궁금한게 있어서요,  

1. 커뮤니티 컬리지랑, 일반 4년제 컬리지랑 시험이 같나요?

2. CAT 시험이, Reading, Writing, Math 이렇게 되어있는걸로 알고 있는데, 맞나요? 시험 시간이랑, 몇문제 나오는지, 난이도 알려주세요~

3. 라과디아CC CATS시험 기출 있으면 알려주세요

#cuny cats

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CUNY CATS Examination course 40

Will **** Deadline 50% Adoption 50% 2019.03.30.

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CUNY I am a student who is going to apply to Laguardia cc. I heard that you should take the assessment, whether you are a cc or a college student, but I have a few questions,

1. Do you have the same exam as the community college and the regular four-year college?

2. CAT test, Reading, Writing, Math I know this is true, right? Test time, some problems, please tell me difficulty ~

3. Please let me know if you have a LAGADIA CC CATS exam.

# Community College

# Studying in the USA


# New York City University



I'm curious
