천재교육 영어중3 김덕기 4과5과본문좀요~!

천재교육 영어중3 김덕기 4과5과본문좀요~!

작성일 2012.05.05댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

 질문대로 4과5과 본문 영어로 알려주세요 해석은 제가 하니까요 ~ ㅠㅠ 부탁합니다~ㅎㅎ 내공드림

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Lesson 4. Animal Lovers


Do you love animals?

If you do, have you ever wanted to work with animals in a pet shop, a zoo, a aquarium, or even Africa?

Here are some people who love animals and work with them for their jobs.

It is very hot, but Chuk Tigher is working in the sun.

He picks up pieces of chicken and gives them to the lions.

It is their mealtime.

Mr, Tiger is a zookeeper at a zoo in Seattle where he works with lions.

In the evening, he comes home and posts photos and stories on his blog.

Mr, Tiger is happy because lots of people visit his blog and learn about lions.

People often ask him, "Do you like your job?" Mr, Tiger always says, "No, I don't like it. I love it!"

Jane Wang is trying to take a photo of some hyenas.

She is so close to these animals that they could attack her at any time.

But she doesn't mind.

She is an animal photographer, and her job is to take close-up photos of dangerous animals for a magazine.

It took Ms. Wang a long time to get here.

She has been following this particular family of hyenas for six months.

These wild animals now accept Ms. Wang as member of their family.

Two big sharks are swimming toward AJ Simpson and opining their mouths wide.

Don't they look dangerous?

Don't worry.

Mr. Simpson is an aquarist who takes care of these sharks.

He is like a zookeeper, but works with animals that live underwater.

His interest in sea animals, especially sharks, began when he was a kid.

He loved sharks so much that he decided to live with them all his life.

Mr. Simpson keeps the sea animals clean and healthy.

The best part of his job is feeding the sharks.

Park Sumi is humming her havorite song as she brushes a dog.

She wants the dog to look cute.

She is a pet stylist who offers grooming services like bathing and brushing.

She gets very busy on weekends when people bring their pets to her shop.

Ms. Park loves animals so much that she doesn't mind all the hard work.

She is proud of herself when her customers are happy.

She hopes that one of her dogs wins first prize in a big pet show someday.


Lesson 5. Schweitzer of Korea

Boom! Bang! The doctors were running out of the hospital.

A man shouted, "How can you leave these dying people? Look outside!"

There was a line of wounded people waiting for treatment.

The man was Dr. Jang Giryeo.

Jang Giryeo was born in Yongcheon, Pyeonganbuk-do, in 1911.

When he was in high school, he decided to become a doctor.

He said to himself,"If I become a doctor, I'll take care of people who need treatment but have no money."

He believed that even the poor had the right to see a doctor.

In 1940, his dream came true.

During the Korean War, Dr. Jang left his family behind in North Korea and came to Busan.

He borrowed tents from army and opended a free medical center in 1951.

Later, he set up a hospital with money from those who shared his belief.

Dr. Jang offered medical treatment day and night.

For the poor, he would pay for their treatment out of his own pocket.

Poor sick people flooded to the hospital and finally Dr. Jang ran out of money.

But his love for the poor remained the same.

Once a farmer came to see Dr. Jang.

He said, "I have no money to pay for the treatment.

May I work here instead?"

Dr. Jang felt sorry for him and after some thought, told the farmer, "I'll leave the back door open tonight.

You may go when everybody is asleep."

Dr. Jang was a great doctor.

In 1959, he saved a patient's life by cutting out an unhealthy part of the liver.

He was the first doctor in Korea to do this operation.

It was Dr. Jang that also introduced the medical insurance system to Korea by setting up Blue Cross Medical Insurance in 1968.

For his good work and achievement, he was called the Schweitzer of Korea.

In 1979, he was given th Magsaysay Award, known as the Asian Nobel Prize.

In his later years, Dr. Jang lived in a small room on the rooftop of the hospital whre he used to work.

When he passed away in 1995, he had only a few pairs of shoes.

It was his love for the poor that made him gladly give up everything he had to help them.


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