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영어 기사 찾기

작성일 2023.05.07댓글 1건
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Title: Nurses Still Viewed as Most Ethical

Source: US News

Date: March 8, 2023


Nurses remain the most trusted profession in the United States, according to a new Gallup poll. The poll, which was conducted in January 2023, found that 81% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in nurses. This is the highest level of trust for nurses since Gallup began tracking the profession in 1972.

The poll also found that nurses are more trusted than doctors, police officers, and members of Congress. The only profession that is more trusted than nurses is pharmacists.

The high level of trust in nurses is likely due to a number of factors, including their dedication to patient care, their compassion, and their willingness to put others before themselves. Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare system, and their high level of trust is a testament to their professionalism and dedication.

Here are some additional details from the article:

  • The poll found that nurses are more trusted than doctors by a margin of 15 percentage points.

  • The poll also found that nurses are more trusted than police officers by a margin of 22 percentage points.

  • The poll found that nurses are more trusted than members of Congress by a margin of 44 percentage points.

  • The only profession that is more trusted than nurses is pharmacists.

  • The poll was conducted by Gallup and surveyed 1,015 adults nationwide.

  • The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4 percentage points.


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