내공 830) 책 읽고 영어로 편지쓰기 도와주세요!!!!!!

내공 830) 책 읽고 영어로 편지쓰기 도와주세요!!!!!!

작성일 2023.02.26댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어 과학소설 (필수) 읽고 작가한테 궁금한 점 3가지, 좋았던 점 3가지 (필수) 최소 에이포용지 한 장 분량으로 써야 되는데 화요일 자정까지 제출이예요ㅠㅠㅠ!!!!!!! 빨리 도와주실 분 내공 830 걸어요 과학소설 레벨은 너무 쉬우면 안되고, 한 7~9학년 맞춰서 해주세요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 급해요 퀄리티 있게 써주신 분만 채택 해드려요

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Dear [작가 이름],

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your science fiction novel, and I have a few questions that I would love to ask you. Additionally, I would like to express my appreciation for the excellent work you have done.

First of all, I was wondering about the inspiration behind the story. What inspired you to write this particular story, and how did you come up with the ideas for the various elements in the plot?

Secondly, I was intrigued by the scientific concepts and theories that were presented in the novel. Were these based on real science, or were they purely fictional? If they were based on real science, how did you go about researching and incorporating them into the story?

Finally, I was curious about the character development in the book. How did you come up with the personalities and motivations of the various characters, and were any of them based on people you know in real life?

Now, onto the things that I loved about the book. First and foremost, I thought the world-building was absolutely fantastic. The way you created a fully realized and believable world was incredibly impressive and immersive.

Secondly, the pacing of the story was spot-on. The way you managed to keep the tension and excitement high throughout the book was masterful, and I found myself unable to put it down.

Lastly, I have to commend you on the ending of the book. It was unexpected, emotionally satisfying, and it tied everything up in a neat and satisfying way. I was left with a sense of closure and fulfillment that is rare in the genre.

Overall, I want to express my gratitude for the incredible work that you have done. I thoroughly enjoyed your book and am eagerly anticipating any future works that you may release. Thank you for your dedication to your craft, and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Sincerely, [질문자님 영어 이름]

영어편지쓰기도와주세요 ㅠㅠ

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