알아보실지 모르겠지만 혹시 수정가능하실까요?

알아보실지 모르겠지만 혹시 수정가능하실까요?

작성일 2021.07.16댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

i just listened to your message and i understand that you have a problem with delivering without mannual to the customers. in that case why dont we give notification on the website to tell them how to assamble the products,also i think it is a good idea to send the mannual by express mail to customers who didnt receive yet.by doing so we will be able to decrease complain of the customers.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

i just listened to your message and i understand that you have a problem with delivering without mannual to the customers. in that case why dont we give notification on the website to tell them how to assamble the products,also i think it is a good idea to send the mannual by express mail to customers who didnt receive yet.by doing so we will be able to decrease complain of the customers.


i understand that you have a problem with delivering without mannual to the customers.

"(듣고) 내가 이해하기론 매뉴얼 없이 고객에게 배달하는게 넌 불만이다 "

인데 맞는지요.

have a problem with ~~ = not happy with ~~ = ~~ 에 불만이다.

i just listened to your message and i understand that you have a problem with delivering without mannual to the customers. in that case why dont we give notification on the website to tell them how to assemble the products. Also, i think it is a good idea to send the mannual by express mail to customers who didnt receive them yet. by doing so we may be able to reduce

customer complaints.

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