네이버에 25살에죽고 75살에 묻힌다 라고검색하면 뜨는 동영상을 혹시아시...

네이버에 25살에죽고 75살에 묻힌다 라고검색하면 뜨는 동영상을 혹시아시...

작성일 2015.01.06댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

네이버에 25살에죽고 75살에 묻힌다 라고검색하면 뜨는 동영상을 혹시아시나요?
흑인남자가 이야기하는 동영상인데 이동영상 영어자막이필요해서 혹시 영어 듣고 쓸줄아시는분 잇으면 도와주세요..ㅠㅠ

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

이렇게 시간 걸리는건 안하는데, 비디오를 보니까 어린 사람들이 듣고 한번 생각해 보면 좋은 주제라서 했습니다.
카피해서 어디 가져다 쓰시는건 좋은데, 본인이 한거라곤 안하셨음 좋겠네요.. 뭐 하셔도 제가 어떻게 할수는 없지만.... 애 재워놓고, 2시간 밖에 없는 자유시간 중에 1시간을 쓴거라 쫌 애착이 가긴 하네요.. ^^

그리고 "the average person dies at 25 but is buried at 75" (25살에죽고 75살에 묻힌다), 이 말은 이 남자가 생각해내서 한말이 아니고, 미국 대통령이었던 Benjamin Franklin 이 한 말입니다.
Franklin 은 한국사람들이 잘 아는 "오늘 할일을 내일로 미루지 마라" 라는 말을 한 사람이기도 합니다.
구글에서 Ben Franklin quotes 라고 검색하면 나옵니다.

이게 내가 받아 쓴  transcript 입니다. 도움이 되시길...
I don't care who you are, what race, what age, what gender.
I don't care about any of that stuff.
But what I do know is that you have a dream inside of you .
In that dream you have kept hidden from the world, you made excuses for it, you've delayed it. you've listen to people telling you to be realistic.
But deep down in your heart, you know that you're not living to your potential.
And life is now something that you're just getting over with.
I want to lay on some reality on you real quick. 
Where is the wealthiest place in the world?
Do you know?
it's not China, it's  not Dubai. It's a graveyard.
Because in the graveyard, you will find  inventions never invented, businesses never erected. songs never sung, books never written, ideas never nurtured..
People never realized.. because they were scared... to take a risk.
Scared like you, but you want to know something else?
You're not in a graveyard.. YET!
We get one life, all right?  and every passing moment, we would never get back again.
You would never start this video with the same perspective you had when you click Play. You would never brush your teeth the same way twice in your life.
There ain't no rewind  in life.
(He takes a deep breath) I would never get back breath back, ever again.
See, this present moment is so precious, we have to be here. We have to be in it, and make the most of it.
We have to live on dreams now. Because they are possible.
6000 years ago, men created the wheel. Only 6000 years ago, first written language was created, that's it!
If I may reminds you, the airplane is only a little over 100 years old.
There was no internet 50 years ago, no cell phones!!
So don't sit here and tell me that everything that can be done has been done. When we haven't been here for very long.
There are dreams, there are ideas and accomplishments that are waiting to be discovered. That are waiting for you.
Helen Keller was once asked what on earth will be worse than being born blind.
She said it will be so much worse to be born with sight but no vision. 
Why can't we have cures for every disease known to men, why can't we have clean water, food, education for every person on this planet ....
Why can't we have peace on this planet!
Why do we have to die to go to heaven? The earth is already in space. You can have heaven  right here, right now. just shift in this (as pointing to his temple)
Why not?? because somebody said it's impossible, it can't be done?
I will tell you this, there's never been a statue erected for a critic .
Everybody tell you how to do it, they never did it.
Morale of the story is, do you be you?
Be here now.
Your dreams are pastel?? .. obsessing over these celebrities, Kim Kardashian, live your life. step into your greatness.
They said the average person dies at 25 but is buried at 75..
Do you know that means?
I will let you figure it out.
Don't let this negative world get to you, don't let it win.
Do not go with the path that leads but go where there's no path, and leave a trail.