영어 해석 답 가르쳐주세요~♡ *^▽^*

영어 해석 답 가르쳐주세요~♡ *^▽^*

작성일 2009.01.16댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

SOS 영어 해석 답 가르쳐주세요~♡ *^▽^* 급합......!!


내공 50을 드릴 께요....~♡ *^▽^*


* Choose the one that best fills the blank. (1-5)


1. A man who commits a wrong may be required to_________ his property as a penalty.

① assume ② eschew ③ forfeit ④ assess


2. Under the laws of most states, a woman has a _______ right in the property of her husband.

① equal ② dower ③ temporary ④ prior


3. The chairman's __________ speech swayed the audience to favor his proposal.

① diffident ② blatant ③ coarse ④ cogent


4. I saw a _______of people waiting for the plane.

① throng ② convoy ③ flock ④ herd


5. Mr. Lee must wear a _______ because he doesn't have any hair on the head.

① wad ② wasp ③ wig ④ wedge


* Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (6-10)


6. "The building is in bad shape." "Yes, it needs ___________."

① repairing ② being repaired ③ to repair ④ repair


7. "Did you enjoy the movie?" "No. It was ____________."

① very bored ② very boring ③ much boring ④ much bored


8. "Where do they go for a vacation?"

"________ Korean tourists visit the United States of America

every year."

① A lots of ② Lot of ③ Lots ④ A lot of


9. "Where did you buy it?" "I bought it here, but it's _________


① in ② except ③ from ④ about


10. "I hear you got lost yesterday." "Yes, I went to the museum and couldn't find _____________ the hotel."

① my way back to ② how to return for

③ how I should go for ④ the way back for


* Choose the one whose expression is not accepted. (11-16)



11. Its main concern is with the moral and spiritual purpose of ① ②

life, who alone can give true meaning to human knowledge.

③ ④


12. There can be not great literature in America until her

① ② ③

writers have learned to trust her implicitly and love her



13. The use of more machines makes it possible for factories

and mills producing more goods in a shorter period of time ② ③

than before.



14. The bad habits of a self-taught athlete are much hard to

① ②

eradicate, if they ever can be eliminated.

③ ④


15. We waited for the asparagus to be cooking.

① ② ③ ④



16. My neglect to extinguish our campfire resulted from

① ②

destruction of more than a hundred acres of forest.

③ ④



* Choose the one that is best rearranged to make sense. (17-18)


17. ⓐ The lizards held on for dear life, as they bobbed along for 200 miles. They landed at last on the island of Anguilla(an-gwill-a).


ⓑ Fierce winds blew the trees down, and heavy rains swept them to the shore.


ⓒ Soon the iguanas were at sea, floating north on a raft of tangled trees.


ⓓ One day some green iguanas were climbing trees on the Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe(gwad-a-loop), when a hurricane hit.


① ⓓ ⓑ ⓒ ⓐ ② ⓓ ⓐ ⓒ ⓑ

③ ⓑ ⓓ ⓒ ⓐ ④ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓐ



 18. ⓐ I'm sorry. Ms. Taylor isn't yet. May I take a message?


ⓑ Hello. this is Jack Smith. May I speak to Ms. Taylor?

ⓒ I sure will. Does she know your phone number?


ⓓ Please let her call me.

① ⓑ ⓒ ⓐ ⓓ ② ⓑ ⓓ ⓐ ⓒ

③ ⓑ ⓐ ⓓ ⓒ ④ ⓑ ⓐ ⓒ ⓓ



* Read the following and answer the questions.


[19-22] I suppose that's a common experience in any countries with books in a foreign language. The reader starts out, full of hope and determination. Then the need to turn to a dictionary or a reference book, many times a page, tires him out. There are two or three answers to this problem. The first is a negative one. Don't start reading a book unless you see, from the first few pages, that it's one you can read with ease and understanding. There are plenty of books that ( ) in simple or shortened language. I know there are good reasons against simplified texts. We don't feel that we're getting the real thing if we read a book that has been made simple. There are some authors whose style is fairly easy, of course. I used to wonder why Oscar Wilde's books were so popular in European schools and colleges. Wilde seemed to be famous in Europe than in England. Then I realized that in his short stories he writes in a very simple style.


19. What kind of book does the author recommend when we read a book in a foreign language?

① an easy book ② any book

③ a simplified book ④ short stories


20. According to the passage, it is implied that Oscar Wilde _______________ .

① is famous for his simple style in England

② is popular in Europe because he spent his childhood

in Europe

③ is popular in Europe because of his simple style

④ is famous for his short stories


21. Which of the following is true about reading books in a foreign language ?

① The author has a negative attitude against reading books in a foreign language.

② It is helpful to turn the dictionary whenever we encounter

unknown words.

③ It is common for a reader to be exhausted with unknown words.

It is easy to get a real meaning when we read a simplified book.


22. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① have rewritten ② is rewritten

③ were rewritten ④ have been rewritten



 [23-26] These most valuable beasts of burden in desert countries can travel long distances, carrying heavy loads, with little food or water. This is because they have special cells in their stomachs which store water, and because they can also store fat in their humps. When a camel is in good condition and well fed, its hump is large and firm; but when food is scarce and its store of fat is getting used up, the hump becomes flabby and may hang down. Over soft, sandy ground where most animals would get stuck a camel can travel because of the cushion-like nature of the two widely spread toes of each foot, connected by a stout web of skin which ( ). Besides using camels as transport animals, the Arabs drink their milk, eat their flesh, weave their hair into cloth, and burn their dung as fuel-in fact, the camel supplies them with almost all the necessities of life.

23. Which of the following is the best title for the above passage?

① The camel's difference from other animals

② The nature of the camel

③ The usefulness of the camel

④ Beast of burden


24. According to the passage, the camel ___________ .

① is used only as a beast of burden

② can be said to be exhausted when its hump is loose

③ does not eat much food

④ can store water in its hump


25. The Arabs in the desert can get benefits from the camel because it provides them with many things except ______ .

① transport ② food ③ clothing ④ housing



26. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① prevents its feet from sinking into the sand

② prevents its feet sinking into the sand

③ prevents its feet in sinking into the sand

④ prevents its feet to sink into the sand


[27-28] Christopher Blackmon was only 4 when he had his first attack, but he remembers it well. Suddenly he couldn't breathe. His mother whisked him to the hospital, where a doctor explained that Christopher had a breathing disorder called asthma(azmah). Today about 5 million American kids under 18 suffer from asthma. That is one out of 10 kids! Doctors are alarmed by the rising rate and believe it is due to a number of factors including the fact that more children are inheriting the disease, and ( ). Inside they are breathing in things like dust, viruses, mold spores, and smoke.


27. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① more and more kids smoke

② kids are spending more time with parents

③ kids are spending more time indoors

④ more kids do not get vaccination


28. Which of the following is not the factor of Asthma?

① dust ② inheritance ③ viruses ④ breathing disorder



[29-30] They are older than the dinosaurs, older than nearly everything else on earth. They have been used to cut glass, cure snakebites, and charm kings and queens. Famed for their flashing beauty, diamonds are the hardest substances on earth and among the most useful. "Diamonds help us understand the history of the earth," say geologist George Harlow. Most diamonds were formed billions of years ago in an inner layer of the earth called the mantle. About 100 miles underground, the mantle puts extreme heat(1,800˙F) and pressure on carbon, the common black substance in coal and pencils. These forces turn black ( ) into clear diamond crystal. As the crystal grows, it may trap other chemicals inside, creating what Harlow calls "a space capsule from the inner earth."


29. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① carbon ② diamond ③ coal ④ chemicals


30. Which of the following is not true about diamond?

① Diamond is useful.

② Diamond were formed in about 100 miles underground.

③ Diamond were originally made from carbon.

④ Diamond is the oldest on earth.


[31-33] Trees and other vegetation play an invaluable role in reducing urban air pollution in cities. It was once thought that trees "pollute," an idea that ( ) in the early 1980s when atmospheric chemists first began measuring emissions from trees. In actuality, "emission" and "pollution" are not synonymous. While it is true that trees and plants, like all living things, emit chemical substances as by-products of their metabolism these emissions include the oxygen we breathe and the various chemical compounds that give flowers and shrubs their fresh and distinctive smells. It is only in the presence of signigicant amounts of man-made pollution that some of the many thousands of substances that plants and trees manufacture become participants in the formation of ground-level ozone pollution.


31. Which of the following is the best title for the above passage?

① Explanation about tree's participation in pollution

② Emission and pollution

③ Tree's role in reducing pollution

④ Metabolism of tree


32. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

① Trees emit chemical substances which cause air pollution.

Emissions from trees were first measured in the early 1980s.

Emissions from trees have something to do with metabolism.

④ It is only in the presence of the man-made pollution that substances from trees take part in the ozone pollution.


33. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① faced ② was discovered ③ aired ④ surfaced


[34-35] In perhaps the boldest and most sophisticated attack in four years of warfare, gunmen speaking English, wearing U.S. military uniforms and ( ) American weapons abducted four U.S. soldiers last week at the provincial headquarters in the Shi'ite holy city of Karbala and then shot them to death. The U.S. military confirmed a report earlier Friday by The Associated Press that three of the soldiers were dead and one was mortally wounded with a gunshot to the head when they were found in a neighboring province, about 25 miles from the compound where they were captured. A fifth soldier was killed in the initial attack on the compound.


34. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

① American corps were attacked by insurgents disguised as American soldiers.

② Four American soldiers were killed in the attack from insurgents.

③ The abducted soldiers were found 25 miles away from the compound.

④ The attacked compound was located at the holy city of Shi'ite.


35. Choose the one that best fills the blank

① carry ② carried ③ to carry ④ carrying


[36-37] Slowly, that is changing. As 21st century science and

technology open the brain to us as never before, accepted truths are becoming ( ). The brain, we're finding, is indeed a bordered organ, subdivided into zones and functions. But the lines are blurrier than we ever imagined. Lose your vision, and the lobe that processed light may repurpose itself for other senses. Suffer a stroke in the area that controls your right arm, and another area may take over at least some of the job.


36. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① apparent ② obsolete ③ useful ④ less true


37. According to the passage, when the area of brain controlling your left leg is suffered a stroke, your left leg ___________.

① does not move at all ② moves as before

③ gets influenced but moves ④ gets suffered a stroke

[38-39] The latest nuclear disarmament talks in December - the

first since the North's nuclear test in October - ended with no apparent progress due to a dispute over the U. S. financial restrictions on the North over its alleged counterfeiting of 100 dollar bills and money-laundering. Foreign Minister of South Korea, Song said an agreement on action plans should be made in the next round of talks to ( ) a 2005 pact in which North Korea pledged to disarm in return for aid and security guarantees.


 38. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

① The last talks in December failed.

② In the last talks in December, taking financial sanctions on the North was discussed.

③ The North Korea agreed to disarm in return for aid and security guarantees in 2005 pact.

④ The North Korea is suspected to counterfeit dollars and do money-laundering.


39. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① negotiate ② make ③ implement ④ confirm



[40] The traditional house has a timber frame and the walls and partitions are light screens of paper, bamboo, or similar material. Such a light construction is suited to a climate and is less dangerous in ( ) than heavy materials would be.


40. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① fire ② storm ③ earthquakes ④ flood

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

* Choose the one that best fills the blank. (1-5)


1. A man who commits a wrong may be required to_________ his property as a penalty.

-잘못된 일을 저지르는 사람은 벌로써 그의 재산을 박탈당하도록 요구될 것이다.


① assume ② eschew ③ forfeit ④ assess


2. Under the laws of most states, a woman has a _______ right in the property of her husband.

-대부분 주의 법에서는, 여성이 재산에 있어서 남편과 동등한 권리를 갖는다.


① equal ② dower ③ temporary ④ prior


3. The chairman's __________ speech swayed the audience to favor his proposal.

-의장의 힘있는 연설은 그의 제안에 동의하게끔 청중을 마음을 움직였다.


① diffident ② blatant ③ coarse ④ cogent


4. I saw a _______of people waiting for the plane.

-나는 비행기를 기다리는 한 무리의 사람들을 보았다.


① throng ② convoy ③ flock ④ herd


5. Mr. Lee must wear a _______ because he doesn't have any hair on the head.

-이 씨는 머리에 머리카락이 없기 때문에 가발을 써야만 한다.


① wad ② wasp ③ wig ④ wedge


* Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (6-10)


6. "The building is in bad shape." "Yes, it needs ___________."

-"건물 상태가 엉망이군." "예, 수리해야 합니다."


① repairing ② being repaired ③ to repair ④ repair


7. "Did you enjoy the movie?" "No. It was ____________."

-"영화 재미있었니?" "아니, 진짜 지루하더라."


① very bored ② very boring ③ much boring ④ much bored


8. "Where do they go for a vacation?"

"________ Korean tourists visit the United States of America

every year."

-"휴가 때 그들은 어디로 가지요?"

 "많은 수의 한국인 여행객들은 매년 미국을 방문합니다."


① A lots of ② Lot of ③ Lots ④ A lot of


9. "Where did you buy it?" "I bought it here, but it's _________


-"너 그거 어디서 샀니?" "여기서 샀어, 그런데 한국산이야."


① in ② except ③ from ④ about


10. "I hear you got lost yesterday." "Yes, I went to the museum and couldn't find _____________ the hotel."

-"너 어제 길 잃었다고 들었어." "응, 어제 박물관에 갔다가 호텔로 되돌아 오는 길을 못찾았어."


① my way back to ② how to return for

③ how I should go for ④ the way back for


* Choose the one whose expression is not accepted. (11-16)



11. Its main concern is with the moral and spiritual purpose of ① ②

life, who alone can give true meaning to human knowledge.

③ ④

-그것의 주요 관심사는 도덕적이고 정신적인 인생의 목적인데, 그것 자체만으로 인간 지식의 참된 의미를 부여할 수 있다. 



12. There can be not great literature in America until her

① ② ③

writers have learned to trust her implicitly and love her


-그녀의 작가들이 그녀를 맹목적으로 신뢰하고, 헌신적으로 그녀를 사랑하기 전까지는 미국 내에 훌륭한 문학이 존재할 수 없다.

(그녀의 작가들이 그녀를 맹목적으로 신뢰하고, 헌신적으로 그녀를 사랑한 후에야 비로소 미국 내에 훌륭한 문학이 탄생될 수 있다.)


13. The use of more machines makes it possible for factories

and mills producing more goods in a shorter period of time ② ③

than before.

-더 많은 기계를 사용하면 공장과 제분소에서 전보다 더 짧은 시간내에 보다 많은 제품을 생산해 내는 일이 가능해 질 것이다. 


14. The bad habits of a self-taught athlete are much hard to

① ②

eradicate, if they ever can be eliminated.

③ ④

-혼자 훈련하는 운동선수의 나쁜 습관은 없어질 수 있다면, 근절하기 몹시 어렵다.


15. We waited for the asparagus to be cooking.

① ② ③ ④

 -우리는 아스파라거스가 요리되기를 기다렸다.


16. My neglect to extinguish our campfire resulted from

① ②

destruction of more than a hundred acres of forest.

③ ④

-내가 모닥불을 끄지 않고 방치해둔 결과 수백 에이커에 달하는 삼림이 파괴되었다. 



* Choose the one that is best rearranged to make sense. (17-18)


17. ⓐ The lizards held on for dear life, as they bobbed along for 200 miles. They landed at last on the island of Anguilla(an-gwill-a).

-그 도마뱀들은 200마일을 (살기 위해) 발버둥 치며 소중한 목숨을 부지하였다. 마침내 그들은 Anguilla섬에 도착하였다.


ⓑ Fierce winds blew the trees down, and heavy rains swept them to the shore.

-매서운 바람이 불어 나무를 쓰러뜨렸고, 폭우가 쏟아져 그들은 해변가로 쓸려갔다.


ⓒ Soon the iguanas were at sea, floating north on a raft of tangled trees.

-곧 이구아나들은 바다로 쓸려갔고, 뒤죽박죽된 나무로 된 뗏목에서 북부지방을 표류하였다.


ⓓ One day some green iguanas were climbing trees on the Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe(gwad-a-loop), when a hurricane hit.

-녹색 이구아나들이 카리브 해의 과달루프 섬의 나무들을 기어오르던 어느 날, 허리케인이 상륙하였다.


① ⓓ ⓑ ⓒ ⓐ ② ⓓ ⓐ ⓒ ⓑ

③ ⓑ ⓓ ⓒ ⓐ ④ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓐ



 18. ⓐ I'm sorry. Ms. Taylor isn't yet. May I take a message?

-죄송합니다만, 테일러 씨는 아직 안오셨습니다. 용무 전해드릴까요?

ⓑ Hello. this is Jack Smith. May I speak to Ms. Taylor?

-안녕하세요, 잭 스미스입니다. 테일러 씨와 통화하고 싶은데요.

ⓒ I sure will. Does she know your phone number?

 -꼭 그렇게 하겠습니다. 그녀가 당신의 휴대폰 번호를 알고 있나요?

ⓓ Please let her call me.

-그녀가 제게 전화하게 해주시겠습니까?


① ⓑ ⓒ ⓐ ⓓ ② ⓑ ⓓ ⓐ ⓒ

③ ⓑ ⓐ ⓓ ⓒ ④ ⓑ ⓐ ⓒ ⓓ



* Read the following and answer the questions.


[19-22] I suppose that's a common experience in any countries with books in a foreign language. The reader starts out, full of hope and determination. Then the need to turn to a dictionary or a reference book, many times a page, tires him out. There are two or three answers to this problem. The first is a negative one. Don't start reading a book unless you see, from the first few pages, that it's one you can read with ease and understanding. There are plenty of books that ( ) in simple or shortened language. I know there are good reasons against simplified texts. We don't feel that we're getting the real thing if we read a book that has been made simple. There are some authors whose style is fairly easy, of course. I used to wonder why Oscar Wilde's books were so popular in European schools and colleges. Wilde seemed to be famous in Europe than in England. Then I realized that in his short stories he writes in a very simple style.


-나는 그것이 외국어로 쓰인 책이 있는 모든 나라에서 겪게 되는 흔한 일이라고 생각한다. 독자는 희망과 결심으로 가득차 책을 읽기 시작한다. 그 후에 사전이나 참고서적을 참조해야하는 필요성은 독자를 지치게 만든다.(many times a page는 여기서 어떻게 해석해야 하는지 잘 모르겠네요; 죄송합니다..) 이러한 문제에는 두 세개의 해결책이 존재한다. 첫 번째는 부정적인 것이다. 처음 몇 페이지에서부터 쉽게 파악하여 읽을 수 있는 책이 아니면 읽지 말라는 것이다. 단순하고 간결한 문체로 쓰인 책들도 많이 있다. 나는 단순화된 지문에 반대할 만한 좋은 이유를 알고 있다. 단순하게 만들어진 책을 읽으면 진정한 것을 얻게 된다는 느낌을 받을 수 없기 때문이다. 물론 상당히 쉬운 문체로 글을 쓰는 작가들도 많이 있다. 나는 오스카 와일드의 책이 유럽의 학교와 대학에서 어째서 그렇게 인기가 많은 지에 관해서 의아해 하곤 했었다. 와일드는 영국보다 유럽에서 인기 있는 것처럼 보였다. 그리고 나서 나는 그의 짤막한 이야기에서 그가 아주 단순한 문체로 글을 쓴다는 사실을 깨닫게 되었다.


19. What kind of book does the author recommend when we read a book in a foreign language?

① an easy book ② any book

③ a simplified book ④ short stories


20. According to the passage, it is implied that Oscar Wilde _______________ .

① is famous for his simple style in England

② is popular in Europe because he spent his childhood

in Europe

③ is popular in Europe because of his simple style

④ is famous for his short stories


21. Which of the following is true about reading books in a foreign language ?

① The author has a negative attitude against reading books in a foreign language.

② It is helpful to turn the dictionary whenever we encounter

unknown words.

③ It is common for a reader to be exhausted with unknown words.

It is easy to get a real meaning when we read a simplified book.


22. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① have rewritten ② is rewritten

③ were rewritten ④ have been rewritten



 [23-26] These most valuable beasts of burden in desert countries can travel long distances, carrying heavy loads, with little food or water. This is because they have special cells in their stomachs which store water, and because they can also store fat in their humps. When a camel is in good condition and well fed, its hump is large and firm; but when food is scarce and its store of fat is getting used up, the hump becomes flabby and may hang down. Over soft, sandy ground where most animals would get stuck a camel can travel because of the cushion-like nature of the two widely spread toes of each foot, connected by a stout web of skin which ( ). Besides using camels as transport animals, the Arabs drink their milk, eat their flesh, weave their hair into cloth, and burn their dung as fuel-in fact, the camel supplies them with almost all the necessities of life.


-이러한 가장 중요한 사막에서의 짐나르는 짐승들은 음식과 물이 거의 없는 상태에서도 무거운 짐을 지고서 먼 거리를 갈 수 있다. 이것은 그들이 위에 물을 저장할 수 있는 특수세포를 갖고 있으며, 또 그들의 혹에 지방을 저장해 둘 수 있기 때문이다. 낙타가 좋은 상태에 있고 잘 먹었다면 혹이 크고 단단하지만 음식이 부족하여 저장해둔 지방이 소모되어 가면, 혹이 흐느적흐느적해져 늘어질 지도 모른다. 대부분의 동물이 잘 움직일 수 없는 부드러운 모래땅 위로, 낙타는 모래속으로 가라앉는 것을 방지해주는 튼튼한 피부막으로 연결된 각각의 발에 쿠션같이 넓게 퍼진 발가락의 특징 덕분에 잘 나아갈 수 있다. 운송해주는 동물로서 낙타를 이용하는 것 외에도 아랍인들은 낙타의 우유를 마시고 고기를 먹고 털로 옷감을 엮고 그들의 배설물을 연료로 이용하여 태운다.


23. Which of the following is the best title for the above passage?

① The camel's difference from other animals

② The nature of the camel

③ The usefulness of the camel

④ Beast of burden


24. According to the passage, the camel ___________ .

① is used only as a beast of burden

② can be said to be exhausted when its hump is loose

③ does not eat much food

④ can store water in its hump


25. The Arabs in the desert can get benefits from the camel because it provides them with many things except ______ .

① transport ② food ③ clothing ④ housing



26. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① prevents its feet from sinking into the sand

② prevents its feet sinking into the sand

③ prevents its feet in sinking into the sand

④ prevents its feet to sink into the sand


[27-28] Christopher Blackmon was only 4 when he had his first attack, but he remembers it well. Suddenly he couldn't breathe. His mother whisked him to the hospital, where a doctor explained that Christopher had a breathing disorder called asthma(azmah). Today about 5 million American kids under 18 suffer from asthma. That is one out of 10 kids! Doctors are alarmed by the rising rate and believe it is due to a number of factors including the fact that more children are inheriting the disease, and ( ). Inside they are breathing in things like dust, viruses, mold spores, and smoke.


-첫 번째 발작이 있었을 때, 크리스토퍼 브랙몬은 고작 4살이었지만, 그는 그것을 잘 기억하고 있다. 그는 갑자기 숨을 쉴 수가 없었다. 그의 어머니는 곧장 그를 병원으로 데려갔으며, 의사는 크리스토퍼가 천식이라고 하는 호흡장애가 있다고 설명해주었다. 오늘날 약 500만명에 달하는 18세 이하의 미국 아이들이 천식으로 고통받고 있다. 그러한 수치는 10명의 아이들 중 1명 꼴인 것이다 ! 의사들은 천식의 상승율에 경악을 금치 못하였으며 많은 아이들이 그러한 질병을 유전적으로 물려받고 있으며 실내에서 보다 많은 시간을 보낸다는 사실과 같은 수많은 요소들 때문이라고 생각하고 있다. 아이들은 실내에서 먼지, 세균, 곰팡이 포자 그리고 담배연기같은 것을 들이마시는 것이다.



27. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① more and more kids smoke

② kids are spending more time with parents

③ kids are spending more time indoors

④ more kids do not get vaccination


28. Which of the following is not the factor of Asthma?

① dust ② inheritance ③ viruses ④ breathing disorder



[29-30] They are older than the dinosaurs, older than nearly everything else on earth. They have been used to cut glass, cure snakebites, and charm kings and queens. Famed for their flashing beauty, diamonds are the hardest substances on earth and among the most useful. "Diamonds help us understand the history of the earth," say geologist George Harlow. Most diamonds were formed billions of years ago in an inner layer of the earth called the mantle. About 100 miles underground, the mantle puts extreme heat(1,800˙F) and pressure on carbon, the common black substance in coal and pencils. These forces turn black ( ) into clear diamond crystal. As the crystal grows, it may trap other chemicals inside, creating what Harlow calls "a space capsule from the inner earth."


-그것들은 공룡보다 오래되었으며 지구상의 거의 모든 것보다도 더 오래되었다. 유리를 자르고 뱀에 물린 상처를 치료하고 왕과 왕비를 기쁘게 하기위해서 사용되었다. 아름답게 반짝이는 것으로 유명한 다이아몬드는 지구상에서 가장 단단한 물질이며 (지구의 광물들중에서) 가장 유용하다. "다이아몬드는 우리가 지구의 역사를 이해하는 것을 도와줍니다." 지질학자인 조지 할로우는 말한다. 대부분의 다이아몬드는 수십억년전에 맨틀(지각과 중심핵의 중간부)이라고 하는 지구의 내층(內層)에서 형성된 것들이다. 약 100마일정도 지하에서 맨틀은 엄청난 열(1,800화씨)을 발산하며 석탄과 연필의 공통된 검은 물질인 탄소에 압력을 가하고 있다. 이것이 검은 탄소가 투명한 다이아몬드 결정체로 바뀌도록 촉진시키는 역할을 한다. 결정체가 커져갈 수록 다른 화학물질을 그 안에 가두어 둘수도 있는데, 이것은 할로우가 "지구 내부의 우주캡슐"이라고 부르는 것을 만들어 낸다.


29. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① carbon ② diamond ③ coal ④ chemicals


30. Which of the following is not true about diamond?

① Diamond is useful.

② Diamond were formed in about 100 miles underground.

③ Diamond were originally made from carbon.

④ Diamond is the oldest on earth.


[31-33] Trees and other vegetation play an invaluable role in reducing urban air pollution in cities. It was once thought that trees "pollute," an idea that ( ) in the early 1980s when atmospheric chemists first began measuring emissions from trees. In actuality, "emission" and "pollution" are not synonymous. While it is true that trees and plants, like all living things, emit chemical substances as by-products of their metabolism these emissions include the oxygen we breathe and the various chemical compounds that give flowers and shrubs their fresh and distinctive smells. It is only in the presence of signigicant amounts of man-made pollution that some of the many thousands of substances that plants and trees manufacture become participants in the formation of ground-level ozone pollution.


-나무와 다른 식물들은 도시에서의 대기오염을 줄이는 데에 몹시 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 한 때는 나무가 "(환경을) 오염시킨다"고 생각되기도 하였는데, 이 생각은 대기화학자들이 처음으로 나무에서 나오는 방출물을 측정할 때인 1980년대 초반에 드러난 것이다. 실제로는 "방출"과 "오염"이 같은 뜻이 아니다. 나무와 식물들이 다른 모든 생명체들처럼 신진대사의 부산물로서 화학물질을 방출하는 것이 사실인 반면 이러한 방출물들은 우리가 호흡하는 산소 및 꽃과 관목이 신선하고 탁월한 냄새를 갖도록 해주는 다양한 화학합성물과 관련된 것들이었다. 식물들과 나무들이 만들어내는 수천에 달하는 많은 물질들 중의 일부가 지면높이에 있는 오존오염의 형성을 돕는 것은 인간이 만들어낸 엄청난 양의 오염이 존재할 때 뿐이다.


31. Which of the following is the best title for the above passage?

① Explanation about tree's participation in pollution

② Emission and pollution

③ Tree's role in reducing pollution

④ Metabolism of tree


32. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

① Trees emit chemical substances which cause air pollution.

Emissions from trees were first measured in the early 1980s.

Emissions from trees have something to do with metabolism.

④ It is only in the presence of the man-made pollution that substances from trees take part in the ozone pollution.


33. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① faced ② was discovered ③ aired ④ surfaced


[34-35] In perhaps the boldest and most sophisticated attack in four years of warfare, gunmen speaking English, wearing U.S. military uniforms and ( ) American weapons abducted four U.S. soldiers last week at the provincial headquarters in the Shi'ite holy city of Karbala and then shot them to death. The U.S. military confirmed a report earlier Friday by The Associated Press that three of the soldiers were dead and one was mortally wounded with a gunshot to the head when they were found in a neighboring province, about 25 miles from the compound where they were captured. A fifth soldier was killed in the initial attack on the compound.


-4년 간의 전쟁에서 가장 대담무쌍하고 가장 정교한 공격은 영어를 말하고 미 군복을 입고 있으며 미국 무기를 휴대하고 다니는 무장세력이 지난 주 시아파의 신성도시인 카르발라에서 4명의 미군을 납치하여 총으로 쏴 죽인 일일 것이다. 미군 측에서는 지난 금요일 AP통신사에서 그들이 생포되었던 그 주택군에서 25마일 가량 떨어진 인접지역(州)에서 그들이 발견되었을때 3명은 사망했고 그 중 한명은 머리에 맞은 총상으로 치명상을 입고 있었다는 보도 내용을 확인하였다. 5번 째로 사망한 군인은 주택군에서의 첫 공격때 사망했다.


34. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

① American corps were attacked by insurgents disguised as American soldiers.

② Four American soldiers were killed in the attack from insurgents.

③ The abducted soldiers were found 25 miles away from the compound.

④ The attacked compound was located at the holy city of Shi'ite.


35. Choose the one that best fills the blank

① carry ② carried ③ to carry ④ carrying


[36-37] Slowly, that is changing. As 21st century science and

technology open the brain to us as never before, accepted truths are becoming ( ). The brain, we're finding, is indeed a bordered organ, subdivided into zones and functions. But the lines are blurrier than we ever imagined. Lose your vision, and the lobe that processed light may repurpose itself for other senses. Suffer a stroke in the area that controls your right arm, and another area may take over at least some of the job.


-그것은 서서히 변화하고 있다. 21세기의 과학과 기술이 우리들에게 유례없이 지식을 공급해줌에 따라, 기존의 사실들은 점점 진부한 것이 되어가고 있다. 우리가 찾고 있는 두뇌는 실제로는 경계를 가지고 있는 기관이며 영역과 기능에 따라 세분화 된다. 시력을 잃게 되면, 빛을 처리했던 엽(葉)이 다른 감각을 위해 그 기능을 바꿀지도 모른다. 오른쪽 팔을 제어했던 영역이 충격을 겪으면, 다른 영역이 그 기능을 최소한 조금이라도 대신할 수도 있다.


36. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① apparent ② obsolete ③ useful ④ less true


37. According to the passage, when the area of brain controlling your left leg is suffered a stroke, your left leg ___________.

① does not move at all ② moves as before

③ gets influenced but moves ④ gets suffered a stroke


[38-39] The latest nuclear disarmament talks in December - the

first since the North's nuclear test in October - ended with no apparent progress due to a dispute over the U. S. financial restrictions on the North over its alleged counterfeiting of 100 dollar bills and money-laundering. Foreign Minister of South Korea, Song said an agreement on action plans should be made in the next round of talks to ( ) a 2005 pact in which North Korea pledged to disarm in return for aid and security guarantees.

-10월 북한의 핵 실험이후 처음으로 열린 12월 핵군축 회담이 근거없이 주장된 100달러권 지폐의 위조와 돈세탁을 주장하는 북한에 대해 미국이 재정적 지원을 제한하겠다는 토의가 별 진전없이 끝났다. 남한 외무부 장관 송은 실천계획에 대한 합의가 북한이 원조와 안보 보증에 대한 보답으로 군축을 약속하였던 2005 협정을 이행할 다음 회담에서 이루어 져야 한다고 밝혔다. 


 38. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

① The last talks in December failed.

② In the last talks in December, taking financial sanctions on the North was discussed.

③ The North Korea agreed to disarm in return for aid and security guarantees in 2005 pact.

④ The North Korea is suspected to counterfeit dollars and do money-laundering.


39. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① negotiate ② make ③ implement ④ confirm



[40] The traditional house has a timber frame and the walls and partitions are light screens of paper, bamboo, or similar material. Such a light construction is suited to a climate and is less dangerous in ( ) than heavy materials would be.


-전통가옥은 나무로 뼈대가 세워져 있으며 벽과 방을 나누는 부분들은 가벼운 종이막, 대나무나 그와 비슷한 재료로 되어있다. 그와 같이 가벼운 구조는 기후에 잘 맞으며 무거운 재료보다 지진발생시 덜 위험하다.


40. Choose the one that best fills the blank.

① fire ② storm ③ earthquakes ④ flood



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