영어 접속사 빈칸 채우기 제발.... 해주세요....ㅠ

영어 접속사 빈칸 채우기 제발.... 해주세요....ㅠ

작성일 2024.05.23댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

how wonderful to hear from you. Of course i remember you () it's been almost seven years since we were neighbours. how did you get my email address? you told me a little about yourself and your family,() now i'd like to know more. you ask how we all are,() here is some of our news. First things first george and i are divorced. i know you never liked him much,() you are probably not too surprised.(), we still see each other a lot () of the twins. they are nine and now they are good girls, () of course, sometimes a handful. We moved from a st. louis () i didn't want them to grow up in a big city. we now live in a beautiful, old farmhouse in Missouri. I love country life. We have lots of land, () we grow all our own vegetables and keep a few chickens. (), it's all very expensive to take care of and () I sell some of our produce to the local stores, we never have enough money for vacations and treats, () we're happy and healthy. I can't wait to hear more of your news. Wirte soon. Please come to stay. I'd love to see you again.빈칸에 들어갈 접속사(but/although/however/so/because)중에서만 골라서 각각에 들어가는것을 알려주세요

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

how wonderful to hear from you. Of course i remember you (①) it's been almost seven years since we were neighbours. how did you get my email address? you told me a little about yourself and your family,(①) now i'd like to know more. you ask how we all are,(④) here is some of our news. First things first george and i are divorced. i know you never liked him much,(④) you are probably not too surprised.(③), we still see each other a lot (⑤) of the twins. they are nine and now they are good girls, (②) of course, sometimes a handful. We moved from st. louis (⑤) i didn't want them to grow up in a big city. we now live in a beautiful, old farmhouse in Missouri. I love country life. We have lots of land, (④) we grow all our own vegetables and keep a few chickens. (③), it's all very expensive to take care of and (②) I sell some of our produce to the local stores, we never have enough money for vacations and treats, (①) we're happy and healthy. I can't wait to hear more of your news. Wirte soon. Please come to stay. I'd love to see you again.빈칸에 들어갈 접속사(

① but/

② although/

③ however/

④ so/

⑤ because)중에서만 골라서 각각에 들어가는것을 알려주세요

문장의 첫 글자라든가, 고유명사라든가, 일인칭 단수 대명사라든가이런 것들은 대문자로 시작해야 해요. 그렇지 않았기 때문에 이런 연결 부서나 접속사를 넣기가 너무 힘들어요 어디에서 끊어지는지 알 수가 없어요. 그런 거를 잘 써야 독자들에게 칭찬받아요.

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