영어 에세이 쓰기

영어 에세이 쓰기

작성일 2024.03.03댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

제가 이번에 영어 에세이를 쓰게 되었는데 처음이라 어떻게 해야할지 감이 안잡히네요.. 일단 되는데로 써봤는데 어떤 부분을 고쳐야 할지 조언 부탁드립니다ㅜㅜ 주제는 환경문제에요

Are you aware of the floods that occurred recently in Greece? That was an event that an enormous amount of rain fell in a single day, resulting in thousands of casualties.
In the midst of global climate change, people still lack interest in the environment. As Korea is no longer safe from environmental issues, so we should try to improve them. In order to do that, we need to understand the cause of this situation. The causes of environmental issues vary depending on kinds, such as air pollution, soil pollution and so on. Air pollution arises from carbon dioxide and other pollutants emitted by vehicles and factories. Pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture, and excessive energy consumption can lead to soil pollution.

Then, how can we solve the problems?
First, we need to make an effort to reduce energy consumption. For short distances, we should encourage bicycle usage and if the government installs public bicycles accessible to everyone in various locations, it could effectively reduce energy consumption. Next, there needs to be a change in the work format. A lot of energy resources are consumed during the commuting process of office workers.
Handling tasks from home, except those that must be dealt with at the office, would help decrease the pollution.

Next, we should change our lifestyle. We need to use each item sparingly and reduce waste production.

Continuous and comprehensive efforts to address environmental pollution are crucial. We must raise awareness of environmental protection and strive to live lifestyles that do not burden the environment. Additionally, governments and international organizations need to enforce strict regulations to ensure everyone participates in preserving the Earth's environment. To make the Earth a better place together, we must take responsibility for our actions.

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

나름대로 의도에 맞게 정리해보았습니다.

다소 부족한 점이 있더라도 양해 부탁드립니다.

Are you aware of the floods that occurred recently in Greece? That was an disaster that an enormous amount of rain fell in a single day, resulting in thousands of casualties.

In the midst of global climate change, people still lack interest in the environment. As Korea is no longer safe from environmental issues, so we should try to improve them. In order to do that, we need to understand the cause of this situation. The sort of environmental issues, such as air pollution, soil pollution and so on, vary depending on what cause it is. Air pollution arises from carbon dioxide and other pollutants emitted by vehicles and factories. Pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture, and excessive energy consumption can lead to soil pollution.

Then, how can we solve these problems?

First, we need to make an effort to reduce energy consumption. For short distances, we should encourage bicycle usage and if the government installs public bicycles accessible to everyone in various locations, it could effectively reduce energy consumption. Next, there needs to be a change in the work format. A lot of energy resources are being consumed during the commuting process of office workers.

Handling tasks from home, except those that must be dealt with at the office, would help decrease the pollution.

Next, we should change our lifestyle. We need to use each item sparingly and reduce waste production.

Continuous and comprehensive efforts to address environmental pollution are crucial. We must raise awareness of environmental protection and strive to live lifestyles that do not burden the environment. Additionally, governments and international organizations need to enforce strict regulations to ensure everyone participates in preserving the Earth's environment. To make the Earth a better place together, we must take responsibility for our actions.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

쉽고 긴 영어지문 읽는 느낌이네요

자연스럽게 몇문장만 바꿔보면

in the midst of such(추가) global climate change

As Korea is ~~ 이 문장에서 so 삭제(As가 이미 so의 역할을 해줌)

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