내공100)영어독해 3문제좀 풀어주세요 해석도 부탁드려요 .

내공100)영어독해 3문제좀 풀어주세요 해석도 부탁드려요 .

작성일 2010.01.08댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

1. 글의 흐름으로 보아 ,주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?


<then water is turned into it. >


Rice is one of the most importnat food crops in Asia.

(1) Much of it is grown in the warm lowlands. 

(2) the first step in planting rice is to make the field even.

(3) Next, a bank of earth about 30 centimeters high is made around the field .

(4) Farmers walk into the water and put small rice plants into the field.

(5) While the rice grows, the fields must keep water.



2.다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 ?


Do you have a pet at home? These days, almost everyone keeps at least one pet at home.

 But in most cases , carrying around a pet can be very troublesome.

 Don`t worry anymore! An American company has invented a new product called Puppy Purse.

 It is a purse for your dog.

 All you have to do is put your small puppy in the purse and carry it around on your small puppy in the purse and carry it around on your shoulders.

 This way, you can be with your lovely pet all the time.


(1) Difficulties in Raising a Pet.

(2) How to Select a Healthy pet.

(3) Why Smaller Pets Are Popular

(4) Live a Healthy Life with a pet

(5) Carry Your Pet Everywhere You Go



3. 다음 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


A student with a cell phone in the classroom is the one who (   빈칸      ) .

 When l was teaching ,

l saw most of the students text-messaging or playing with their phones Text-messaging friedns is more fun than learning about poetry.

 The new songs they just downloaded on their cell phones can give them a common topic to talk about . 

Classrooms with cell phones are not the place for education any more.

They`re like an indoor playground.


(1) wants to learn something new .

(2) like to read far more than to write

(3) has no friend and wants to have one.

(4) cares more about having fun than studying.

(5)is full of wit and humor in his or her daily life.



쓰느라 많이 힘들었어요 .

문제 답 적어주시고 해석 해주시면 감사합니다.

중요한 숙어 까지 따로 해석해주시면 감사합니다

내공 100걸꼐요



profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1.Rice is one of the most importnat food crops in Asia.

쌀은 아시아에서 가장중요한 식품이다.

(1) Much of it is grown in the warm lowlands. 

많은쌀은 따뜻한 저지(低地)에서 자란다.

(2) the first step in planting rice is to make the field even.

쌀은키우는데 첫번째로 필요한것은 농지를 평평하게 만드는것이다.

(3) Next, a bank of earth about 30 centimeters high is made around the field .

그다음, 30cm정도의높이의둑을 농지의주변에 만든다.

(4) Farmers walk into the water and put small rice plants into the field.

농부들이 물속으로 들어와 쌀씨앗을 뿌린다.

(5) While the rice grows, the fields must keep water.

쌀이 자랄동안 농지에는 물을 그대로 유지해야한다.


<then water is turned into it. > 그다음 물이 그곳으로 들어갈것이다.

정답은 (4)번입니다.

둑을 만들고 물을 넣어야겠죠?


2.다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 ?


Do you have a pet at home? These days, almost everyone keeps at least one pet at home.

당신은집에 애완견이 있습니까? 요즘, 대부분의 사람들은 최소한 한마리의애완견을


 But in most cases , carrying around a pet can be very troublesome.

하지만 대부분의 경우, 애완견을 들고다니는것은 귀찮을수가있습니다.

 Don`t worry anymore! An American company has invented a new product called Puppy Purse.

걱정하지마! 미국의한회사에서 "개가방"이라는물품을 개발했습니다.

 It is a purse for your dog.

이건 당신의 개를 위한 가방입니다!

 All you have to do is put your small puppy in the purse and carry it around on your small puppy in the purse and carry it around on your shoulders.

당신이해야하는것은 그냥 작은개를 가방에 넣고 어깨에걸치면 끝입니다.

 This way, you can be with your lovely pet all the time.

 이렇게 하면 언제나 애완견과 함께 할수있습니다.


(1) Difficulties in Raising a Pet. 애완견을 키울때의 불편함

(2) How to Select a Healthy pet. 건강한 펫을 고르는 방법

(3) Why Smaller Pets Are Popular 작은 펫이 왜 인기가 있는가

(4) Live a Healthy Life with a pet 애완견과함께 건강한삶을!

(5) Carry Your Pet Everywhere You Go 당신이가는곳어디나 펫과함께!


정답은 (5)번입니다.

여기까지 개를가방에넣고 어디든갑시다~뭐이런이야기를 하고있습니다.


3. 다음 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


A student with a cell phone in the classroom is the one who (   빈칸      ) .

교실에서핸드폰을 쓰고있는 학생은 (     빈 칸        )다.

 When l was teaching ,

내가 가르치고 있을때,

l saw most of the students text-messaging or playing with their phones Text-messaging friedns is more fun than learning about poetry.

문자를 보내거나 폰게임을 하는애들을 많이본다.

문자를보내는것이 시(詩)에대해서 배우는것보다 재밌다고한다.

 The new songs they just downloaded on their cell phones can give them a common topic to talk about . 

핸드폰에방금다운로드받은 새음악은 대화의 주제가 되곤한다.

Classrooms with cell phones are not the place for education any more.

교실에핸드폰이있는것은 더이상 교육을 위한 교실이아니다.

They`re like an indoor playground.

 그냥 실내운동장일 뿐이다.

(1) wants to learn something new .새로운것을 배우고싶어하다

(2) like to read far more than to write 쓰는것보다 읽는것을 무지 좋아하는다

(3) has no friend and wants to have one. 친구가없어서 사귀고싶어하는

(4) cares more about having fun than studying. 공부하는것보다 재미있는것에

관심이 있는

(5)is full of wit and humor in his or her daily life.

그나 그녀에게는 유머감각이나 지혜에 가득차있따.


정답은 (4)번입니다. 그말그대로 핸드폰갖고 교실에서 노는애들이

무슨공부를 하겠냐 이것이 주제입니다.


여기까지 한결과 그렇게 중요한숙어는 없는것같습니다.

저도 님이 쓴만큼 열심히 답해드렸습니다.

암튼 수고하세요~













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