영어 수행평가 검사 해주세요

영어 수행평가 검사 해주세요

작성일 2020.10.09댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

원래 한글날 전에 다 받으려고 했는데 못 받았어요
당장 다음주에 이거 외워서 말하기 수행평가 해야 되는데...ㅎㅎ제가 쓴 거에서 어색하거나 문법적으로 이상한거 있으면 수정 해주세요. 수행평가는 영어 원서 읽고 독서 감상문 쓰기예요.
그림은 신경 안 쓰셔도 돼요.

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첫 사진

아랫줄 1박스: 'The setting of the book is Manor Farm, which is renamed Animal Farm,'

아랫줄 3박스: 'The book criticizes the corruption of communist leaders'

두번째 사진

1박스: 'My favorite character from the book is Snowball because he is very smart and just.' (꼭 바꿔야 되는건 아니지만, 한 문장으로 합치는 게 더 자연스러워요). He tries to reform the farm against the dictatorship of Napoleon.'

2박스:'At the end of the book, the pigs become just like humans that the animals had hated. The pigs stand on two feet and play games with humans.

3번째 사진

'Napolean is an aggressive leader in Animal Farm. Squealer is an opportunist and is good at speaking...Boxer is a diligent worker and is respected by the other animals on the form. Jones is a lazy farm owner who wants to get his farm back from the animals.

"This book is about animals that revolutionize against humans. The animals make the 'Seven Commandments' and memorize it. But Napoleon, a leader of the farm, starts to break the rules and dictates the other animals. So Snowall, a smart pig, tries to reform the farm and insists on building windmills. But Napolean uses his hunting dog to kick Snowball out. And Napolean tells the other animals that he had insisted on building windmills. Napolean and his henchman, Squaler, begin to modigy the 'Seven Commandments' and act like human beings. At the end of the book, Napolean and the other pigs play games and drink with other humans. The other animals become confused about who the humans are and who the pigs are. I think this book was written to criticize political leaders. Like the pigs in this book, many leaders act only for their..."

"I realized that one person should not have too much power to keep society from falling apart. Humans aren't different from the pigs in this book because humans are opportunists and selfish too. "

"But Napolean changed these commandments the way he wanted to and stopped following the rules. At the end of the book, the pigs played games with humans and acted just like the humans that they had hated...In order to not fall apart, society has to share power with many people.

(포함 돼있지 않는 내용은 다 괜찮습니다.)

영어 첨삭 필요하시면 아래 링크 확인해주세요.


영어 수행평가 검사 해주세요

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고등학교 영어 수행평가

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