영문 에세이 피드백좀 부탁드립니다. <내공 100>

영문 에세이 피드백좀 부탁드립니다. <내공 100>

작성일 2017.04.07댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영문 에세이 피드백좀 부탁드립니다. 학교 숙제인데 평가 항목은 content points, production and coherence, range, accuracy입니다. 문법적인 부분 위주로 수정해주시면 감사할게요~

에세이에 들어가야 할 항목들은 아래와 같습니다. 250자 내외이구요~

주제 : what are the main effects of the increasing use of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twiter, etc?

a paragraph discussing the following : students spend a lot of time on them schoolwork suffers

a paragraph discussing the following : easy to bully people stress

a paragraph discussing the following : too much personal data dangerous situations crime

a conclusion


Have you ever used social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on? Recently, most people use social networking. Social networking have negative aspects and positive aspects. Recently, the negative parts have become very serious. The negative impacts are affecting many people, including students and office workers. In my opinion social networking should be regulated for the following reasons.


first. Students are spending too much time on social networking. These behaviors may interfere with students studies. There are definitely students have to study before they go into society. But by using too much time in social networking, students focus on the ideal world rather than reality. For example, students can failed a test that determines something important in life.


what about other people besides students? People are bullying others using the anonymity of social networking. Some people get a lot of stress from this bullying. We call this cyber bullying. because of this cyber bullying, many celebrities are taking legal action. For example, a famous actor, Brad Pitt, recently went on trial for an insulting comment about his family.


 The last reason is that it can cause crime. Through social networking, people share a lot of information. Examples of their personal information include plans, birthdays, and addresses. Sometimes the sharing of this information can lead to crime. As an example, a crime may occur that uses someone else's information to open another person's account.


Nevertheless some people tell me that social networking should not be regulated because it makes intimates people each other. Of course, social networking make wider global communications and people can learn to understand each other better. But what is more important? regulate social networking to prevent the crime or a function of people's information sharing?


In conclusion, social networking make a lot of problems and we have to regulate social networking. Of course, there are some positive aspects, but negative aspects such as crime can’t overlooked. It is clear that need to regulate the elements of social networking that can cause crime.

#영문 에세이 #영문 에세이 사이트

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

아래에 다른 색으로 표시된 부분들은 다른 문제점을 나타냅니다. 완성되지 않은 에세이의 문법을 고치는 것은 별 의미가 없으므로 표시된 부분이 왜 그렇게 표시되었는지 생각해 보세요 ( 에세이를 잘 쓰고자 한다면. 그런거 관심없으면 패스 ) 

black bold : simple grammar/punctuational mistake

blue bold : awkward / ambiguous

red bold : doesn't make sense.

green bold: unnecessary or repetitive

purple bold: structural problem

Have you ever used social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on? Recently, most people use social networking. Social networking have negative aspects and positive aspects. Recently, the negative parts have become very serious. The negativeimpacts are affecting many people, includingstudents and office workers. In my opinion social networking should be regulated for the following reasons.


first. Students are spending too much time on social networking. These behaviors may interfere with students studies. There are definitely students have to study before they go into society. But by using too much time in social networking, students focus on the ideal world rather than reality. For example, students can failed a test that determines something important in life.


what about other people besides students? People are bullying others using the anonymity of social networking. Some people get a lot of stress from this bullying. We call this cyber bullying. because of this cyber bullying, many celebrities are taking legal action( How does it support your urge - SNS should be regulated? ) . For example, a famous actor, Brad Pitt, recently went on trial for an insulting comment about his family.


 The last reason is that it can cause crime. Through social networking, people share a lot of information. Examples of their personal information include plans, birthdays, and addresses. Sometimes the sharing of this information can lead to crime.( New idea? ) As an example, a crime may occur that uses someone else's information to open another person's account.


Nevertheless some people tell me that social networking should not be regulated because it makes intimates people each other. Of course, social networking make wider global communications and people can learn to understand each other better. But what is more important? regulate social networking to prevent the crime or a function of people's information sharing? ( you should never use question mark in high school level essay writing ) 


In conclusion, social networking make a lot of problems( this was not addressed in your thesis, conclusion should not introduce new idea ) and we have to regulate social networking. Of course, there are some positive aspects, but negative aspects such as crime can’t overlooked. It is clear that need to regulate the elements of social networking that can cause crime.

Few friendly tips.

#1. Follow structures. Thesis, main sentence, supporting sentences... etc

#2. Brainstorm first. 

#3. Only introduce new ideas in main sentence. Others should always support main sentence. 

#4. Most simple grammatical mistakes are from subject / tense mismatches. Make sure they are correct ( easy to catch and fix ) 

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

James 입니다.  답변드리죠.

Have you ever used social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on? Recently, most people use social networking. Social networking have negative aspects and positive aspects. Recently, the negative parts have become very serious. The negative impacts are affecting many people, including students and office workers. In my opinion social networking should be regulated for the following reasons.

첫문단에는 Introduction 으로 general statement 로 시작하여 Thesis statement 로 마무리를 짓죠. 하지만 General statement 가 조금 빈약합니다. 우선 질문으로 SNS로 관심을 끌어내고 많은 사람들이 사용한다 하자마자 바로 본점으로 넘어가버리면 좀 갑작스럽습니다. 사람들이 어떻게 그 SNS를 사용하는지 좀더 구체적으로 넣으면서 본점에 SNS의 단점을 부각시키기전 장점으로 인해 사람들이 많이 사용하지만 단점 또한 있다는 것을 드러내는 것이 좋을 듯 합니다.

두번째로 Thesis statement 에는 주제를 드러내면서 3가지 정도 되는 main reasons 이 필요합니다.

문법적으로는 얼핏 보면 맞지만 Social networking 이란 말을 너무 자주 사용하시니 synonym 사용하여 다른 걸 넣어주세요. 같은 형태로 negative impact and negative parts 또한 다른 부분으로 고쳐 주시길 바래요. 참고로 두문장을 한문장으로 엮을 수 있음 엮어주세요.(단 두문장의 연계가 있을 경우)

또한 In my opinion 이런건 넣지 않으셔도 됩니다. 깐깐한 교수일 경우 별로 안좋아합니다.

이미 이글을 작성하신 이상 질문자께서 내신 의견임을 알기에 굳이 적을 필요없습니다.


first. Students are spending too much time on social networking. These behaviors may interfere with students studies. There are definitely students have to study before they go into society. But by using too much time in social networking, students focus on the ideal world rather than reality. For example, students can failed a test that determines something important in life.

첫 main reason 에서 SNS 의 negative 를 드러나는 이유를 들어야 하지만 무작정 학생들이 사용시간이 길다는 것은 전혀 말이 안될 듯 합니다. 학생들이 사용하여 어떤 부분에 피해를 입는지 구체적인 것들을 제시하세요.

참고로 form 을 드리자면 main reason 안에는 sub reason 적어도 2개가 필요합니다.

즉 sub reason 은 main reason을 뒷받침해야 하며 각 이유를 될 떄마다 정당한 이유와 그 예시를 구체적으로 제시하시는 것이 좋습니다. 

문법적으로 같은 언어를 사용하시지 마시고 paraphrase 하시고 관계사 등을 사용하여 문법을 확실히 해주세요.


what about other people besides students? People are bullying others using the anonymity of social networking. Some people get a lot of stress from this bullying. We call this cyber bullying. because of this cyber bullying, many celebrities are taking legal action. For example, a famous actor, Brad Pitt, recently went on trial for an insulting comment about his family.

좀 더 구체적으로 바꿔주세요. 피해를 입는 당사자를 더 드러내시고 왜 그리고 어떻게 발생하는 지 말이죠. 그렇게하여

그 negative 부분을 명확히 해주시는 겁니다.

문법적인 부분은 더이상 반복적으로 말하지 않겠습니다. 위의 글과 동일하니 한번 수정해보세요.


 The last reason is that it can cause crime. Through social networking, people share a lot of information. Examples of their personal information include plans, birthdays, and addresses. Sometimes the sharing of this information can lead to crime. As an example, a crime may occur that uses someone else's information to open another person's account.

범죄는 위의 부분 또한 포함되는 상황인지라 범죄에 사용된다고 이제 말을 꺼낸다는 것은 뒷북치는 말입니다.

독자가 읽기에 어색할 수 밖에 없죠.


Nevertheless some people tell me that social networking should not be regulated because it makes intimates people each other. Of course, social networking make wider global communications and people can learn to understand each other better. But what is more important? regulate social networking to prevent the crime or a function of people's information sharing?

이부분은 거의 결론과 한 부분이라 봐도 무관한듯합니다.

좀더 수정하여 결론에 붙이시는 것이 좋을 듯 하네요.


In conclusion, social networking make a lot of problems and we have to regulate social networking. Of course, there are some positive aspects, but negative aspects such as crime can’t overlooked. It is clear that need to regulate the elements of social networking that can cause crime.

참고로 결론은 Intro 와 별반 다른 것이 없습니다. 간단히 얘기하면 Thesis statement 를 다르게 표현하는 겁니다. 그렇다고 무작정 paraphrase 한 thesis statement 를 적으시면 안좋습니다.

여러 에세이를 읽기를 추천합니다. 한번 보고 분석 해보심 좋을 듯 하네요.

지금까지 전 guide 해드릴 뿐 직접 수정하지는 않겠습니다. 

한번 해보시고 그래도 해결이 안되시면 글 남겨주세요.

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