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영작 부탁드립니다ㅠ내공有

작성일 2016.01.17댓글 3건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

TED는 미국의 비영리 재단에서 운영하는 강연회이다. 정기적으로 기술오락디자인 등과 관련된 강연회를 개최한다.

"알릴 가치가 있는 아이디어"(Ideas worth spreading)가 모토이다.

TED는 미국뿐만 아니라 유럽, 아시아 등에서도 개최하고 있으며 TEDx란 형식으로 각 지역에서 약 20분 정도의 독자적인 강연회를 개최하기도 한다. 

1984년에 창립되어 1990년부터 매년 개최되었으며 특히 TED 강연회와 기타 다른 강연회의 동영상 자료를 웹사이트에 올려 많은 인기를 끌었다.

초대되는 강연자들은 각 분야의 저명 인사와 괄목할 만한 업적을 이룬 사람들이 대부분인데 이중에는 빌 클린턴앨 고어등 유명 인사와 많은 노벨상 수상자들도 있다.

TED를 현재 이끄는 기획자는 크리스 앤더슨으로 전직 컴퓨터 저널리스트이자 잡지 발행자였으며 새플링 재단에 속해 있다. 2005년부터는 매년 3명의 TED상이 수여되는데 '세상을 바꾸는 소망'을 가진 이들에게 수여된다.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

TED is lectures provided by a noncommercial organization from U.S., which regularly holds various lectures related to technologies, entertainments, and designs, and so on.

The motto is "Ideas worth spreading"

TED is held in Europe, Asia as well as U.S., and also give lectures of its own for about 20 minutes in all parts of the countries as a name of TEDx. 

Founded in 1984, it has taken place annually, and especially, lectures of TED and some others uploaded on its website have taken TED into a high profile. 

The lecturers invited are distinguished figures on each field and those who have made a noticeable achievement, among which are celebrities such as Bill Clinton, Al Gore and many other novel prize winners.    

The present manager of TED is Chris Anderson, a former computer journalist and magazine editor, belonging to Sapling Foundation. Since 2005, three lecturers a year have been awarded the prize of TED, which is for those who have 'wishes of changing the world' 

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

TED is a lecture run by a non-profit foundation in the United States. It regularly hosts lectures related to technology, entertainment and design.

The motto is "Ideas worth spreading".

TED is held not only in the United States, but also in Europe and Asia, and in the form of TEDx, independent lectures of about 20 minutes are held in each region.

Founded in 1984 and held annually since 1990, it has been particularly popular by uploading videos of TED Talks and other lectures to its website.

Most of the invited speakers are prominent figures in their respective fields and those who have achieved remarkable achievements, including celebrities such as Bill Clinton and Al Gore, and many Nobel Prize winners.

TED's current curator is Chris Anderson, a former computer journalist and magazine publisher who belongs to the Saffling Foundation. Since 2005, three TED Awards are awarded every year, and they are awarded to those who have a 'hope to change the world'.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

TED is a lecture series run by an American non-profit organization. We regularly hold lectures related to technology, entertainment, and design.

\"Ideas worth spreading\" (Ideas worth spreading) is the motto.

TED is held not only in the United States, but also in Europe and Asia, and in the form of TEDx, about 20 minutes of independent lectures are held in each region.

Founded in 1984, it has been held every year since 1990, and has gained a lot of popularity, especially by uploading videos of TED lectures and other lectures on its website.

Most of the lecturers invited are prominent figures in their respective fields and those who have made remarkable achievements, among which are celebrities such as Bill Clinton and Al Gore, as well as many Nobel laureates.

TED's current curator is Chris Anderson, a former computer journalist and magazine publisher affiliated with the Sapling Foundation. Since 2005, three TED awards are given annually to those who have \'a wish to change the world\'.

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