개급함 영어 영작 검토좀 고딩미만 출입금지 내공100

개급함 영어 영작 검토좀 고딩미만 출입금지 내공100

작성일 2015.06.16댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

My favorite soccer player is Sergio Kun Aguero. He is now playing at Manchester City which is very famous and popular team.
His position is Striker which is very important and difficult position.
He is now premier league`s hige scorer and best striker. I respect him and I always want to be like him.
So I often see his play, and try to be like him through I play soccer like him.
He is always my best player and I will expect his play forward. Thank you for listening.

이렇게해서 제가 좋아하는 축구선수 발표할껀데요 틀린부분하고 고쳐야할곳좀 알려주세요 개급해서 그런데 내공100걸어요 살려주세요 행님들 내용 추가해주면 감사요 ㅋㅋㅋ

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

My favorite soccer player is Sergio Kun Aguero. He is now playing on a famous and popular team called "Manchester City."
His is a striker, and the tasks are demanding and critical.
He is now a hige scorer and the best striker of the premier league. I respect him, and I always want to be like him.
So I often see his plays and try to play like him.
He will always be my best player. Thank you for listening.


profile_image 익명 작성일 -

잘했네,   근데 2번째문장에서 wich 빼고 걍 두개문장으로 나누는게 더멋질듯




His positin os striker. As you know,  this position is very important thing.


그리고 3번째문장, 자꾸 he is now 쓰는것보단 예를들어


these day he is one of the best soccer players. So not to mention, he's a high score striker in the premier league.


그리고 and try to be like him through I play soccer like him. 에서


and I've been trying to be like him when I play soccer. 가 더 이쁠듯.


그리고 expect 는 기대한다 라고 해석하는건 맞는데... 뭐랄까 느낌이... 그런 기대한다가 아니고.. 아 뭐라설명해야하노, 암튼 그것보단


I hope he continually  show me a good soccer.


뭐 발표하는것 같은데 딱따한 문법같은거 맞추는것보다 이게더 나음 더 잘 까먹지도않고.


대충 정리해서 표본을 만들자면,


Hi guys~ As you know I will introduse to you about my favorite soccer player.


My favorite soccer player is Sergio Kun Aguero. He is now playing at Manchester City which is very famous and popular team.


His positin is striker. As you know,  this position is very important thing.


well... these day he is one of the best soccer players. So not to mention, he's a high score striker in the premier league.


So I often see his play and I've been trying to be like him when I play soccer.


He is always my best player.


I hope he continually  show me a good soccer.

Thank you~~~~



그리고 팁하나주자면 딱봐도 앞에나가서 발표하는것같은데, 문법같은거 신경쓰지말고 (앞에서 100% 버벅되고 제대로 말하지도못함. 매끄럽게 말하는게 팁포인트임)