영어 문법 맞는지 확인 좀 해주세요 (글 짧고 쉬움)

영어 문법 맞는지 확인 좀 해주세요 (글 짧고 쉬움)

작성일 2024.05.11댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

영어 문법 맞는지 확인 좀 해주세요 (글 짧고 쉬워요! 챗지피티X)

1. First of all, my interest is the brain science field.

2. Did you know that climate change also harms human mental health?

3. Climate change also causes depression and anxiety.

4. I was interested in the fact, so I did my research.

5. And we played activities to solve this problem.

6. My activities are as follows.

7. First, I picked up street trash.

8. I felt a sense of accomplishment here.

9. Second, I did upcycling activities.

10. By practicing it myself, I have developed further.

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profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1. First of all, my interest is in the brain science field.

2. Did you know that climate change also harms human mental health?

3. Climate change also causes depression and anxiety.

4. I was interested in the facts, so I did my research.

5. And we played activities to solve this problem.

6. My activities are as follows:.

7. First, I picked up street trash.

8. I felt a sense of accomplishment here.

9. Second, I did upcycling activities.

10. By practicing it myself, I have developed further.

로 수정하셔요.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1. First of all, my interest is in the brain science field.

2. Did you know that climate change also harms human mental health?

3. Climate change also causes depression and anxiety.

4. I was interested in the fact, so I did my research.

5. And we played did or started activities to solve this problem.

6. My activities are as follows.

7. First, I picked up a or the street trash.

8. I felt a sense of accomplishment here.

9. Second, I did upcycling recycling?? activities.

10. By practicing it myself, I have developed further.

연속된 문장인지 알 수는 없고 일단 문법적으로만 보자면 위와 같은데 뒤에 first second 에 무슨 말인가요?

영어 문법 맞는지 확인 좀 해 주세요!!

영어 문법 맞는지 확인 좀 해 주세요!! 4번째 줄 : help → helped (어머니가 님을 '도와주셨'던 것이므로 과거형이 되어야 합니다.) 7번째 줄 : you were always say me...