영어 편지

영어 편지

작성일 2023.09.04댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

윤동주 시인님께
‘영어’로 ‘가정법 문장이 들어가게’
‘전체 7문장’ ‘최대한 쉽게’
해석과 함께 편지 써주세요….

지금 지식in 질문한 거 두 번 실패해서
세 번째로 질문 올립니다….

번역기 복붙이 아니었으면 좋겠습니다….
최대한 문법에 어긋나지 않았으면 좋겠습니다….

#영어 편지 끝인사 #영어 편지 #영어 편지 인사말 #영어 편지 dear #영어 편지 끝인사 love #영어 편지 맺음말 #영어 편지 끝인사 연인 #영어 편지 예문 #영어 편지 예시 #영어 편지 sincerely

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Dear poet Yun Dong-ju,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you in English, as requested, and I have included seven sentences with subjunctive clauses, as you desired. I have tried my best to keep the translations simple and accurate, while also adhering to proper grammar.

1. If I were a bird, I would fly freely in the sky and explore the world.

2. If I had a million dollars, I would donate a portion to those in need.

3. If it were to rain tomorrow, I would stay indoors and read a good book.

4. If I were to meet you in person, I would express my admiration for your beautiful poetry.

5. If I had more time, I would travel to different countries and experience diverse cultures.

6. If I were to win the lottery, I would use the money to fulfill my lifelong dreams.

7. If I were to have one wish, I would wish for peace and harmony in the world.

I hope these translations meet your expectations and convey the intended meaning. Your poetry continues to inspire and touch the hearts of many, and I am grateful for the opportunity to express my thoughts to you in this letter.

With utmost respect and admiration,

[Your Name]


영어 편지 끝인사

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영어 편지

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영어 편지 쓰기

영어 선생님께 영어편지를 쓰려고 하는 데 마지막에 헤어질 때 인사(Bye)를 넣으려고 하는 데 그냥 Bye만 써도 되나요? I hope you have a pleasant day....