영어 문법 수정

영어 문법 수정

작성일 2023.04.27댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

수행인데 혹시 문법 틀린부분이 있을까요?ㅠㅠ급해요

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ChatGPT(chat.openai.com)에 문법적 오류를 바로잡아 달라고 요청해 보시기 바랍니다. (질문/요청은 한글로도 가능)


'밥정을 업적으로 뽑았다'는 무엇을 말하는지 의미전달이 잘 안됩니다.

'밥정이라는 다큐 영화'는 "임 세프의 삶을 다룬 '밥정'이라는 다큐 영화"라고 표현해야 연결이 자연스럽겠어요.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

번역기 돌리셨나요., 주어가 they가 됐다가 she 가 됐다가 he가 됐다가 하네요.

어색한 단어 조합도 살짝 바꿨습니다.

Rice was chosen as an achievement. Lim Ji-ho learned that his mother, who had lived with him, was not his biological mother. After that, he left the house and searched around the country for traces of his birth mother. In the meantime, he treated the relationships he met on the street as warmly as those with his parents. The movie that contains part of this process is "Rice." As it took 10 years to produce, it made a big impression.

Quality and freshness of ingredients are very important for food makers. Chef Lim Ji-ho prefers to collect ingredients directly from nature. He often wanders around to find fresh natural ingredients. In this way, I chose Chef Lim Ji-ho, who values the quality and freshness of food ingredients and has a good character, to help me fulfill my dream of becoming a chef.

When I investigated Chef Lim Ji-ho, I watched a documentary movie called "Rice Jung." Lim Ji-ho's relationships that could pass by have been like his family for decades, and despite filming a part of the process for 10 years, he felt a lot of affection in the scene where he cooked three meals and ate them together. If I become a chef, I also want to open a restaurant that can fill the stomachs and comfort the family members who come in.

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