영어 수행평가 작성한거 맞춤법좀 봐주세요

영어 수행평가 작성한거 맞춤법좀 봐주세요

작성일 2023.09.16댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Many people in modern society have unhealthy habits that can harm their physical and mental health some of these habits are eating too many midnight meals in insomnia and being addicted to smartphones. In this essay, I will discuss the problems caused suggest possible solutions for them. Eating too many midnight meals can cause weight gain, digestives issues, and hormonal imbalance. The solution is to choose a healthy snack that is low in calories, high in protein, fiber or complex carbohydrates. Insomnia cause sleep deprivation impaired  cognitive function, and weakened immune system. The solution is to exercise a lot. Exercise can improve your physical and mental well-being and help you sleep better at night. Being addicted to smartphones can cause eye strain, neck pain and social isolation. The solution is to limit the use of smartphones and engage in other hobbies or interests that can enrich one’s life. In conclusion eating too many midnight meals. Insomnia and being addicted to smartphones can cause various problems for one’s health and well-being such as weight gain sleep disturbances and social isolation. There fore it is advisable to avoid these habits or to change them in a healthy and moderate way. By doing so, one can improve one’s health and quality of life.

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