영어과제임 급함.

영어과제임 급함.

작성일 2021.01.06댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

1. I am one of the smart animals
I have two long ears, but I am not a rabbit.
I work for people.
I pull a cart or give rides to people.
I am a cousin to horse.
2. I am sad because people call me an ugly fruit.
My body is dark yellow in autumn.
My flower looks like a big golden bell.
My flower is often compared with a girl who is not pretty in Korea.
People make pie or cake with me.
3. I live in an ocean.
I can swim like a fish, but some times I have to come out of the water.
You may think of me as a whale but I am not.
I am a strong marine weapon destroying ships.
Some of my friends are carrying nuclear missiles in them.
4.I am a very useful animal for people.
I am big, but I am very mild animal.
You may drink my milk everyday.
I help farmers during the harvest.
I give my flesh to people after I die.

5. I am the highest authority in the world.
Even a king is under me
I protect your head from cold weather or the hot sun.
I tell other people about the name of your group or organization.
I sit on your head.
6. I am a root of a plant.
I am round.
I have a strong but nice smell and taste.
I am made of many layers.
Usually you can find me on the tables of Chinese restaurant.

수수께끼 라는데 아는 사람? 내공 100건다.

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

1. 말 혹은 코끼

2. 모과

3. 잠수함

4. 소( 젖소)

5. 머리카락

6. 죽순(?)

[급함]영어 과제.. 독해..

... 2. 문법같은거 정리도 해주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다 ^^ [급함]영어 과제.. 독해.. 비공개 질문 13건 질문마감률100.0% 2015.11.21. 17:15...

대학 영어 시험 과제 급함 내공100

2명이서 영어로 30문장 대화를 해야되는데요 주제가 자유라 생각이 잘안나서 창의적인 주제 뭐가 있을까요 영화에 나오는 한장면 30문장 외우면 쉽고 재밌을듯요.

영어 엽서 쓰기 과제/급함!

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매우 급함*중1 영어 과제

Julie bought her sister a doll를 전치사 써서 3형식으로 3형식 아시죠 주어 동사 목적어 로 바꿔주셩ㅁ A doll was bought for her sister by Julie. 입니다~

진짜 급함요 ㅠㅠㅠ 영어 수행!!!

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