esssay 맞는지 봐주세요!

esssay 맞는지 봐주세요!

작성일 2006.10.04댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

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indention 도 봐주시구.
조언도 해주세요!

Hard Choices in Life

The short stories deal with hard choices in life. The characters in the stories must make important decisions. The characters often struggle with these choices, but from the choice, the characters learn a valuable lesson.
In the Short stories "Cold Equations," "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant," and "The First Seven Years,"each character must make a important decision: From each decision, an important lesson is learned.

In the "Cold Equations," EDS pilot Barton must make an important choice, which involves whether to kill Marilyn Cross or not. If Barton chooses to kill her, he and the spaceship will safely reach the destination, and save the people. However, if he chooses to keep her, the spaceship would expend it's last drop of fuel, and crash before it reaches the destination. In the book, it says "The ship will crash then, and you and I will die, and so will the six men" (15). Barton finally chooses to kill her, jettison her in to space. He soon learns that the laws of the space can't be changed.

When the first story "The Cold Equations" deals with life and death, Second Story "The Sheila Mant, the Bass, and River,"the main character must deal with choices between Sheila Mant, and the Bass. If the character chooses to go out with Sheila, he will lose the Bass, and if he had caught the fish, Sheila would leave him. In the end, the main character let the Bass go. It says "I pulled a penknife from my pocket, and cut the line in half" (40). Through his action, the character soon learns to follow what he likes, and not trying to impress somebody.

Apart from the first two stories, In "The First Seven Years,"the old shoemaker struggles between her daughter's marriage. He must decide whether let her daughter to marry and educated man, Max, or the old assistant Sobel who fell love with his daughter. If the shoemaker let her daughter marry Max, she will became rich, but his assistant Sobel will leave him behind. However, if her daughter marries Sobel, they will be poor, but happy. The final decision of shoemaker is let her daughter marry Sobel. It says when the shoemaker says to Sobel "This is too young yet to get married, Don't ask her for two years more, till she is twenty-one, then you can talk to her" (127), The Shoemaker learns from his decision, that it's better not to be too concerned with other people's affairs.

The characters in each stories carefully decided what choice will be a better one. He probably gain or lose something from that choice. At last, when they made their decision, they saw the outcome, and they all learned a lifelong lesson. A lesson that they will never forget!

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네, 괜찮네요.

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에 반점한 다음에 대문자를 쓰셨네요. 그리고 참고로 저는 외국인이나 외교관 같은 사람이 아니라 제가 실수 했을 수도 있네요. 그럼 추석 잘 보내새요

esssay 맞는지 봐주세요!

... 그런거 봐주세요 indention 도 봐주시구. 조언도 해주세요! Hard Choices in Life The short stories deal with hard choices in life. The characters in...