고3 수능특강 지문분석 도와주세요

고3 수능특강 지문분석 도와주세요

작성일 2024.05.20댓글 2건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

이 지문에서 쓰인 어휘, 구문, 어법 설명해주세요 ㅜㅜ

Jean Renoir (1894-1979), a French film director, was born in Paris, France. He was theson of the famous painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He and the rest of the Renoir family were the models of many of his father's paintings. At the outbreak of World War I, Jean Renoir was serving in the French army but was wounded in the leg. In 1937, he made La Grande Illusion, one of his better-known films. It was enormously successful but was not allowed to show in Germany. During World War Il, when the Nazis invaded France in 1940, he went to Hollywood in the United States and continued his career there. He was awarded numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the Academy Honorary Award in 1975 for his lifetime achievements in the film industry. Overall, Jean Renoir's influence as a film-maker and artist endures.

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이 지문에서 쓰인 어휘, 구문, 어법 설명해주세요 ㅜㅜ

Jean Renoir (1894-1979), a French film director, was born in Paris, France. He was theson of the famous painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He and the rest of the Renoir family were the models of many of his father's paintings. At the outbreak of World War I, Jean Renoir was serving in the French army but was wounded in the leg. In 1937, he made La Grande Illusion, one of his better-known films. It was enormously successful but was not allowed to show in Germany. During World War Il, when the Nazis invaded France in 1940, he went to Hollywood in the United States and continued his career there. He was awarded numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the Academy Honorary Award in 1975 for his lifetime achievements in the film industry. Overall, Jean Renoir's influence as a film-maker and artist endures.


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