2016 3월 고2 영어모의고사 29번 풀이

2016 3월 고2 영어모의고사 29번 풀이

작성일 2017.03.23댓글 1건
    게시물 수정 , 삭제는 로그인 필요

Do you know one of the best remedies for coping with family tension? Two words: “I’m sorry.” It’s amazing how hard some people find them to say. They think it implies weakness or

defeat. Nothing of the kind. In fact, it is exactly the (A) same/opposite. Another good way of relieving tension is a row! The sea is ever so much calmer after a storm. A row has another

(B)  advantage/disadvantage.   When tempers are raised, unspoken truths usually come out. They may hurt a bit, especially at the time. Yet, at the end, you know each other a bit better. Lastly, most of the tensions and quarrels between children are (C) natural/risky.   Even when they seem to be

constant, wise parents don’t worry too much.

2016년 3월 모의고사 영어 고2 29번 문제입니다.

이 문제의 지문에서 무슨 숙어가 사용됬는지, 어떤 문법이 사용됬는지 알려주세요.

내공 30드립니다 최대한빨리요!!

#2016 3월 고1 모의고사 #2016 3월 고3 모의고사 #2016 3월 고2 모의고사 #2016 3월 고3 모의고사 등급컷 #2016 3월 고1 모의고사 국어 답지 #2016 3월 고1 모의고사 영어 #2016 3월 고1 모의고사 등급컷 #2016 3월 고2 모의고사 국어 등급컷

profile_image 익명 작성일 -

Do you know one of the best remedies for coping with family tension? Two words: “I’m sorry.” It’s

                      one of 복수명사

amazing how hard some people find them to say.

             어순 : how 형용사 S V 

 They think it implies weakness or defeat.

think와 it 사이에 접속사 that 생략

Nothing of the kind. In fact, it is exactly the (A) same/opposite. Another good way of

relieving tension is a row! The sea is ever so much calmer after a storm. A row has another

relieving이 tension을 수식하는 현재분사(해석: ~하는)

(B)  advantage/disadvantage.   When tempers are raised,

수동태 be p.p

unspoken truths usually come out. They

 unspoken이 truths를 수식하는 과거분사 (해석: ~된)

may hurt a bit, especially at the time. Yet, at the end, you know each other a bit better. Lastly,

most of the tensions and quarrels between children are (C) natural/risky.  

핵심주어, most of 복수명사 + 복수동사 (are)

Even when they seem to be constant, wise parents don’t worry too much.

                 숙어: ~처럼 보이다

혹시 더 궁금하신점 있으시면 1:1 질문 주세요 ^______^

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