천재교육 엉어 고1 이창봉 1과 본문 [내공100]

천재교육 엉어 고1 이창봉 1과 본문 [내공100]

작성일 2014.04.05댓글 1건
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천재교육 영어 고1 이창봉 1과 본문좀 올려주세요.

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Lesson 1 Learn How to Learn

A Special Feature: Interview with the President of the Egghead Club

This month, Teenzine features an interview with Gyeongtae Lee, President of the Egghead Club. The club consists of students who didn't use to do well on tests but have greatly improved their test scores with their own study methods. Its members provide other students with their studying tips.

Teenzine : Could you please briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Lee : Sure. I'm a senior at Jeil High School. I used to have a hard time studying, but now I enjoy studying and have confidence in taking tests. I'm glad to share my studying tips with the readers.

Teenzine : Yoy said that you used to have a hard time studying. Could you tell us more about that?

Lee : Well, I think I was considered a poor student. I couldn't remember well what my teachers taught me in class. Besides, I lacked concentration skills. I couldn't even sit still for an hour to study because I got bored easily.

Teenzine : Then, what made you change and enjoy studying?

Lee : Two years ago, I happened to read an article about learning styles. The article said, "Everyone has different learning styles. So you need to develop your own learning strategies." I followed the advice, and now here I am.

Teenzine : So, you discovered your own learning styles and developed new study habits?

Lee : Exactly. I found that I am a kinesthetic learner as well as a group learner. Kinesthetic learners rely heavily on motion to learn. To memorize something, I move around while reading aloud. When I can't move around, I close my eyes and writes words in the air with my finger. Another characteristic of kinesthetic learners is that they find it hard to sit still for a long periods of time. So, while studying at home, I take a 3 to 5 minutes break after 20 to 30 minutes of study.

Teenzine : Interesting. You said that you're also a group learner.

Lee : That's right. I prefer discussing unclear things with others rather than trying to figure them out by myself. I found out that that's a characteristic of group learners. Group learners learn more easily when they study with other people. So, I made a study group, and now I study with my friends. I think I learn better that way.

Teenzine : OK. I'm afraid it's time to wrap up. Any final piece of advice for our readers?

Lee : Like I said, we all learn in different ways. No single method works for everyone. You have to first discover what kind of learner you are and then develop your own learning strategies. To do that, the first thing you have to do is to go through the learning style test. So, why don't you give it a short? It's worth trying!

Teenzine : I'm sure our readers will benefit from it. Thank you for your time.

Learning Style Preference.

Below are the descriptions of the characteristics of some major learning style preferences. They will give you useful information about ways in which you learn best.

Visual Learners

To remember a phone number, you may "see" in your mind's eye the number on the piece of paper, picturing it exactly as you write it down. You may be good at spelling but easily forget names. While in class, you like to keep an eye on the teacher by sitting in the front. You learn well from seeing words. You remember and understand information better when you read it. You take notes of lectures if you want to remember the information effectively.

Why don't you ~~~?

-make an outline of key points in charts

-copy what's on the board

-highlight, circle, or underline important points

Auditory learners

To memorize a phone number, you will say it out loud and then remember how it sounded to recall it. You are good at explaining things. You are also a good language learner. You learn best by listening to explanations. You may remember information by reading aloud or moving your lips as you read. You benefit from listening to audio files, lectures, and class discussions. You learn better by using a voice recorder to practice and teaching other students.

Why don't you ~~~?

-teach other students

-repeat facts with your eyes closed

Kinesthetic Learners

To memorize a phone number, you may remember the pattern of your fingers as you press the numbers. You are good at sports but not great at spelling. You can't sit still for a long periods of time. You learn best by experience, by being physically involved in classroom activities. You remember information well when you touch and work with materials. You learn better by actively participating in experiments, field trips, and role-playing.

Why don't you~~~?

-take a break regularly

-use flash cards

Group Learners

You learn more easily when you study with others. Group work helps you learn and understand new information. You will be more successful in completing a project when you work with others.

Why don't you ~~~?

-study with others

-participate in group discussions

Individual Learners

You learn and think better when you study alone. When you work by yourself, you remember information and understand new materials best, and you can make better progress in learning.

why don't you ~~~?

-study alone in a quiet place

-use computers or media players

(Extended Reading)

Do you want to do well on tests? The key lies in developing good note-taking skills. You must be able to take good notes of what your teacher says in class. To do so, here are two things you should keep in mind.

One is to keep your attention focused on what your teacher is saying. Listen for 'signal statements' that tell you what your teacher is about to say next is important. You don't want to miss it. Examples of signal statements are " The most important point ...." and "Remember that ...." Be sure to include in your notes the information that your teacher repeats or writes on the board.

The other is to write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by shortening words, like using info intead of information, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short phrases instead of full sentences. By following these tips, you will have better class notes and they will help you to be well prepared for test.

Q What is NOT mentioned as a tip?

ⓐ Include in your notes what your teacher repeats.

ⓑ Highlight signal statements and memorize them.

ⓒ Shorten words and use symbols when taking notes.




Lesson 2 Names Tell Stories

What is your name? What does it mean? You may have a story behind your name. There are often stories and meanings behind people's names. We can also find some background stories of food names and places names. These stories behind names often tell us interesting historical facts.

Place Names

Studying the origins of place names is an interesting way to learn about history. For example, many city names on the East Coast of the U.S. tell us about those cities' colonial history. When the original setters arrived in the new land, they often named their new settlements after their hometowns. They wanted a name that reminded them of the hometowns they left behind. For instance, the former name of New York was New Amsterdam. It was the Dutch who first came to this new land, and they named their new city in memory of a city in Holland. Later, New Amsterdam was changed into New York when the British took over the land. The British renamed the city New York after York, a town in northern England.

Many city names on the West Coast, on the other hand, reflect the fact that the early settlers in this area were Spanish. Los Angeles(The Angels) and Las Vegas(The Valleys) are example of Spanish city names. There are also many cities whose names start with San, a Spanish word meaning 'saint'. Cities such as San Francisco, San Diego, and San Jose were named after famous Catholic saints by Spanish settlers.

Food Names

Food names often have interesting stories behind them. Do you like hamburgers? Hamburgers have now become one of the most popular foods in the world. There have been quite a few historical stories about where hamburgers began with the Mongols. While the Mongols were traveling on their horses to conquer the world, they kept beef or other meat under the saddles. The meat turned into flat patties as it was sandwiched between the saddles and the horse's back. The meat became tender enough to eat raw.

Later, as the trade increased in the world, this idea was brought to Hamburg, Germany. German people cooked the meat patties in the shape of a steak, and the food was then known as Hamburg steak. When this food got to America early in the 19th century, somehow it was put between two slices of bread. People called this new food hamburger.

There is also an interesting story behind the words beef and pork. Have you ever wondered why people say beef steak instead of cow steak, and pork cutlet instead of pig cutlet? In English, the words beef and pork are used to refer to the meats of the animals cow and pig.

The story is tracked back to the time of the Norman Conquest of England. In 1066, there was a very important event in the history of the English language. The Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror, invades England. After that, England was ruled by the French for most a century. The French people killed most of the English noble class and made the English commoners their servants. The English commoners spoke English while the French noble class spoke French. Thus, two languages were spoken in one country at the same time.

It was the English commoners who looked after the livestock. They called the animals cow and pig because these were their English names. However, when their meats were served on the dinner table for the French noble class, they were called boeuf and porc, which later became the Englush words beef and pork.

People's Names

People's names also reflect the important part of history. We can find a good example from the names of African-Americans. According to the U.S. Census, the "blackest" last name in America is Washington. About nine out of ten people that have Washington as their last name are African-Americans. Why is the name Washington so popular among African-Americans?

The answer goes back to their sad history of slavery. The slaves often didn't have a last name. After the American Civil War, freed slaves need their own last names and had to choose their names for themselves. Washington was one of the their popular choices. It was because George Washington was the only president to free his slaves among the twelve presidents who owned slaves.

Another popular last name for African-Americans is Howard. Many blacks chose this name after General Oliver O. Howard, who fought for the freedom of the slaves during the American Civil War.

History is a story of people; that is , our stories of living over the ages. These stories are reflected in the names of many things, such as names of the places, food, and people. Tracing the origins of the names provides us with not only interesting facts but also an important insight in understanding history.

(Extended Reading)

Unfortunate Names

Stan still, Jo King, Doug Hole, and Justin Case are among some of the country's most unfortunate manes. These names sound like a bad joke, but the 'Most Unfortunate Names in Britain' list even includes Mary Christmas, Paige Turner, and Barry Cade.

There must be huge embarrassment every time they have to introduce themselves to other people, especially to a crowd. In their school days, even their teachers must have had to hold back their smiles sometimes. Parents really do need ti think carefully when choosing names for their children,

In the United States, there are also funny examples of people who have interesting names related to their _________________. The names include Dr. Leslie Doctor, Dr. Thoulton Surgeon, and Dr. Payne. And one of the funniest, Dr. Sumey, is likely to invite many lawsuits from angry patients!

There seems to be one advantage, however. These people are not likely to be forgotten. Retired airman Stan Still said, "When I was in the Air Force, my officer used to say, 'Stan Still, get a move on' and roll about laughing. I think everyone in my team still remembers my name."

Q 1 Match the following name with the associated expression.

(1) Stan Still * * dug hole

(2) Jo King * * just in case

(3) Doug Hole * * sue me

(4) Justin Case * * stand still

(5) Sumey * * joking

Q 2 Choose the best one for the blank.

ⓐ hometowns ⓑ professions ⓒ childhood



4과 Accidents Happen!

고1 천재(이창봉)

Hi, everyone. I am Dr. Jennifer Kim. It's a great pleasure to be invited to your class. When your teacher asked me to give you talk about how to treat some of the most common injuries, I thought that it was a great idea.

We all want to live a healthy life. However, accidents will happen and you may suffer from injuries. It is important to be prepared for unexpected injuries that can often occur in your everyday life. If you know what to do when you get injured, you ca reduce the pain and healing time.

Here are th four most common injuries you may suffer from: ankle sprains, minor cuts, scrapes, and minor burns. Let's talk about how to take care of yourself when these injuries occur to you.

Ankle Sprains

I'm pretty sure that some of you have sprained your ankle while playing sports. When you sprain your ankle, it is very important to take appropriate actions immediately after the injury. By doing so, you can prevent further damage and reduce pain. you can also help yourself recover quickly.

Now, let me ask you what you thinks the right treatment for an ankle sprain is. do you think you should apply ice or a warm towel to the injured ankle? If you answered ice, you're right. Never put a warm towel on sprained ankle. It will worsen the injury.

Now, look at the picture on the screen and observe the steps you should take when an ankle sprain occurs.

First, immediately after the injury, try not to move. Rest your ankle above the level of your heart.

Apply ice to the injured area. It reduces swelling and pain. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Use a thin towel to wrap the ice, or use an ice bag. Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time.

Take a 30-minute break before you apply ice again. Keep icing the ankle for the next few hours.

When swelling goes down, you may move around. However, don't put weight on the injured leg. Try to move with the help of others. Go see a doctor and get your ankle checked.

Minor Cuts

Cuts are one of the most common injuries in our daily lives. You may get a paper cut or cut your finger with a knife while cooking in the kitchen. Most cuts affect only the top layer of the skin and do not do much damage. However, if the bleeding doesn't stop within a few minutes, this is a sign that you should go see a doctor and get your wound stitched. For minor cuts, however, you may follow these simple tips.

1. Make sure no dirt, glass, or other material remains in the wound.

2. Cleanse the wound. Soap and water will do. Dry the wound. Apply antibacterial ointment.

3. Put a bandage on the wound for protection.


Scrapes are often caused by falls onto the hands, elbows, or knees. Scrapes are usually much more painful than cuts. However, most scrapes that we suffer from in our daily lives heal quickly. Now, here's what you should do to treat a scrape.

1. Remove all dirt and foreign matter from the wound.

2. Wash the wound with soap and warm water.

3. If the wound is large and continues to bleed, put a bandage on the wound. The bandage must be removed if it gets wet. Change bandages until the wound is completely dry.

4. You can apply some ointment to keep bandages from sticking to the wound.

Minor Burns

You may burn your hand or other parts of your body while cooking in the kitchen. Most burns are minor and will heal on their own. But they are still painful. The following are the steps you should take to reduce pain and to heal quickly.

Immediately after the injury, run cool water over the burned area until the pain is relieved. However, do not use ice to cool the burn. Don't apply cream or ointment without a doctor's advice. In a few hours, blisters may form on the burned area. Be careful not to break the blisters. Keep the area clean and let the blisters break by themselves.

Remember! Accidents happen, and it's very important to know exactly what to do when you're injured. I hope you stay healthy during your high school years. Thank you.



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